Kennedy Booster Club Meeting Minutes 3/28/16
Attendance: Angie Dahl, Ruth Lamb, Aaron Stecker, Lori Schoenaur, Terry Chostner, Mark Ross, John Sohn, Stephanie Cory, Darwin Weber, Marv Meier, Steve Harrison, Erin Seely, Kim Corkery, Krista Werling, Alan Averhoff, Troy White, Patty Nolan, Kristin Olejniczak, Mark Green, Lauren Crippes , Linda Williams, Janette Stecker
Coaches Corner: Erin Seely—third year coaching, 70 kids out this year. Purchased ball machine with BC monies. A lot of returning varsity experience and some promising younger players. Working closely with the community—Gems of Hope came in during a rainy day to make bookmarks. They are doing a fundraiser to support U of I children’s treatment center.
Secretary’s Report: Last month’s Secretary’s report was shared. Meeting minutes will be posted on the website and a hard copy is available for pick up at each meeting. Please share first and last name when making motions so names are recorded correctly. Shout out to Lori Schoenaur for taking the minutes the last two months in Janette’s absence. Motion made to approve Secretary’s minutes by Troy White. Motion second by Kristin Olejniczak. Secretary’s minutes approved.
Treasurer’s report: Last Treasurer’s report shared. There was discussion over the Kingston monies, Benchwarmer funds, and Membership allocations. Conversation had and updates will be made due to some discrepancy with numbers. Motion made to approve Treasurer’s minutes by Stephanie Cory—per updated committed dollars report. Motion second by Troy White. Treasurer’s report minutes approved.
Motion made by Terry Chostner to change the ‘2-years to use the committed monies or lose it” rule. Conversation was had about this rule—pros/cons discussed. Motion rescinded, rule will be left as is for now.
Communications: Terry Chostner (interim facilitator)—401.C3 tax code discussion. BC is good with how we are working under that tax exempt law. Still looking to fill the communications position. Need to renew the BC activities domain name;—or make a change. Two options that Aaron has found out about, rSchooltoday is one option, varsitynewsnetwork is another option. rSchooltoday is something we currently use with our activities office and activities with scheduling. Any updates from specific sports are welcome—just send photos with caption/information to Terry.
Fundraising: Terry Chostner—the Benchwarmer fundraiser brought in $28,030 with approximately $12,000 in expenses. (the expenses constitute the weekly winners’ payouts, taxes, and printing)
The Golf Outing will be on July 15. A committee needs to be put together to support all the facets of this event. Notice will be sent to all BC reps—please show up to help. Fee for this event will be raised to $80.
No update on Hy-Vee carwash
Concessions: Krista Werling—spring concession stand volunteer sign up has been sent out. It is strictly on a first come first serve basis. Making a push from the BC reps as well as the coaches to parents to sign up helps to get word out and volunteers willing to sign up. At the current moment, each volunteer slot is worth around $50. If your parents need motivation to sign up, share that dollar amount. Question was raised about how much Krista will need for next year to get the concessions stand up and running again. Krista will look it over and come back with a number she thinks she needs for startup.
Cougar Den: Lauren Crippes and Lori Schoenauer—We are still looking for replacements who are interested in taking the Cougar Den on. The plan is that there are one or two people who will shadow Lauren and Lori next year (2016-2017) so they can spend a year learning before taking over for the 2017-2018 school year.
AD’s Update: Aaron Stecker—nothing new to share.
Old Business: outdoor popcorn machine was purchased with BC support under the agreement that BC can use the machine in the event they have a need.
New Business: Baseball request for $10,000 to support batting cages project funded primarily by Jr. Cougar program. Seeking a temporary $10,000 to finish project that will be repaid as soon as possible, for sure by end of season. Questions fielded about how baseball raises money each year. Motion made to loan baseball the $10,000 by Alan Averhoff—with the stipulation that the loan will be paid off on or before the end of July 2016. Second made by Terry Chostner.
Next meeting will be April 18, 2015, Kennedy IMC 6:30pm
Motion to adjourn meeting by Stephanie Cory. Motion second by Lauren Crippes. Meeting adjourned.