3 Hayozma St. Industrial Zone, Kfar-Saba 4442216 Israel • P.O Box 7124, Kfar-Saba 4464102 Israel
Tel: +972-9-7633000 • Fax: +972-9-7633011• • /

Battery Backup Unit (BBU) application form:

Dear valuable customer,In order to provide you with the best BatteryBackup Unit solution, kindly provide the maximum information regarding your application and the required power sources and backup unit.

Please return this form to Fax (+972-(0)9-7633011) or E-Mail ().

Thank you, Technical Support - Tamuz Electronics Ltd

1) Customer Information:

a) Company name:
b) Contact person:
c) Mailing address:
d) Tel Number: Fax Number:
e) E-Mail:
f) Business sector: [ ] OEM, [ ] Assembler, [ ] Design House, [ ] Distributor,[ ] Government, [ ] Other ( )

2) General Conditions:

a) Project name & Brief description of the project requirements:
b) Application: [] Military devices, [ ] Medical devices, [ ] Public Utilities, [ ] Railway signaling,
[ ] Street Traffic control, [ ] ATMS (advanced traffic management systems), [ ] AMR (gas, electric, water),
[ ] CCTV video surveillance security systems, [ ] Renewable energy controllers, [ ] UPS,
[ ] Communication, [ ] Security (alarm, control, detectors), [ ] Other (______).
c) Quantity required: -Monthly: ( ) pcs, -Yearly: ( ) pcs.
d) Project life time: ( ) months. Evaluation finish: ( ), Mass-production: ( ).
e) Current backup solution in use: -Technology:( ), -Voltage:( V), -Capacity:( mAH).
f) Other important information:

3) Electrical Specifications:

a) Voltage:( V), Capacity:( mAH).
b) Charging Conditions: Constantvoltage ( V) , Current ( mA) , Maximum ( V&C)
Expected charge time ( Hours), Temperature range ( ºC) to ( ºC)
c) Discharging Conditions: [ ] Constant: -power ( W) , -current ( mA)
[ ] Pulse: -peak current ( mA) @ time of ( µsec), Average current ( mA).
Discharge cutoff voltage: ( V), Expected run time:( Hours). Temp. range ( ºC) to ( ºC).
d) Energy density: (______WH). Maximum weight: (______Kgs). Maximum dimensions: (_____/_____/____cm). Autonomy runtime (before charge): (____hours). Input type: [ ] AC, [ ] DC,
[ ] Solar, [ ] Car. Input power: Voltage: (______Vac/Vdc). Maximum input power available: (______W). Output power: Number of outputs: (______). Voltage: (______Vac/Vdc). Average power: (______W). Maximum power/duration: (______W, for______Sec/Min).
e) Other important information:

4) Mechanical Specifications:

a) Package: [ ] Metal Case, [ ] Hard Plastic Case.[ ] Other Case ______
b) Maximum weight: ( kgs). Dimensions: Width ( cm), Length ( cm), Thickness ( cm).
c) Output/Input connections: [ ] Wires (length cm), [ ] Plugs, [ ] Other ( ).
d) Mechanical drawing of the required BBU (kindly attached drawing).

5) Approvals and Certifications:

a) Testing required: [ ] Basic testing according to the company procedures. [ ] Special tests procedures ( )
b) Approvals and Certifications:[ ] UN certifications test for transportation , [ ] IEC ( ), [ ] Other ( )