Name: ______Date: ______

Someone Who Has Made a Difference

An assignment for Unit of Inquiry: Can One Person Make a Difference?

Goal: To research and make an oral presentation with media to the class about a person who has made a difference in our country or globally.

*Presentations must not be longer than 5 minutes in length.

Task / Due Date
  1. Choose a person who has made a difference nationally or globally. *Your choice must be approved by Ms. Willis.
  1. Research information about that person (you may use graphic organizer to help guide you). All rough work must be completed in your Writers’ Workshop books.
  1. Edit and revise information (what will you include/not include?)
  1. Construct your media presentation of your choice (e.g. Powerpoint, Prezi, poster)
  1. Plan/practice your presentation using strategies as per the anchor chart for Making Oral Presentations. Ensure that your presentation is not longer than 5 minutes – you may need to edit your presentation accordingly.
  1. Present to the class.
  1. Submit a reflection of your project (see below).

Reflection: Refer to your rubric to ensure you cover all areas in your reflection. Some questions to consider:

  1. What strategies were successful for my oral presentation? What are some things I need to work on for next time?
  2. How did using a media text help convey my information? Would I use a different media text next time? Why or why not?
  3. What did I learn from this assignment?
  4. What did I do well overall? What do I need to work on for next time overall?

Name: ______Date: ______

Rubric for Someone Who Made a Difference Presentation:

Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4
Oral Comm:
Vocal skills: Clarity, voice, volume, pace, tone is easy to understand.
Language: Uses appropriate words/terminology and engages the audience.
Non-verbal: Uses appropriate body language (good eye contact, facing audience, positive expression)
Visual Aids: Uses visual aids to enhance/support presentation.
Reflection: Identifies strategies that were effective and next steps. / Voice unclear.
Too fast/slow.
Little expression.
Difficult to understand message.
Not appropriate presentation language, some incorrect grammar.
Seldom faces audience, Makes little eye contact or gestures. Does not use expression in voice.
Simply reads off visuals.
Does not identify successful strategies and/or areas to work on for next time. / Voice not always clear.
Slightly fast/slow.
Little expression.
Not always easy to understand.
Not always appropriate presentation language, some incorrect grammar.
Sometimes faces audience, Makes some eye contact and gestures. Uses some positive expression
Heavily relies on visuals for support.
Identifies successful strategies and areas to work on for next time with some effectiveness. / Clear voice.
Well paced.
Friendly, informative tone.
Easy to understand.
Mostly appropriate language including introduction. Correct grammar (no slang).
Faces audience, Makes regular eye contact and gestures. Uses positive expression
Refers to visuals as support only (does not just read off).
Identifies successful strategies and areas to work on for next time with considerable effectiveness. / Very clear voice.
Well paced.
Friendly, inviting, informative tone.
Very easy to understand.
Always appropriate language including introduction. Excellent grammar.
Always faces audience, Makes regular eye contact with many members and gestures. Positive attitude.
Uses visuals as support only (seldom needs to read off visual).
Identifies successful strategies and areas to work on for next time with high degree of effectiveness.
Shows evidence of research.
Shows evidence of using 5 Step Writing Process
Produce published pieces of work.
Spelling/punctuation. / No sources of information have been recorded.
No evidence of organizing of ideas.
No evidence of revision/editing.
Little organization evident. Difficult to understand information.
Many errors. / 1-2 Sources of information have been recorded.
Little evidence of organizing of ideas.
Little evidence of revision/editing.
Ideas are not organized well/not always easy to understand.
Some errors. / 2-3 Sources of information have been recorded.
Evidence of organizing of ideas.
Some evidence of revision/editing.
Ideas are logically developed and easy to understand.
Few errors. / 3+ sources of information have been recorded.
Much evidence of organizing of ideas.
Much evidence of revision/editing.
High degree of effectiveness in presenting information.
No errors.
Media Texts:
Produce a media text appropriate for presentation.
Reflection: Explain how using this media helps communicate message. / Media text poorly supports presentation.
Does not explain how chosen media helps convey message. / Media text supports presentation somewhat effectively.
Explains how chosen media helps convey message with limited effectiveness. / Media text supports presentation well.
Explains how chosen media helps convey message well. / Media text greatly adds to presentation.
Explains how chosen media helps convey message with high degree of effectiveness.

Name: ______Date of Presentation: ______

TIME: ______

Teacher’s Comments:

Learning Goals for Oral/Media Presentation of “Someone Who Made a Difference”:

  1. Gather important information to support ideas for my presentation using a variety of sources (print, electronic). Record the sources I used. (Writing 1.3)
  2. Identify and order ideas for my presentation (using a graphic organizer if required). (W1.5)
  3. Use the 5 part writing process when developing your media presentation. (W2.6, 2.7, 3.6)
  4. Identify and create an appropriate media text to suit the specific purpose and audience for your presentation and explain why. (Media 2.1, 3.2, 3.4)
  5. Demonstrate an understanding of appropriate behaviour for presentations (speaking, voice, language, vocal effects, non-verbal cues, visual aids). (Oral 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7)
  6. Reflection: Identify strategies that were helpful and next steps. (Oral 3.1)

Organizing Ideas (*to be filed in WW workbook)Name: ______

Name of Person to Research:
Personal Information (date of birth, where born, family, other important personal info)
What motivated them to “step-up”?
How did they make a difference?
Who was affected?
What have you learned from this person/Why did you choose this person?
References Used: