National Assessment & Testing

Feedback Questionnaire: 2016 Fall Startup Event

  1. Did this contest have enough questions accessible to new competitors?Yes / No
  2. Did this contest have enough questions to challenge experienced competitors? Yes / No
  3. Do you disagree with any of the answers on this contest?Yes / No
  4. Are you aware of any other errors in the test, answers, or solutions for this contest? Yes / No
  5. Did you find the administration instructions easy to understand and follow? Yes / No
  6. Did you find the answers to Frequently Asked Questions useful? Yes / No
  7. Did you find the answer key easy to understand and use? Yes / No
  8. Did you find our solution guide easy to understand? Yes / No
    Will you and your students make use of our solution guide? Yes / No
  9. Did you find it easy to understand and use the spreadsheet for submitting scores? Yes / No
  10. Do you feel that your students learned something by participating in this contest?Yes / No
  11. Do you like the thirty-minute, one-hundred-question format of this contest? Yes / No
    Do you like the no-calculator, free-response format of this contest? Yes / No
  12. Did you like the distribution of topics on this contest? Yes / No
  13. What is your overall opinion of this contest?Terrible / Poor / Mediocre / Good / Excellent
  14. Would you recommend this contest to other math team coaches? Yes / No
    If yes, please do! Remember that new schools can use the coupon code “FirstAll4” to sign up for all four contests for just $50. Also, if a new school thanks you when they register, your school will get a $25 credit toward next year’s contests!

  1. If your team earns a school award, who might be interested in a press release?
  2. In which mail-in math contests does your team participate?
  3. Which face-to-face math contests does your team administer or attend?
  4. What other coaches in your area might like us to contact them about our competitions?
  5. Would you like to register for any of our other contests at a cost of $40 each or $100 for all?
    The 2016 Team Scramble on Thursday, November 3rd, 2016
    The 2016 Ciphering Time Trials on Thursday, December 8th, 2016
    The 2017 Four-by-Four Competition on Thursday, February 2nd, 2017
  6. Would you like to administer a Middlementary Math Bonanza for just $10? Yes / No
    (You’ll use the coupon code “FirstMMB”.)
  7. Do you have any additional comments?

Name: ______School: ______