Mrs. McMahon
3rd Grade
Room 7
Mrs. McMahon (480)224-2627
Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome to 3rd grade! This year is going to be full of many exciting experiences and many new friends for all of us!
I received my bachelor’s degree in Special Education/Elementary Education from the State University of NY College at Buffalo. I also have a master’s degree in Educational Leadership from Northern Arizona University. I have taught for 13 years.
During the school year I am confident that you will see growth in all areas including academics, responsibility, and organization. I hold high standards for all of my students, yet promote an enthusiastic learning atmosphere. Here at Freedom we offer a structured curriculum and many opportunities to show creative ideas. This will be a fun and challenging year! I will do my best to ensure that your 3rd grader has a successful and fun-filled 3rd grade experience.
Success in 3rd grade and at CTA Freedom is a three way street between the parents, teacher, and your child. I value parent communication and encourage you to be involved and supportive. Please know that you can always contact me. However, due to the needs of my students, I will be unable to take calls or talk to parents while school is in session. I will always be happy to set up times before school, after school, or during lunch to discuss any questions, concerns, or ideas you might have. Please do not hesitate to contact me. The quickest and best way to reach me is through email (). I can also be reached daily by voice mail at school (480-224-2627).
I know that together we will provide a memorable third grade year for your child!
Your Partner in Education,
Carol McMahon J
Homework & Homework Folder
To be a responsible student:
1. Write all assignments in your planner-planners will be written on Mondays
2. Keep binders organized everyday
3. Daily agenda must be signed by a parent nightly
4. Complete, and return, assignments on time (late long-term assignments receive no credit)
5. Call/email the teacher when you know you will be absent to get homework in advance
Homework is given Monday through Thursday with a minimum of 30 minutes per night. Along with homework, students are expected to be reading at least 20 minutes a night for the Accelerated Reader Program. Homework is expected to be returned correct and complete. Please review the assignments and assist your child with correcting any errors. Homework folders need to be cleaned out each evening and the bottom of the planner needs to be signed. If a student is absent, a folder will be waiting for them when they get back with all worksheets/handouts that they missed. Those assignments are to be returned promptly upon return to school.
Please check student grades through Infinite Campus. Grades will be updated each week. The district is trying to shift all report card and grade information to an online format.
Grading Policy for Assignments/Tests:
This grading scale is implemented in all subject areas
100%-90% A
89%-80% B
79%-70% C
69%-60% D
59% and lower F
Uniform Policy
The uniform policy is explained in detail in the school handbook. It will strictly be enforced among the entire 3rd grade team. Please be aware that appropriate shoes should be worn on P.E. days. CTA Freedom takes pride in promoting “scholarly” dress codes that enhance self esteem and effective learning.
“This & That for Mrs. McMahon’s Class”
· Be prepared with homework, books, and supplies.
· Bring a waterbottle with your name on it each day.
· Try to bring healthy for snacks.
· Supplies stay in the classroom- unless checked out.
· All homework/classwork must be done in your best handwriting.
· Notes/assignments that require a parent signature must be brought back the NEXT DAY.
General Information
Email – Voice Mail – 480-224-2627
Website: http://ww2.chandler.k12.az.us/Domain/1152
Absences & Tardies-If your child is going to be absent, please call the school at 480-224-2600. If your child comes late to school they will need to get a tardy slip. Please be on time because instruction will start right away. School hours are 8:15-2:50. You can arrive on campus at 7:55am.
School Lunches- Lunch accounts can be set up in the cafeteria and online. Lunch is $2.50. Milk, juice, bottle water is $0.50. Please add money to your child’s account at mylunchmoney.com or send in an envelope labeled with your child’s name, room 7, and the amount. You can download the app CUSDFOOD to view menus and nutrition information.
Birthdays-Treats (optional) may be brought on your child’s birthday and we will celebrate at the end of the school day. Please send in napkins and individual treats due to time constraints. Please avoid whole cakes, candles, and balloons. All treats should be the same. Example-don’t bring a variety pack, all doughnuts should be chocolate with sprinkles, etc.
Backpacks and Snacks- Please make sure your child has their backpack and homework folder every day. Please label ALL of your child’s personal property (backpacks, sweatshirts, water bottles, etc.) Individual snacks can be brought (optional) and time will be given in the morning to have snack during instruction. Please make sure the snack is healthy, small, and not messy.
Parent Helpers- Please complete the parent helper form to help in class and I will schedule you according to your availability.
Last Minute Plans/Changes- Since teaching is my priority I may not be able to check email or voice mails as often as I would like. If you have a last minute change in your end of the day plans or a lunch issue please direct these through the office (480-224-2600) so they can inform me.
Tax Credit- If you would like to do the state tax credit it will be in an online format this year. This is the payment needed for students to school field trips.
Our Daily Classroom Schedule
8:15- 8:30 Attendance/Pledge/Morning Work
8:30- 9:00 Reading Skills/AR
9:00- 10:30 Reading
10:30-11:00 Specials
Day 1: PE (wear tennis shoes)
Day 2: Music
Day 3: Library (bring back library books)
Day 4: PE (wear tennis shoes)
Day 5: Music
Day 6: Computers
11:00- 11:10 Grammar
11:10-11:50 Social Studies & Science
STEM activities (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math)
12:00-12:40 Lunch/Recess
12:40-2:00 Math
2:00-2:40 Spalding & Writing
2:40-2:50 Review/Class Meeting/Pack Up
2:50 Dismissal