Time Sheet Policies
Due Dates
Timesheets are due every other Wednesday.The due dates are listed below.
12/7/16 / 12/21/16
4/12/17 / 4/26/17
7/19/17 8/2/17
Final Service Day
Penalties for Late Timesheets
- First offense – Verbal warning
- Second offense –Written warning
- Three or more offenses - One day suspension
Service from Home
Members are not allowed to serve hours from home. AmeriCorps members can only get credit for time that can be verified through a reliable mechanism, such as sign-in sheets, punch clock records, or verification of service forms.
Non-Standard Hours
Include a comment on your timesheet to explain any time served outside the standard hours of service for members. Standard hours of service are Monday – Friday 6:00am – 8:00pm.
If your site often schedules you during evenings or weekends, please notify us in writing about your schedule. You will not have to include comments on your timesheet if this is the case.
Days Longer Than 12 Hours
Include a comment on your timesheet to explain any days that are longer than 12 hours.
Travel Time
Your typical commute isnotcountedas allowable travel time. Commuting is the initial trip to your service site or KEYS office and the time going home from your service site or KEYS office.
The following instances are countedas allowable travel time:
- Travel between sites during the service day (includes host site, the KEYS office, extra hours projects, and special events)
- Travel to or from an out-of-town service event.
- Travel to a store to buy program supplies.
- If you are required to travel adistance farther than your typical commute, the amount of time in excess of your typical commute is allowable travel time. This includes situations where your host site meets at a different location, the KEYS meeting occurs at some place other than 1 Smithfield Street, or an extra hours project occurs at a location farther than your typical commute to your host site.
- Example: Your site asks you to meet at alocation that is several miles farther from your house than your host site. It typically takes you 30 minutes to get to your host site, but it takes you 45 minutes to get to this training location. You would count 15 minutes of travel time.
- Example: You serve at an extra hours project that is the same distance or closer to your house than your host site. You would not count any travel time.
- Example: You serve at an extra hours project that is farther from your house than your host site. You would count the amount of travel time in excess of your typical commute to your host site.
The amount of travel time counted towards an activity should be reasonable. If Google Maps indicates that itshould take 30 minutes to travel from point A to point B, it would be unreasonable to count 4 hours of travel time.
Service-related travel is to be classified on the member’s timesheet as the category of service for which travel is conducted (e.g. training, service, or fundraising).
- Example: You are traveling to a training. Your travel time would be classified as Professional Development.
Overnight Time
If you are serving on an overnight trip, such as an out-of-town training or special event, you should clock out for the duration of time you spend sleeping. At a minimum, you should clock out for 8 hours of sleep regardless of whether you slept that entire time.
If you are chaperoning youth and you are awakened for an issue, count that time as service time.
Holidays/Time Off
There is a generous amount of time off included on your hours plan around the holidays. If you know that you would like to take additional days off, we can create a personalized hours plan for you at the beginning of your term.
Throughout your term, you may request off days that are not listed as time-off on your hours plan, but it is your responsibility to make up the hours missed in order to successfully complete your term. Please see the member handbook for the procedure for requesting time-off.
Service Lunches
If you are engaged in AmeriCorps related activities during your lunch, you may count it as a service lunch. You do not have to clock out on your timesheet for a service lunch. If you are not engaged in AmeriCorps related activities during your lunch break, you should clock out for the break on your timesheet.
Lunch breaks during KEYS training days are generally regarded as lunch breaks for which you must clock out. You may count services lunches during the following situations:
- Lunches where all members are expected to engage in teambuilding activities by eating together as a group (e.g. potlucks, service projects)
- If you bring paperwork (e.g. MAL, CAM, Sustainability Binder) to work on in the training room during lunch, you will be actively serving during lunch. If you do so, please write “SL” in the lunch column of the sign-in sheet.
Extra Hours Projects
Extra hours projects are opportunities to serve at non-profits outside of your host site. Members will be given the opportunity to sign up for these projects through email.
When you serve at an Extra Hours project, ask the coordinator of the event to sign a Verification of Service (VOS) form. Please turn in the VOS form the next time you are at the office. If the VOS form is not submitted, the hours for the extra hours project may not be counted. If a KEYS staff person is at the event, a VOS form isn’t required because we can verify your attendance. Fellow AmeriCorps members are not allowed to sign another member’s Verification of Service form.
If you have an idea for a potential Extra Hours Project, please propose it to KEYS staff at least two weeks in advance of the project. If a member participates in a project that was not approved by KEYS staff, hours for that project will not be counted.
Extra hours projects should be treated as “extra” hours and not “instead-of” hours. If you serve at an extra hours project, it does not give you the right to skip hours at your host site or KEYS meetings. Your host site and KEYS meetings have a higher priority than extra hours projects.
When you sign up to attend an extra hours project, it is very important that you follow through with your commitment to serve. If you cannot attend a project you signed up for, you should follow this procedure:
- If it is more than one week before the project, please contact KEYS staff.
- If it is less than one week before the project, please contact KEYS staff AND the organization hosting the project.
- If it is the day of the project, you should not cancel unless you are having a personal emergency.
KEYS staff may prohibit you from serving at extra hours projects if you do not follow proper call-off procedure at a significant number of extra hours projects, if extra hours projects begin to significantly detract from time at your host site, or if you otherwise abuse the privilege of serving at these events.
I understand the time sheet instructions and agree to follow them.
Member Signature Print NameDate