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Newsletter 4: 13th March 2017


Website: www.starbankschool.co.uk

Bierton Bulletin

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope you enjoyed a couple of sunny days last week. I think we are all grateful for the lighter mornings and nights. The children have been very focused on their learning and we are currently reviewing progress and attainment over the school. Some of the topic work

has been displayed around school and I hope you enjoy looking at these displays at Parent's Evening.

Thank you for the great entries for the TV station competition. The winners and our new logo are listed below. We all enjoyed watching

the first TV show on 17th February. It was just like watching a TV programme at home and the presenters were amazing. More pupils

will become involved as we develop our own skills and decide on how to incorporate into our curriculum. I am working with Mr Dixon

and Mr Bansil to see if we can make the programme available to the wider school community.

Year 1 and 2 attended a Multi Skills competition last week and all did very well . We didn't win however everyone did their best and enjoyed the experience.

Thank you for supporting us with attendance and uniform. We are improving our attendance because children are coming to school on time and every day. We have been reminding pupils to wear 'school' shoes and not trainers or pumps.

I look forward to meeting you daily and being able to have longer conversations at Parent's Evening.

Warm Regards

Mrs S. Portlock

E-Safety Workshop for Parents

There will be an e-safety workshop for parents on Wednesday 15th March at

8.45am in Bierton Road School hall.

Please join us and support us in keeping our pupils safe on line.

World Book Day

Year 4,5,6, Winners.

Hassan Choudhry 6LM

TV Station

The winning logo for the TV station

has been made into a logo by Mr

Dixon. Raees Abbas in Class 1J was

the winner.

Nadia Xena in 4F also won a prize for

naming the station 'iStar TV.'

Zara Rahim in 2W created the strap line 'A star can take you so far!' This

has had the station name added so

Maryam Satter 5K

Chiltern Railway Competition

Thank you for to all the children who entered this competition. All entries have been sent to Chiltern

railways and we have our fingers crossed that

someone from Starbank School will be the winner.

The winning design will be placed on the new

our strap line is 'iStar can take you so far!' Chiltern railway timetables.

We had special assemblies and activities on World Book day. Here are the winners of our World Book day Best costumes!

RA—Emile Sarmadi

Adam Essakhi

Maryam Ali

Incy Wincy Spider 2SA-Miraj Satter 1RB-Mariam Chouhaib Sophia-Loren Pike RSK

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Bierton Road—Tuesday Afternoon Advice Surgery

If you need any help or advice about housing, form completion, job or

benefit information - Please ask at the office for an appointment at

our advice surgery, Tuesday afternoons at Bierton Road.

Wednesday 22nd


Thursday 23rd


Parents Evening

More information to follow

Parents Evening

Tour of London

Saturday 13th May

All seats £15

Trip to Southport Beach

Saturday 22nd July

All seats £15

Friday 24th March

Friday 7th April

More information to follow

Red Nose day—Children must wear uniform. They can wear

a red nose!

Last day of school before the

Contact: Nargis, Christine and Fardowsa at Starbank Site, Pinder House. 2017 2 week holiday

Monday 24th April School Opens. Doors open

8.25am. Bell goes at 8.40am.

On Thursday 9th March our children

participated in a Handball competition

which they went on to win. We played

3 games winning them all. The other

teams involved were Bordesley Village

Primary School and Sommerville

Primary School.

The children received individual

medals and a team trophy.

Well done!

Stop Press!

The staff were asked to take a

photograph of themselves

reading in an unusual place.

Mr Mills took his 'Get Caught Reading' photograph in

Mrs Portlock's Office and she knew nothing about it!

Sufyaan Fazil 6RH, Alisha Hussein 6LM, Amaan

Asfaq 6LM, Samar Khan 5K, Yasin Rashid 5K, Tajwar

Ahmed 5K

Amatoullah Habouchi 5K,

Sara Mohammed 5K, Khalid

Maniam 5R, Joubair Zanahi 4F,

Sudais Ullah 4P,

Rougiyah Sauvage 3U