Dealing with Doubt - Suggested Resources
Many challenging issues are involved when thinking through – and living with – the intellectual and emotional challenges to the Christian faith. Consider the following list of resources as a set of ‘guide posts’ for your journey towards truth and God.
The first set of resources to take advantage of when working through your doubts are personal and communal ones. Many people report a resolution of their doubts through unexpected means, such as going hiking or spending a day in an art museum. Oftentimes we experience the reality of God in a worship service, after a period of prayer, or while serving others in His name. The importance of community – neighborhood group, accountability partners, close Christian friends – should not be underestimated. Talking through our questions with trusted friends is an invaluable part of the process; often, those close to us can shed new light on problems that we have started to look at in just one way. We also need to honestly consider whether our doubts are motivated, at least in part, by a desire to live life by our own standards. Secret - and not-so-secret - sin can place a significant role in leading us to doubt God.
The second set of resources is focused on a more direct rational engagement with our questions. These are a good place to turn while in the midst of engaging with your community and with God. By themselves, they can become a narrow intellectualism, but in context, they can serve to broaden the intellectual foundations of a reasonable, life-giving commitment to Christ.
Many resource pages, providing links to free resources on a variety of arguments for theism and Christianity (such as the moral argument for God’s existence or the resurrection) are available here:
You can also find a list of recommended books, sorted by level of difficulty and topic, at this site:
If you’d like a suggestion for a particular question or topic that you don’t see addressed in those locations, send me an email at and I will try to point you in a good direction.