17th November 2015

Dear Parent / Carer,

PARENT/CARER CONSULTATION MEETING WITH SUBJECT TEACHERS: YEAR 10 Thursday 10th December 2015 from 4.00pm – 6.15pm at Harley Grove

On Thursday 10th December 2015 we are holding a Year 10 Parents’ Consultation Evening. We expect you to come with your daughter to meet her subject teachers and to discuss her progress in individual subjects, to ensure that we are working together as well as we can. You will be able to collect your daughter’s most recent Tracks report at this time. This session will run from 4.00pm to 6.15pm and we expect all parents to attend.

Please return the slip below to your daughter’s form tutor to confirm that you are able to attend.

Parents can enter the building via the Bow Road entrance to see teachers in the Dining Hall and the Auditorium. A list of the teachers in each hall will be available on the day. If the teacher you wish to see is talking to other parents, please queue in the designated place or see another teacher who is free. You can see the teachers in any order to minimise your queuing time. Please see all of your daughter’s teachers. You should expect to be in school for one to two hours.

We appreciate that you might like to meet with your daughter’s Head of Year, Ms Brennan; therefore to support this, we are introducing an appointment system. If you would like the opportunity to meet with Ms Brennan on the evening, please call 020 8981 1131 and book the appointment via Ms Menzies in the General Office. Appointments will be available from 4:00pm and the last appointment of the evening will be at 6:00pm.

During the Parents’ Evening a representative from the school’s Governing body will be available in the Auditorium to listen to your feedback, answer any questions you may have regarding governance, or to explain the role of the Governing body at Central Foundation Girls’ School.

Your daughter will be dismissed at the normal time of 3:10pm on the day. She may either go home to meet you, or stay in School and work quietly in the library. If you have a disability or any other additional need, please inform us and we will try to accommodate it.

We are looking forward to meeting you and your daughter/ward at this important meeting.

Yours faithfully,

Ms E. Holland


To: Form Tutor

I confirm that I will attend the Y10 Parents’ Subject Consultation Meeting on Thursday 10th December 2015.

Name of Student: ______Form:______

Signed: ______Date:______