May 16, 2016
Dear Country Christmas Supporter,
We are currently planning the 15th Annual Rudolph Country Christmas for Saturday, December 10, 2016. It takes hours of planning and effort to make this event a success. If you are receiving this letter, we consider you a part of Rudolph and our event. Our hope each year is to promote “community” and provide a fundraising platform for our local groups and organizations. How can you help?
New this year is a 5k……Run, Run Rudolph! with donations benefiting THINK Academy and Case Hogar in Mexico! We will again host “Prancer’s Party Place” for outside craft vendors. Comet’s Celebration will feature our firework display and other fun surprises. Rudolph’s Reindeer Games will feature kids’ games and 2 children’s performers. Blitzen’s Beauties will be hosting the basket raffle and hope to receive enough donated and “themed” baskets for our raffle.
Please take some time to complete the form and see where you can spread your time, talent or treasures. Thank you in advance for being a part of the 15th Annual Rudolph Country Christmas event! Please check out our website and our Facebook page for updates!
Rudolph’s Country Christmas Committee
Please detach and return this portion by June 15, 2016 To: Christy Steinle 6907 Rocky Run Dr. Rudolph, WI 54475 or
NAME: PHONE: E-mail:
To support Rudolph’s 15th Annual Country Christmas, I (we) will:
___ Food Vendor/Sales ($100.00) ___ Prancer’s Party Vendor ($25.00 OUTSIDE craft booth)
___ General Monetary Donation ___ Enter a float/vehicle in the parade (Visit website to submit the parade application)
___ Volunteer time/talent ___ Run, Run Rudolph! Race Sponsorship
___ Talent Demonstration – Petting zoo, wood carving, ice/snow sculpting
___ Sponsorship (To sponsor the Reindeer $600, Horses $650, Santa $400, Musical performances $250, etc.)
___ Basket Donation *Drop off at Rudolph Volunteer Fire Department (Main St - Monday-Friday 7am-Noon) prior to December 5, 2016