Training Activity


Title / Footprints
When to Use
(check all that apply)
Group Size / 4 to 30
Time / 20 minutes
Materials / Plain white paper, felt tip pens, markers, or pencils
Instructions / -Ask the participants to form a circle.
-Distribute paper and pens.
-Instruct the participants to place the paper on the floor and trace around his or her right foot (with or without shoes).
- Leave the paper in place and step one position to the left.
-Instruct the participants to “try on” the footprint in front of them.
- Does it fit?
- Leave the paper in place and step one more places to the left.
- Try on the footprint.
Debriefing / Ask the participants why their foot does not fit anyone else’s footprint.
Ask them what they would have to do to make a “fit.”
Ask what other ways people are “different.”
Application: / To discuss differences among team members and the impact on teamwork.
Submitted by: / Sandra Queen
Source : / Adapted from Team Building Activities put together for the Jefferson County Neighborhood Places
Date submitted: / 5/27/2010