Trinity Lutheran Church Council Meeting
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Present: Rich Werner,Bev Jerdee, Joanne Tupper, Ellen Franzen, Alice Wanderscheid, Bob Beckman,Andrea Strottmann, Pastor Frey,Mike Babcock, LeRoy Larson, Donna Kubesh, Kim Kuennen
Absent: Jason Rasmussen, Lisa Rude,Susanne Hauge,Kathy Babcock
Guests: Janine Babcock and Sharla Zwanziger
The council meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm. The council members shared their joys and sorrows. Andrea Strottmann provided devotions.
Officer Reports:
- President: No Report
- Vice President: No Report
- Secretary: The minutes of the October 8, 2013 council meeting were reviewed.
Bob Beckman made a motion to approve the minutes. Donna Kubush seconded the motion. Motion approved.
- Treasurer: Ellen Franzen presented the Treasurer’s Report. Donna Kubesh made the motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Andrea Strottmann seconded the motion.
Motion approved.
- Financial Secretary: Alice Wanderscheid presented the Financial Secretary’s Report.
She reported that Trinity had received $240, 310.67 as a bequest from the June Hauth Estate. LeRoy Larson made the motion to accept the Financial Secretary’s Report. Donna Kubesh seconded the motion. Motion approved.
- Pastor’s Report: Awritten report was presented. Pastor Kevin reported that a new member’s class will be held on November 19 at 6:30 pm and invited council members to participate. He also reported that a Men’s Retreat will be held at Camp EWALU on February 7 – 9, 2014.
Bev Jerdee made the motion to accept the 2013 confirmation class as listed below. Donna Kubesh seconded the motion. Motion Carried.
2013 Confirmation Class:
Brandon Bernard Brincks Lexi Rae Rasmussen
Dalton Daniel Brummond Valerie Marie Rinken
Kaylee Jo Buckendahl Coulton Ryan Roberson
Jordon Victor Drewelow Morgan Mae Smith
Michael Lennie Drewelow Carter Howard Stochl
Isaiah Benz Drilling Levi Toby Tank
Nolan Robert Dungey Madison Lynn TeKippe
Kyle Daniel Hale Jacob Allen Usher
Serina Annette Hovden Zach Richard Wemark
Cierra Lynn Kane Mariah Jo Wickham
Sadie Ann Nymeyer
Bob Beckman made the motion to accept the transfer in of Adam Underwood from Redeemer Lutheran Church, New Hampton, Iowa and Lois Logsdon from LeClaire Presbyterian Church, LeClaire, IA. LeRoy Larson seconded the motion. Motion approved.
The 2014 Housing Allowance Resolution for Rev. Kevin Frey was presented.
Mike Babcock made the motion to accept the following Housing Allowance Resolution
for Rev. Kevin Frey:
Rev. Kevin Frey shall receive salary of $38,147.30 for the year 2014. Rev. Kevin Frey
shall also receive a housing allowance of $30,000.00 for the year 2014 and all future years unless otherwise provided.
Donna Kubesh seconded the motion. Motion approved.
Discussion was held on possibly moving the council meetings to a night other than Tuesday during the months of December, January and February. It was decided to hold the December council meeting on Sunday, December 8 with a potluck supper at 6 pm and the council meeting at 7 pm. New members joining the council for 2014 will also be invited to attend.
Ministry Committee Reports:
- Youth: Kim Kuennen reported on various youth activities. These included a haunted house trip. The youth currently are participating in several fund raising activities, including the sale of“Share The Love” certificates and Script GiftCards. A cookie walk is planned for December 7 and 8.
- Building & Grounds: LeRoy Larson reported that the house on the North Lot is now vacant and plans are being made to tear the house down. A $2,100.00 bid has been received for the sale of the salvage in the house. The committee is currently planning to keep the newer garage for storage. The stove and refrigerator are not included in the salvage bid. The stove may be used to replace one of the stoves in the church kitchen.
- Christian Education: Joanne Tupper reported that Sunday School attendance has been stable. The children are currently working on the Sunday School Christmas Program which will be held on Sunday, December 8, during the 10:30 worship service. Joanne also reported that the Sunday School children will be donating their offering money to help purchase a Sukup Shelter for Haitian Relief. Members of the congregation have offered to match the Sunday School offering dollar for dollar up to $500.00.
- Congregational Life: No Report.
- Long Range Planning: Bob Beckman reported that his committee did not hold a November meeting.
- Mutual Ministry: Rich Werner reported that the Mutual Ministry Committee had met with Pastor Frey.
- Social Ministry: Bev Jerdee reported that Giving Tree project will be coming up soon.
- Stewardship: Donna Kubesh noted that the Stewardship Committee had met and decided on the Mission Cross projects for November and December. November’s project will be items to be donated to the local Food Pantry. The December Mission Cross project will be stuffed animals and blankets to be donated to pediatric hospitals.
She reported that the Stewardship Committee had presented a Stewardship Skit at all
three services on the weekend of November 2nd and 3rd.
- TWELCA:No Report.
- Worship and Music: Andrea Strottmann reported that the Worship and Music Committee had met earlier in the evening. She reported that the Polka worship service will be held on October 5, 2014. Andrea reported that they are seeking a greeter coordinator for 2014. A new contemporary service is planned for the third Sunday of each month. The first service will be held on November 17 during the 10:30 service.
Christmas Eve services will be held at 3pm and 5 pm at the church and the barn service will be held at 7 pm at the Griffin Farm.
Congregational Concern/New Business:
- Call Committee Report: Rich Werner, Janine Babcock and Sharla Zwanziger provided the council with information on the progress of the call committee. The call committee announced that they have a candidate that they would like to recommend to the congregation to be called as the Associate Pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church. They requested that the council set a date for a congregational meeting. Bob Beckman made the motion to hold a congregational meeting on Sunday, December 15, 2013 at 11:30 am for the following purposes:
- Approve extending a call to Pastor Cindy Krause to serve as
Associate Pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church.
- Approve a compensation package for Pastor Cindy Krause.
Donna Kubesh seconded the motion. Motion approved.
An open house is planned for Monday, November 18, 2013 from 4 pm – 5:30 pm for
Pastor Krause. Members of the congregation are invited to attend and meet Pastor
- Video Equipment: A proposal was presented from Custom Alarm/Custom Communications, Inc. from Rochester, Minnesota for a new projector and long throw lens for the sanctuary. Discussion followed. Additional information will be gathered and presented at the December council meeting.
- 2014 Budget: The proposed 2014 Budget was presented. Amotion was made by Bob Beckman to present theproposed budget at the Annual Meeting on November 17 for congregational approval. Motion seconded by Donna Kubesh. Motion Approved.
Bob Beckman made the motion to adjourn the meeting. LeRoy Larson seconded the motion. Motion Approved. The council meeting was adjourned at 8:50 pm.
The council joined hands and closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Respectfully Submitted,
Alice Wanderscheid for
Lisa Rude, Council Secretary