- Event held rain or shine. Space limited to first 16 contestants.
- No Entry Fee.
- Entries must be received by Thursday, October 25th, 2007.
- An area measuring approximately 10’wide x 20’deep will be provided on first come basis for each contestant along with a laminated number sign. Positions will be determined by order of sign-in the morning of the event. Check-in from 7:00-8:00 am at the CRC Parking Lot, 101 S. Locust, Centralia. Spoons, napkins, serving cups, ballots, pencils and trash containers will also be provided.
- Contestants must provide their own ingredients, tables, chairs, cooking utensils, serving utensils, stoves and decorations.
- Pre-Selected Judge’s Awards will be 1st Place $100, 2nd Place $50, 3rd Place $25, People’s Choice Awards will be 1st Place $50, 2nd Place $25 plus Trophies. A trophy will be presented for Best Decorated Chili Booth.
- Prep work may be done at home, such as cooking the meat and chopping the vegetables. All assembly of chili must be done on site. NO electricity or water will be provided. Propane turkey fryers work well for cooking chili. No generators please.
- NO glass in cooking area.
- Each contestant must make a minimum of three (3) gallons of chili, although much more is appreciated. Remember there will be a large hungry crowd.
- No beer or other alcoholic beverages will be permitted.
- Contestants are responsible for following the guidelines provided by the Marion County Public Health Department, which are available.
- The official judging by a pre-selected panel of judges will begin at approximately 1:30 at another location. Your chili sample will be collected and placed in a color-coded container at approximately 1:15 and taken to the judge’s location for tasting. Public judging for the People’s Choice Awards begins immediately following the Children’s Parade. The Children’s Parade begins at 1:00 and lasts approximately 30-50 minutes. Awards will be presented following counting of People’s Choice ballots.
- Dispense only a small amount of chili for public tasting. Public judging will end when the first contestant that prepared the minimum 3 gallons is out of chili.
- Contestants are responsible for cleaning up their own booth and surrounding area.
- Judges decisions are final.
- Good luck and have a great time!
Registration Form
Please complete the following information and return to:
Myra Bartlett, 324 East Broadway, P.O. Box 428, Centralia, IL62801
Ph. 532-5643 Fax 532-1021 email:
Evening Ph. 249-6628
Contestant Names and Group Affiliation:
Jim Reincke, Bandit BBQ Competition Crew & Catering
Rod Rodawald, Bandit BBQ Competition Crew & Catering
Frank Venezia, Bandit BBQ Competition Crew
Address:_309 East Lyford Street, Salem, Illinois, 62881______
Day Phone: _618-407-3300__ Evening Phone:_618-548-0048_
Email Address:______
Chili Cook-off sponsored by
Preceptor Delta Sorority