6th grade ELAR
Dear Parents and Cade Bulldogs,
Welcome, I am excited about the new strategies and curriculum your child will be learning this year. Sixth grade is a very important year for your child. This year students will be tested for STAAR in reading and math. To help your child attain the necessary skills, we will be writing, revising, and editing frequently. We will also be reading from various genres to improve their comprehension skills. Reading on a regular basis is a must.
Students will be able to read and understand a wide variety of written texts with a clear controlling idea, coherent organization, and sufficient detail. In addition, students will research strategies such as knowing how to locate a range of relevant sources and evaluate, synthesize, and present ideas and information. Students will demonstrate oral language skills by listening and responding to the ideas of others while contributing their own ideas in conversations and groups. Finally, students will learn how to use the oral and written conventions of the English language in speaking and writing.
· Regular classes will follow the Texas Resource System curriculum.
· Pre-AP Classes will follow the Springboard curriculum.
The students will have a weekly vocabulary and paragraph editing tests; they will need to study for these tests. Weekly assignments will be posted on the Cade website at: http://cms.visd.net/cms/ . I also recommend setting up a parent gradebook account with VISD so that you can monitor your child’s progress.
I will do whatever it takes to ensure your child completes his or her assignments and is successful. Your child must also do their best to attain this goal. Having correct behavior is vital in order to be successful in my class. If a student earns a grade below a 70, they have the opportunity to “redo” the paper for a better grade. This can only be done after your child has attended the necessary tutorials for that assignment. Tests count for (40%), while daily grades are (60%).
Contacts will be made via email or school phone. Parents are encouraged to provide email addresses or a current phone number to the teacher to ensure ongoing communication. I also encourage you to contact me if you have any concerns or questions. Working together is the best way to help your child be successful in school. Also, if your child is going to be absent, please be sure to notify the school.
Students must make up all work they have missed after being absent. It is the student’s responsibility to ask for their work immediately upon returning to school. According to VISD District Policy, students have the same number of days to make up work as they were absent. If a test is missed, the student will need to make an appointment with me.
ALL students will be required to place their cell phones in their backpacks. Backpacks will be placed in a designated area of the classroom PRIOR to the bell.
· 1st offense: verbal warning
· 2nd offense: 3 points off conduct
· 3rd offense: check by name— detention—3 more points off conduct
· severely disruptive behavior –referral- 9 points off conduct
Students are expected to follow the VISD Code of Conduct that was signed during registration. All teachers are required to follow through with disciplinary referrals for violations of school wide rules, including DRESS CODE, unexcused absences and tardiness, class disruption and so forth.
· 1 Composition notebook
· A folder with 2 pockets
· 2 glue sticks
· 1 red checking pen
· Notebook paper
· 1 box of pencils
· 2 boxes of tissues (to be left in students 1st period.)
To help keep in touch, please give me a phone number where you can be reached during the day as well as an e-mail address. I am excited and ready to teach your child. I appreciate your support and look forward to working with you and your child.
Let’s make it a great year,
6th Grade ELAR
Mrs. Gabbert ext.34133
Mrs. Medrano ext. 34149
Mrs. Tomanec ext. 34132
Mrs. Diggs ext.34150
We have read and understand the classroom procedures and expectations.
Periodically throughout the year, we will need to bring in a PG or PG-13 movie or clip that incorporates the content we are learning and helps reinforce the topic. We will need parent permission in order to allow students to view these movies. If you give your permission to watch PG or PG-13 movies, please check the YES line, sign, and return the form to your child’s teacher.
This year the 6th grade curriculum includes: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (PG-13).
Parent Permission Movie Form
6th Grade ELAR