Dear Kent Island High School Families,

The Bucs are back and are doing a great job! I am very pleased to report a very smooth opening week. At this time, student laptops have been distributed and Parent Portal accounts are active. If you experience trouble with either, please let me know. I have attached optional, supplemental insurance information for the student laptops should you wish to purchase.

Picture Day was last Friday, September 8, at both campuses. Make up picture day will be held on October 10 for those students that missed September 8 or would like to have their picture retaken. Additionally, Lifetouch will be present on September 18,19, and 20 for our seniors that did not sit for senior portraits this summer. These senior portraits are very important as they are featured within our yearbook and the newspaper closer to graduation.

If your child requires a medication to be administered during school hours, over the counter or prescription, you must have your health care provider complete a Maryland Medication Authorization form. Our school nurse must have this completed form in order to provide the medication. These forms can be found on the QACPS website.

I will hold a meeting for The Class of 2018 this Thursday, September 14, at 9:30AM. This will be my first opportunity to share the senior calendar for this school year which contains important senior events. We will email this calendar to the parents of our seniors on Friday, September 15.

A reminder to seniors and senior parents, if you have not already signed up for one of the college application workshop sessions please take a moment and register. The dates for these sessions were sent in a previous email to both students and parents. Please contact Cathy Gorman, our school counseling secretary, to sign up or with any questions regarding the sessions.

On September 21 at 7:00PM, Sheriff Hofman along with Dr. Joseph Ciotola Jr., Health Officer and Dr. Andrea Kane, superintendent will host a community presentation about opiate use. This presentation will be held in our auditorium and all are invited to attend. The flyer for this event is attached and can provide you with additional information about the event.

Our 2017/2018 Homecoming Week will take place during the last week of September. Our Spirit Week will culminate with our Homecoming Parade and football game on September 29 along with our Homecoming Dance on Saturday, September 30. Tickets will be on sale starting tomorrow, September 12, for seniors and Thursday, September 14, for underclassmen.

Our Quarter 1 Interim Reports will be emailed to our parents and our students on Thursday, October 5. After reviewing these documents, please contact your student’s teacher or school counselor with questions or concerns.

Again this school year, QACPS will be using the Text-A-Tip program. This program is designed to allow you, our students, and our community to share information with us that will help us remove disruptive and or dangerous behavior from our building. Simply text KENTISLANDHS to 68398. Once you send the text, you will receive a live text from a Text-A-Tip operator that will guide you through the process.

Please continue to refer to our website, for up to date information including our morning Buc Report and contact us with questions.

John R. Schrecongost