25th May
Dear Parents/carers,
As you know the Nursery building will be used as a Polling Station on Thursday 8th June and this means it is not safe for the children to be on site. Our original plan was to use the day for a trip as the Nursery will be closed but this idea has had to be revised.
After Half Term the children will be commencing a block of six Forest School sessions so we will start with our first foray into Walker’s Woods on that Thursday 8th June. This way we can still offer a 2 and a half hour Nursery session to both the Morning and Afternoon class.
There will be no Lunch Club that day as the Early Years site will be closed except as a meeting and dismissal point. We can offer the full day to those who usually stay on a Thursday but you will need to arrange for your child to have lunch off premises. It will also mean your child will do two Forest School sessions in one day.
There will be sign-up sheet on the Nursery door for volunteers who would like to join us in the woods that day – and for any of the following sessions (listed below).
On Thursday 8th June Morning Class will meet at the far gate on the corner of Hurren Close to assemble upstairs above Reception Classes at 9am as usual – it will be signed –staff will dismiss the children from there at 11.30.
Afternoon class will also meet at the far gate on the corner of Hurren Close to assemble upstairs above Reception Classes at 12.45pm as usual, and staff will dismiss the children from there at 3.15
We will provide over-trousers for the class to wear and if it is wet we will also provide Forest School jackets. All sessions will take place even if the weather is wet. Please make sure your child is dressed in suitable shoes for the day, and both long sleeves and long trousers to cover the skin and protect from nettle stings, bramble scratches and gnats! There will be a mud patch to play in so anything machine washable is recommended. If it is a hot day sunscreen and a hat is highly recommended
Jo is our Forest School Leader so please direct any queries you may have about Forest School to her.
Many Thanks
Ellie, Jo, Liz & Ruth
Forest School Dates
There will be a voluntary sign-up sheet on the Nursery door if you are able to help at any of these sessions – we require at least 2 helpers per session BUT we welcome as many who would like to come along!
THURSDAY: / June 8 / June 15 / June 22 / June 29 / July 6th / July 13Morning class / *we will have a campfire this day
Afternoon class / *we will have a campfire this day