Dealing with Medical Conditions
Stonnington Childcare Services ensures that children with specific health care needs, allergy or relevant medical conditions are assessed and risks are minimised. Practices and procedures are in place to ensure that potential contact with substances which are known triggers are controlled and any medication needed is administered safely. This practice is vital for the welfare of children at all Stonnington Childcare Services.
The City of Stonnington, as a provider of childcare services, is committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children in care. This policy and procedure aims to:
- Outline practices and requirements in relation to the management of medical conditions
- Assessthe risks associated with a child’s medical condition and minimise any incidents occurring whilst the childis attending our childcare services
- Ensure educators effectively respond to incidents relating to a child’s medical condition including allergic reactions and anaphylactic reactions, implementing appropriate treatment such as administering an auto injector device e.g.Anapen or Epipen
- Encourage and enhance community awareness relating to medical conditions through education and policy implementation
- Where the policy mentions medical conditions this is the management of asthma, diabetes, epilepsy or a diagnosis that a child is at risk of anaphylaxis and any other medical condition.
City of Stonnington recognises that children attending childcare may be diagnosed or at risk of medical conditions, Childcare Services is committed to ensuring the environment is provided so that all children are able participate equally.
It is generally accepted that children under the age of six do not have the skills and ability to recognise and manage their own medical conditions effectively, educators will support families and children.When parent/guardian has listed known medical condition on the enrolment form the allergy must be noted on the Qikkids system, and a copy of the Dealing with Medical Conditions policy is provided the parents/guardians.
- When a child that is enrolled has a known medical condition, parents/guardians must provide a medical management plan (Action Plan) for the child for educators to follow in the event of an incident relating to the child’s specific health care need, allergy or medical condition.
- A risk minimisation plan must be completed for each child who has a medical condition in consultation with the parents/guardian and educators to ensure that the risks relating to the child’s specific health care need, allergy or medical condition are assessed and minimised.
- A communication plan must be developed to ensure that all educators, including relief educators are informed of the policy, medical management plans and risk minimisations plansfor each child who has a medical condition.
This policy applies to children enrolled at the service, their parents/guardians and all educators working within Childcare Services, including students/volunteers and agency relief educators engaged by the City of Stonnington.
Team Leader
- Ensure that the Dealing with Medical Conditions Policy, medical management plans,risk minimisation plans and communication plans are in place within all childcare services.
- Ensure all educators in childcare services have undertaken training in Management of Anaphylaxis at least every three years.
- Ensure all educators in childcare services have undertaken training in the Administration of the Epipenor Anapen at least every 12 months.
- Provide a spare Epipenfor each service to be kept in a nominated place ensuring all educators are aware of the location, to be used in emergency situations.
Educators/cooks responsible for preparing and/or serving food, if relevant
- Ensure that any allergens listed on Dietary Requirements Forms are identified and discussed with parents/guardians in detail and are considered when planning children’s menus in services where food is provided.
- Actively remind all parents/guardians providing lunchboxes in Occasional Care & Family Day Care to be aware of making healthy choices, avoiding known allergens, in particular nuts and nut products.
- Should be aware of measures necessary to prevent cross contamination between foods during the handling, preparation and serving of food – such as careful cleaning of food preparation areas and utensils.
- Specifically identify and label any meal that has been specially prepared for a child with allergies or diagnosed at risk of anaphylaxis.
- Inform Team Leaders and relevant educators, either on enrolment or on diagnosis, of their child’s medical condition.
- Assist educators by offering information and answering any questions regarding their child’s medical condition.
- Provide educators with an appropriate individual Medical Management Plan signed by the family medical practitioner.
- Assist Team Leader and educators in assessing potential risks and developing a Risk Minimisation Plan and Communication Plan in relation to their child’s medical condition.
- Provide educators with an adequate supply of appropriate medication for their child whilst they are in care.
- Comply with the service’s policy that no child who has been prescribed an auto injectoris permitted to attend any of the services without that device.
- Regularly check medication including any auto injector deviceto ensure it is within its expiry date.
- Complete Dietary Requirements Form (if relevant) and discuss known allergens with educators responsible for cooking or delivering food to children.
- Notify the educators of any changes to their child’s medical condition and provide a newMedical Management Plan signed by the doctor in accordance with these changes.
- Communicate all relevant information and concerns to educators, for example, any matters relating to the health of the child.
- Procedure
In the event of a medical emergency please follow OHS Accident / Incident Flow Chart.
Medical Conditions – Flow Chart of Responsibilities
- References
Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia Inc, at
Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA), at
City of Stonnington OHS Accident / Incident Process Childcare Services
Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) 2011 Anaphylaxis Model Policy
Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010
Educational and Care Services National Regulations 2011
Health Records Act 2001
The Asthma Foundation of Victoria. 2012
The Asthma Foundation of Victoria. 2012Asthma and the Child in Care Model Policy.
Action Plan - Allergy
Action Plan - Anaphylaxis
Action Plan - Asthma
Enrolment Form
Anaphylaxis Risk minimisation Plan for Children Diagnosed at Risk
Version Control: 2 / Date Issued 16 April 2009 / Date Reviewed: 22 February 2016G:\Child Family Serv\Childcare\Policies & Procedures Manual\Policies and Procedures\CCS PP - Dealing with Medical Conditions.doc