January 31, 2005

Dear Families,

We have a big homework assignment for the month of February which the children are very excited about. Students will be making a presentation to the class on a favorite animal. Preparation will include three parts: two written reports and a visual display about the animal. The report forms are attached to this letter.

We’ve been studying animal habitats and comparing animal species. The first graders will have an opportunity to become an expert on an animal of their choice, which lives in one of the following habitats:

·  Polar region

·  Grasslands

·  Desert

·  Woodlands

·  Rainforest

·  Ocean

I’ve encouraged children to choose an animal that they do not know much about, as this is a learning opportunity. The animal your child chose is a(n) ______

There are two writing pieces to this project. The first one is the booklet “My Favorite Animal”. This allows your child to give some background on the animal with facts he/she may already know. Please help your child complete this portion of the project by February 11th.

When this is handed in, the animal report should be filled out. This is the paper that your child will need to read, practice and be able to present to the class. Some resource must be used to gather information for this page, (either book or website).

Finally, in addition to the research report, please have your child design a creative display to accompany the presentation. Here are some ideas of projects students have made in the past: (though children are welcome to try other ideas too!)

·  A porthole viewing of your creature in action

·  A poster labeling the parts of the animal

·  A diorama scene depicting your animal

·  A mobile of the life cycle or food chain involving your animal

·  A “stuffed” model of your animal made of fabric or paper

·  A collage of different materials, paper or magazine photos

·  A sculpture made of clay or paper mache’

·  A poem or song with facts

·  A fact book about the animal

If you have difficulty finding information at the library, or do not have internet access, let me know. I will have the kids try to find books during their school library time to check out and use for a resource. Some good websites include www.enchantedlearning.com and www.wwf.org . Good luck and have a fun time with your project! Research paper, display and presentation are due Friday, February 25th, but may be presented before that. Please pace your project accordingly. Thank you.

Jennifer Parker
