March 17, 2013
John D’Ambrosia (Dell)
Kathyrn Bennett (IEEE-SA)
CD-ROM 802 Electronic Media Production UpdateAgreement (Passed by SEC 9July98Proposed changes as of March 17, 2013)
1)IEEE 802 is authorized to make CD-ROM 500 electronic media copies once each calendar year, usingwith *.pdf images ofall current 802 standards of the following:
- all current IEEE 802 standards approved and published up to September 30 of the current calendar year
- IEEE ,802 standards that have been superceded, and
- IEEE 802 standards that have been withdrawn,
once each calendar year. ,
2)The CD-ROM electronic media license will limit use to a single user, non-transferable, access.
3)IEEE 802 may distribute the CD-ROMS electronic media to ,bonafidefull-fee registered,IEEE 802 Working Groupparticipants Voting Members (these are the active 802 participants per the IEEE 802 rules). No person shall receive more than one copy of each CD ROM electronic media edition regardless of attendance or participation.
4)3)IEEE Standards Office may sell additional copies of the CD-ROM to other 802 meeting attendees at a discount of ??% on the established retail price.[Bennett, 1]
5)Administrative and production details will be handled in a later within the IEEE 802 Electronic Licensing aAgreement. The IEEE 802 Electronic Licensing agreement is to be updated by the IEEE 802 Recording Secretary and reviewed by IEEE-SA Licensing annually.Will move drafts to the IEEE Server when PC access problems are of current drafts. the Standards Office in pdf format to support Standards OfficeIEEEthe IEEE 802 will continue to make drafts available to
4)[Bennett, 2]
5).Books will be distributed to those participants of the working Group and major contributors listed in front matter of the standard who directly contributed to that standard or supplement[Bennett, 3]
7)6)The 802 Electronic Media Production AgreementThispolicy will be reviewed by both parties each year on an as needed basis to ensure its appropriateness and to make any adjustments in the product development process and business arrangements that might be necessary.
[Bennett, 1]We don’t and won’t sell these.
[Bennett, 2]This is part of the balloting process and does not need to be restated here
[Bennett, 3]This statement does not apply to current process. The indicated individuals are provided with a courtesy copy of the standard when it is initially published.