Stewardship committee
Location-St. Paul Parish Office
Date: Tuesday, January 16th, 5:30pm
Attendees:Sherri Meyer,Peter & Beth McFadzen, Mary Kay Lammers, Dawn Sarandos, Tim Weske,
Mary Kral (Time/Talent-Spring), Fr. Dan Volkert, KelseyDeMarais
Excused: Tom Quinn (PC)
Absent: Peter and Beth McFadzen
Chair: Peter McFadzen
Secretary: Sherri Meyer or Mary Kral (depending on season)
- Prayer
- Mission Statement-Standing Agenda Item for all Committees- How am I personally living it here at work or in my personal life? Share an example.
As a welcoming faith community centered in the Eucharist and guided by the Holy Spirit, our mission is to give glory to our Lord Jesus Christ through:
Inspirational Worship
Faithful Discipleship
Service to Others
3. Update on Stewardship Campaign
- See email handout-Sherri
- Thank you Postcard update-Tim/Kelsey. Labels are done.
4. Beer Tasting-Auction item; Dawn S. Dawn would like the Stewardship Committee to volunteer to host the beer tasting event as an auction item. The requirements include purchasing food for, making and serving a 4-5 course meal for 24 guests, set up, plating and serving, clean up. Beer for each course is provided by Chad Ostram along with a description of the beer. The committee would choose the date for a Saturday in fall 2018, select the beers, set the menu. The event is set up in the vat room, the rest of the brewpub is open for business. Committee members were concerned that the people around the table were already committed to many other aspects of parish life. Additional help will need to be solicited.
5. Ministry Fair Planning Fr. Dan shared a time/talent form from a previous assignment. He would ask every person at mass during the homily to fill them out. There would be a place to indicate “currently serving” which means they would continue volunteering. Another spot allows them to indicate they’d like to volunteer as a new person. The form has census information on it as well. The ushers will collect from everyone during that homily. After communion, ALL are invited to come to the gym where each ministry has a table. At least 1-2 people will be available to meet guests, share descriptions/expectations of that ministry. Fill out a stewardship form at the table to express interest in volunteering. This is a way for ALL to see ALL the ministries and it is a celebration of our dynamic faith community. It will be held after both masses. There will be finger food available (fruit, coffee, pastry). There are no chairs as we want ministry representatives to be ready to engage. Each table is charged with decorating their table and there will be judging. This ministry fair is to be held every other year. The date is April 28/29.
Needed: forms to be created, put in the pews with pencils. Mary Kay suggested that the Stewardship Prayer be put back into the songbooks, she will engage people to help with this. Fr. will talk about it ahead of time. Fr. Dan will also have a meeting with the ministry chairs to describe the plan for the Ministry Fair and talk about the importance of their engagement and follow up. A fact sheet will need to be prepared for each ministry to hand out to anyone interested.
After the Ministry Fair weekend, have volunteers to view only/check PDS data against the completed forms, highlight anything on the form that needs to be changed. Parish office/trained volunteers will update PDS with correct census info and enter the information about the ministry in which they would like to volunteer. A PDS report will be run by ministry so the list of names can be given to the ministry chair who will contact all new volunteers within two weeks.
The Ministry Booklet needs to be reviewed, this will be done at the next staff meeting.
The Stewardship Committee will be stationed at a Welcome Table, directing people , welcoming them, mingling to introduce self and engage with those who have come to the Ministry Fair.
6. Action Items:
Mary will send minutes
Mary Kay-put stewardship prayer cards back in books/coordinate with Fr. Dan and Peggy on when prayer is said.
Dawn-contact Chad for dates in the fall and email the group to select a final date for Auction item.
Fr. Dan/Staff-put together a list of your Ministry Heads contact name/email by1-23-18staff meeting
Update the Stewardship form after reviewing our ministry list and the book. (Agenda item for1-23-18staff meeting)
Fr. Dan-coordinate Ministry heads meeting in Feb.
7. Next meeting: February 20, 5:30, Parish Office.