May 6, 2017

Dear OLLRCS Families,

I hope you are enjoying (or already enjoyed) a beautiful weekend! Spring in Michigan is wonderful! Although we have so many ways to communicate with each other, somehow, effective communication continues to be one of the most difficult goals to achieve. As I reflect on the first school year as your principal, and begin to contemplate the 2017-2018 school year, I ask you toplease forgive any communication weaknesses on my part and know that I am constantly striving to improve! This letter is an example! Your student should have come home last Friday (May 5th) with lots of flyers and other items. This letter will explain some of those items and provide other very important information. For this reason, I am emailing this letter to families and will also be sending it home in print on Monday.


Wednesday, May 10th 9 am Mass followed by May Crowning of Mary

Thursday, May 11th First Registration/Re-Enrollment Session 4-6pm

Thursday, May 11thHome+School Meeting 6pm

Friday, Ms. Janetski’s Third & Fourth Graders Field Trip to Lansing

Registration Re-Enrollment Sessions are scheduled in May for the following dates and times:

Thursday, May 11th, 4PM -6PM

Saturday, May 20th, 10AM-12NN

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, May 23, 24, and 25 from 4PM – 6PM

Please call or email the office to sign-up for a session. 989-366-5592

Students will NOT be registered or re-enrolled until parents or guardians attend one of these sessions. There is NO enrollment or registration fee for re-enrolling families.School staff and volunteers will be helping with these sessions.

If you are an “experienced” OLLRCS family, and would like to volunteer to help, please notify the office!

During these Registration/Re-Enrollment sessions, we will askparents and guardians to:

1)Update their family’sRenWeb and FACTS information in the computer lab;

2)Understand and make decisions about options to satisfy requiredFamily Service Hours;

3)Learn about opportunities for volunteering at OLLRCS;

4)Speak with Mrs. Kindermann about anything regarding your child’s education at OLLRCS.

Financial Assistance is limited, but available. Please contact the office this week to learn about the information necessary to help you receive financial assistance.

OLLRCS will be hosting Muffins with Moms after Massfollowing the Saturday and Sunday Masses of Mother’s Day weekend. Please let us know if you can contribute home baked Muffins!

As another way to celebrate Mother’s Day and promote the holiness of life, we are participating in the Baby Bottle Drive to support the Life Choices Resource Center in West Branch. Baby Bottles in each classroom will be ready to fill with loose change donations, and bottles are available to each school family as well. Please return your family’sfilled Baby Bottle by Friday, May 26th. Remember that the Friday before Memorial Weekend, May 26th,

is a full day of school.

Amateur golfers wanted!

The OLLRCS Annual Golf Outing

is Friday, June 2ndand is another

full day of school for students!

Stop by the school office to

register for thisfun day!

Tracy Haggart, our dedicated parent and volunteer, is again organizing the OLLRCS end of the year field day, scheduled for Tuesday, June 6th. Volunteers are appreciated to run games and lead groups. Lunch will be an outdoor picnic style.

Please respond below to volunteer and/or donate for the lunch:

YES! I can volunteer! ______


I can contribute the following food items (bring in by June 5th):


______Koegel Hot Dogs (130 needed)

______Hot Dog Buns (130 needed)

______Watermelon (3-4)

______Chips (80 servings needed)

______Popsicles (60 servings)

______Ice Cream Sandwiches(60 servings)

______Kool-Aid/Lemonade (60 servings)