· Date: November 19 or November 20, 2014
· 50 multiple choice questions
o 15 of the 50 multiple choice questions will come from Modules A-F.
o 35 of the 50 multiple choice questions will come from Module G
· Things I would focus on from Module G
o How oxygen is transported.
§ Know the factors for determining how many Vols% are being carried as dissolved and how much attached to hemoglobin.
§ Know whose law dictates how much is dissolved in the plasma.
§ Know the composition of hemoglobin and what type of iron is present.
§ Know the anatomic shunts and what percentage of the total shunt they represent.
o Differentiate between the two portions of the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve.
§ Know what a leftward or rightward shift means.
§ Know what factors will shift the curve to the right or left.
§ Know the significance of p50.
§ Given a PaO2, and a SaO2, determine if there is a shift in the oxyhemoglobin curve.
§ Describe the Bohr Effect
o Given appropriate data, calculate the oxygen content of arterial or venous blood.
o Given appropriate data, calculate the oxygen delivery.
o Know normal values for the following:
§ Arterial pH
§ PaO2, PaCO2, PvO2, SaO2, SvO2,HCO3-, Hb.
§ CaO2, CvO2, Oxygen Delivery, CaO2-CvO2 difference
§ Oxygen Consumption, Carbon Dioxide Production.
o Describe what would cause a widening or narrowing of the CaO2-CvO2 difference.
o Define shunt and state the normal value present and the value at which significant hypoxemia is present.
o Differentiate between the four types of hypoxia.
§ List the 6 causes of hypoxemia and how they may be corrected.
o Define cyanosis.
§ Differentiate between peripheral and central cyanosis.
§ State why anemic patients may not appear cyanotic even though they are profoundly hypoxemic.
o Define polycythemia.
· Things I would focus on about Pulse Oximetry
o Describe how a pulse oximeter works.
§ Optical plethysmography
§ Spectrophotometry
§ Differentiate between functional and fractional saturations.
§ List some of the causes of errors in measurement with pulse oximetry and state a method to correct this. You may want to review this:
§ List the times a pulse oximeter is not indicated.