Academic Senate

10 June 2003

Item 11.1

Report of Plagiarism Cases Considered by the Discipline Committee since 1997

The Deputy Vice-Chancellor(Academic) has requested the Discipline Committee to respond to the following issues:

(i)Could the Discipline Committee provide a report to Senate on plagiarism cases, nature of offences, typical penalties?

(ii)Under the By-Laws, only the Discipline Committee can impose a penalty greater than a 1 month suspension. Does the Committee feel we should try and change the By-Law (not easy)?

In regard to point (i) above the Committee provides the following summary of plagiarism cases considered by the Discipline Committee since 1997.

In regard to point (ii) above the Committee indicated that it would be prepared to consider other arrangements relating to plagiarism which might be suggested whereby Divisions could deal with disciplinary matters which allowed them to impose penalties greater than a one (1) month suspension. It was noted that any such change would require changes to the By-Laws (which would require Ministerial approval).

The Committee also pointed out that a major advantage of the present system was that there was total impartiality and consistency of decisions where such cases were considered by the Discipline Committee.


That Senate note the report on plagiarism cases.

1997 / Submitted substantially the same essay – 2 students
Failed to adequately acknowledge the use of secondary sources by appropriate footnoting – 2 students
Used another student’s assignment without consent.
Inappropriate collaboration for an assignment – 2 students
Improper collaboration for an essay. / Both failed unit.
Both reprimanded – Division to determine grade.
Reprimand – Division to determine grade.
Reprimand – Division to determine grade.
Case dismissed – the collaboration determined to be close to improper
1998 / Removing another student’s essay, copying it and submitting it as his own. Evidence of previous such offence and student had already been receiving counselling for his plagiarism problem.
Copying another student’s assignment from a previous year and submitting it as her own; using large blocks of published articles almost verbatim and not acknowledging them. / Excluded for current semester.
No longer enrolled (graduand) – no action because no jurisdiction.
2000 / Plagiarised material from another source for an essay.
Plagiarised material from a published essay. / Already awarded Fail grade – placed on probation.
Excluded for Half a Year.
2001 / Plagiarised material from another source for Honours Thesis.
Stole another student’s essay and submitted it as their own – repeat offence.
Plagiarism in 2 units.
Plagiarised in take home exam.
Plagiarised in Honours Thesis.
Plagiarised in a group assignment.
Plagiarised in 3 essays. / Already given Fail grade for Honours Thesis – no further penalty imposed.
Excluded indefinitely.
Placed on probation and advised to seek counselling.
Placed on probation for a year and a half.
Fail grade for Honours Thesis Noted – No further action taken.
All 5 students reprimanded – it was noted that they had already been given a fail grade for the unit.
Excluded Half Year.
2002 / Plagiarised in 2 units – repeat offence.
Plagiarised in class tests – 4 instances. Student given warnings for similar allegations in 2000 and 2001.
Plagiarism as above (spouse). / Excluded indefinitely.
Excluded 12 months.
Not considered – person no longer enrolled and advised that an allegation of plagiarism would be referred to the Discipline Committee if they re-enrolled.
2003 / Plagiarism in numerous assignments for one unit.
Plagiarised from published text.
Collusion in take home exam.
Collusion in take home exam.
Submitting someone else’s essay as their own. / Excluded – 6 months
Probation – further 6 months.
Fail grade for unit – placed on probation for 12 months.
Allegation of collusion not proven; student urged to keep work secure and placed on probation.
Student no longer enrolled and therefore not considered. Student advised that a case of plagiarism will be referred to the Discipline Committee if re-enrols.
Student no longer enrolled – not considered and student advised that an allegation of plagiarism will be referred to the Discipline Committee if re-enrols.

Stephen Mu Sung


Discipline Committee

