Thursday, December 16, 2004

The Hemphill Independent School District Board of Education met in regular session on Thursday, December 16, 2004 at 6:30 p.m. in the HISDAdministrationBuilding with the following members present: Lloyd Ford, Stephen Crowell, Bob Russell, Janis Speights, Carolyn Wych, and Tom Beall.

Roger Gay was absent.

Also present were Mike Terry, Superintendent, Sally Butler, Business Manager, Kelli Barnett, Stephanie Corley, C. J. O’Neal, Jimmy Clark, Steve Mills, Joe Smith, Sally Smith, Linda Milford and Joann Broussard with Axley & Rode.

Lloyd Ford, School Board President, called the meeting to order.

Bob Russell gave the invocation.

Lloyd Ford led the pledge to the flag.

Tom Beall read the Hemphill ISD Mission Statement.

Joe Smith with Texas ISD conducted the Board Training for Superintendent Evaluation.

The Financial Audit Report presentation was given by Linda Milford with Axley & Rode.

The Superintendent recommended approving the 2003-2004 Hemphill I.S.D. Financial Audit Report.

The Board approved the 2003-2004 Hemphill I.S.D. Financial Audit Report as presented by Linda Milford with Axley & Rode on a motion by Carolyn Wych, seconded by Stephen Crowell, passed unanimously.

The Board approved the minutes from the Regular Board meeting on November 18, 2004 on a motion by Janis Speights, seconded by Tom Beall, passed unanimously.

Sally Butler, Business Manager, presented the financial report for the month of November 2004.

The Board approved the financial report for the month of November 2004 on a motion by Bob Russell, seconded by Carolyn Wych, passed unanimously.

There was not a Budget Amendment # 3 to be presented. No action was taken.

Mr. Terry, Superintendent, briefly summarized the report items for the Board.

Enrollment for December 2004: Elementary 351, Middle School 317, and High School 292 = 960.

Mr. Terry reported that the stadium should be finished this month.

The Board viewed several examples for the Press Box Sign at the New Stadium and the consensus was a 30” x 20 ft. aluminum sign with green vinyl letters and a Hornet in the center.

Mr. Terry reported that two of Hemphill ISD Teachers have advanced to the next level of competition for Teacher of the Year.

Mr. Terry stated that Shannon Mitchell was employed at will in the Cafeteria.

Mr. Terry then presented the Superintendent's Recommendations.

The Superintendent recommended approving Graduation to be held in the new Stadium.

The Board approved Graduation to be held in the new Stadium on a motion by Stephen Crowell, seconded by Bob Russell, passed unanimously.

The Superintendent recommended approving Update 74, which was presented by Sally Butler, Business Manager.

The Board approved Update 74 on a motion by Tom Beall, seconded by Janis Speights, passed unanimously.

The Superintendent recommended approving Staff Development Waiver Request.

The Board approved Staff Development Waiver Request on a motion by Bob Russell, seconded by Tom Beall, passed unanimously.

The Superintendent recommended use of Track facilities for charitable organizations.

The Board approved use of Track facilities for charitable organizations according to local policy on a motion by Janis Speights, seconded by Stephen Crowell, passed unanimously.

The Superintendent recommended approving Student Overnight Trip Requests as follows:

January 14 – 15, 2005 / Academic UIL/ Hamshire-Fannett

January 20 – 24, 2005 / FFA / Fort Worth

January 26 – 28, 2005 / FFA / Fort Worth

January 28 – 29, 2005 / HHS High Steppers / Kilgore

The Board approved the Student Overnight Trips as stated on a motion by Carolyn Wych, seconded by Tom Beall, passed unanimously.

The Superintendent recommended approving the following Trust Property Bid:

Lot 14 McGee Landing Rd / Robert Lafargue / $1,000.00

The Board approved the Trust Property Bid on a motion by Janis Speights, seconded by Carolyn Wych, passed unanimously.

The Superintendent recommended improving a parking lot.

The Board approved improving a parking lot on a bid submitted by DRL, Inc. for 200 tons of crushed concrete on a motion by Stephen Crowell, seconded by Carolyn Wych, passed unanimously.

The Board convened into Closed Session at 9:30 p.m.

The Board returned to Open Session at 10:50 p.m.

The Superintendent recommended accepting a resignation from Steve Mills, High School Principal, to become effective December 2005.

The Board approved accepting a resignation from Steve Mills, High School Principal, to become effective December 2005 on a motion by Carolyn Wych, seconded by Janis Speights, passed unanimously.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:52 p.m. on a motion by Bob Russell, seconded by Stephen Crowell, passed unanimously.


Lloyd Ford, President Robert H. Russell, Secretary

Hemphill Board of Education Hemphill Board of Education