May, 2010
Dear TGF Grant Recipient:
Providing seed grants so that researchers can give innovative ideas a chance to show they have merit has been at the heart of The Glaucoma Foundation’s program since we awarded our first grants in 1985. Last year we began contacting grantees who have received funding from TGF over the past 10 years to gauge the impact our funding has had on your research and on our shared goals of providing a better understanding of glaucoma and finding new and individualized therapies for the future. We are now contacting individuals awarded grants in 2007.
We know your time is limited and we value your participation in the brief survey that follows. You may use this letter, and reply by regular mail. Or, if you prefer, go online to the “Research Center” tab of our website,, where a copy of the survey is also posted for down-loading. If you have received TGF funding over the years for different projects that were not renewal grants, we ask that you provide information for each of these grants.
We greatly appreciate your participation in this survey and look forward to hearing from you. If you have any questions, please give me a call.
Scott R. Christensen
Survey Questions
1. Please provide a short summary of the outcomes of your research funded by TGF?
2. Was preliminary data from your early work funded by TGF used to establish the basis for a subsequent NEI grant? yes_____ no______
If yes, please provide details.
3. Was preliminary data from early work funded by TGF used to establish the basis for funding from any other sources? yes_____ no______
If yes, please provide details.
4. Did you publish any papers based on the research TGF funded? yes_____ no______
If “yes,” please attach a list of titles and journals. (Feel free to attach an existing list of your papers from your CV or another source, indicating which papers are relevant.)
5. Did you present any abstracts about the work that TGF funded? yes____ no_____
If “yes,” please list conferences. (Feel free to attach an existing list from your CV or another source, indicating which are relevant.)
6. Did you receive any awards for your research funded by TGF? yes_____ no______
If “yes,” please provide details.
7. Did research that TGF funded lead to your filing any patents? yes_____ no_____
If “yes,” please provide details.
8. Many of you have spoken to us about the impact early funding from TGF has had on your research. Could you comment on how this initial funding has impacted your work?
9. Could you comment on how your work funded by TGF has impacted current glaucoma research?
10. Please confirm your correct professional information:
Name and Degree ______
Department ______
Institution ______
Mailing Address______
Phone ______
Email ______
We greatly appreciated your taking the time to reply. Please return your survey and any accompanying materials to:
The Glaucoma Foundation
80 Maiden Lane, Suite 700
New York, NY 10038