Dear Jr. High, Science family,

Hi! My name is Mrs. Amanda Burch, and I will be your Science teacher this year at Canton Jr. High. I am so excited that you will be in my class! I can’t wait to get to know you as we start our journey through this year. I know you are going to just love our year together as we investigate the world of science that exists all around us!

About Me

I went to school here at Canton ISD, K-12 and I must say it is still just as great now as it was then! I live here in Canton with my husband Todd and our children Rikki-Alec, 15 and Justin, 11. I also have 2, grown, bonus children Bryce and Jenny from Athens as well as my wonderful 5 yr old granddaughter,Hannah. I enjoy anything to do family, church and water! I love to camp, tube, and go to movies as well as hanging out with family and friends! Todd and I are very active with the youth group at Old Bethel Baptist Church. I love kids and am so blessed to be a 6th and 8th grade science teacher at Canton Jr. High! I am very passionate about education!

Our Classroom

Our classroom is a very busy place to learn. My favorite classroom approach is the use of stations when applicable! I love classroom communication and discussion as we learn from each other! We do not collect a lab fee, so there may be times I will have a sign up in hopes of helping us with a few lab supplies that I feel are innovative, fun and engaging! Your help will be greatly appreciated if circumstances allow!


Communication is the key to success! I will be using Remind 101. This is where text alerts will be sent as reminders for test, and special events that need a heads up! Email is a great tool along with good ole face to face conferences, should you have a concern or suggestion to help us be more successful!

Please feel free to contact me any time! Email – , school phone – 903-567-4329 ext 3112, cell phone / text – 903-477-8452, I would rather you contact me if there is a concern rather than to have a miserable and frustrating evening worried about an assignment. Parent Portal is another great tool! Please sign up for this. (id distributed during registration) It allows you to view your child’s grades at any time. Please always contact me if you see something that does not look correct. I am not beyond a mistake.

Classroom Behavior Plan

I do not foresee behavior problems in our classroom. We will have mutual respect and great use of our time together. Because we will be learning there will not be any time to worry about getting into trouble.  However, if there is an issue we cannot resolve there may be an office referral. If we are respectful and courteous to everyone around us we are creating a comfortable and safe environment for everyone and that is what I expect from all Jr. High students. When those things happen, we will learn many things, science as well as social skills! I will NOT tolerate put downs of other students in any manner! We are all created equal in this class. If there is a major problem, I will contact you.


Each week students will bring home a “homework folder” on various days. I do not typically give very much homework as we can cover most everything in class. However some units require a bit more than others. Also, we have science vocabulary sheet EVERY WEEK. This is worth 2 grades. (Easy 100’s I might add…) I will give you a vocabulary sheet on Monday with 2 days to complete the vocabulary cards. (If absent and return on Tuesday the cards are still due Wednesday.) The cards are for growing study skills as we build on our science knowledge. A quiz will follow EVERY Friday. Jr. High is a very busy lifestyle so please take this vocabulary in small pieces as you study for 5 or 10 minutes all week long so that you do not have to feel like the quiz is a stressful thing on Friday. It is the student’s responsibility to pick up their work from the absent folder. (More about this in class...)


Mrs. Burch