Chapter 24: The Protists – pages 508 – 529

1.  Describe the general characteristics of protists:

2.  Describe the differences between unicellular, colonies, coenocytic and multicellular.

3.  Describe the different types of movement in protists.

4.  How do different types of protist obtain nutrients?

5.  Protists can be free-______, ______or pathogens.

6.  How do protists relate to plankton?

7.  Where can aquatic protists live?

8.  How do most protists reproduce?

Protozoans – The Animal-like Protists

9.  What are the general characteristics of protozoans?

10.  Describe the traits of Phylum Rhizopoda making sure to include where they live, locomotion, feeding, reproduction.

11.  Explain about amoebic dysentery.

12.  What type of amoeba can produce eye infections for contact lens users?

13.  Foraminiferans (forams), Phylum ______

14.  Describe the characteristics of forams.

15.  Describe the characteristics of actinopods, Phylum ______.

16.  Describe the characteristics of zooflagellates, Phylum ______.

  1. Explain how trichonymphs are important to termites.
  1. How is Trypanosoma related to African sleeping sickness?
  1. What do Giardia have to do with diarrhea?

17.  Choanoflagellates (collared zooflagellates), Phylum ______. Describe them.

18.  Ciliates: Phylum ______

19.  Define pellicle:

20.  Describe cilia in relation to Paramecia.

21.  Define trichocysts:

22.  What are hypotrichs?

23.  What are cirri?

24.  Explain the eating habits/diet of ciliates.

25.  How is water regulated in freshwater ciliates?

26.  Differentiate between the types of nuclei in ciliates.

27.  Explain, in detail, the process of conjugation in most ciliates.

28.  Explain how ciliates use binary fission.

29.  Apicomplexans, Phylum ______. Describe their basic characteristics.

30.  What is the significance of the apical complex?

31.  What are sporozoites?

32.  Discuss malaria. How do Plasmodium infect and affect humans?

Algae – The Plant-like Protists

33.  Describe the general characteristics of algae. What makes them plant-like? Why aren’t they classified with plants?

34.  List 5 ways that algae are classified.

35.  How many phyla of algae are there?

36.  Describe the Euglenoids, Phylum ______.

37.  What is paramylon?

38.  Describe the traits of Dinoflagellates, Phylum ______.

39.  Describe the 2 types of flagella in dinoflagellates.

40.  What is fucoxanthin?

41.  What are zooxanthellae?

42.  Describe the steps of dinoflagellate reproduction.

43.  What is the importance of dinoflagellates in marine ecosystems?

44.  Diatoms, Phylum ______. What makes diatoms unique from other protozoans?

45.  What are the 2 basic groups of diatoms?

46.  Explain asexual cell division in diatoms.

47.  How do diatoms form diatomaceous earth?

48.  How is diatomaceous earth used commercially?

49.  Golden Algae, Phylum ______. Give the general characteristics of golden algae.

50.  What is nanoplankton?

51.  Give the general traits of Brown Algae, Phylum ______.

52.  Specifically describe the kelps, making sure to include blades, stipes, and holdfasts.

53.  What is the commercial importance of brown algae – include algin.

54.  Why are kelp forests essential?

55.  Describe the traits of Green Algae, Phylum ______.

56.  What are the various body types of green algae?

57.  Describe asexual versus sexual reproduction in green algae.

58.  Describe the traits of Red Algae, Phylum______.

59.  What is the significance of phycoerythrin and phycocyanin for red algae?

60.  What are some of the commercial uses of red algae?

61.  How is red algae important to coral reefs?

Slime Molds, Water Molds – The Fungus-like Protists

62.  Why are these protists considered to be like fungus?

63.  What are the general features of plasmodial slime molds?

64.  What is a plasmodium?

65.  What happens in a plasmodium lifecycle when food or moisture decreases?

66.  What happens once conditions become favorable again in the plasmodium lifecycle?

67.  Describe the characteristics of cellular slime molds, Phylum ______.

68.  What happens to a cellular slime mold when moisture or food becomes scarce?

69.  Describe water molds, Phylum ______.

70.  How do water molds reproduce when food and water are plentiful?

71.  How do water molds reproduce when conditions are adverse?