Region 19 Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

  1. Call to Order at 5:36

Tracy Diestelmeier River Ridge Region Chairperson

Jack Stone Lyndon-Prophetstown-Tampico

SueAnn Bamberg Eastland

Deb Manninen West Carroll

Cathy Eberle Orangeville

Marilyn Meiners Rock Valley Retired

Cheri Crawford Freeport

Renee Coleman Freeport

CaristKoehl Freeport Region Treasurer

Tiffany Kleckler Freeport

Scott RudeUni Serve Director

Jennifer Heilman Freeport

Ronnie Bush Freeport

Becky Roethe Eastland Region Secretary

Kelly Everding Freeport Region Vice-Chairperson

Jen Laity River Ridge

Rick Wilkin Bureau Valley

  1. Secretary’s Report—as posted on Region 19 Website; as present with change to 12.ii. Slaght motion to approve by Jen Laity; seconded by Cathy Eberle; motion passed.
  1. Treasurer’s Report; motion to approve as presented by Kelly Everding; seconded by SueAnn Bamberg; motion passed.
  1. Local Reports
  2. Bureau Valley: HS principal is now also assistant superintendent; not doing IBB; next year will have a dean as HS administrator for first semester; elementary school will have a dean for first semester while credentials are earned to be principal;
  3. Chadwick/Milledgeville:
  4. Dakota:
  5. East Dubuque:
  6. Eastland: began PARCC
  7. Freeport EA: meeting with Scott Rude regarding a staff member; working on IBB
  8. Freeport Custodial:
  9. Freeport Transportation: new staff; negotiating wages
  10. Lena-Winslow TA:
  11. Lena-Winslow ESPA:
  12. Morrison:
  13. Orangeville: bargain team has met with board to set rules; openings in P.E., special education
  14. Prophetstown-L-T: first semester teacher was not renewed; math teacher was not renewed; MS principal has been made superintendent for the remainder of the year and next year;
  15. River Bend:
  16. River Ridge: PARCC testing; bargaining team has met with board several times;
  17. Scales Mound:
  18. Stockton:
  19. Warren:
  20. West Carroll EA: dismissed 4 teachers and 8 classroom aides for next year; PARCC testing continutes; elementary principal was let go; HS principal was hired as superintendent; searching for two principals
  21. West Carroll ESPA:
  1. Retired Report:

March 31 - Exec. Comm. Mtg.

April 28 – RRV IEA Retired will meet at That Place on Palmyra in Dixon for lunch and then tour the Nachusa Grasslands

In search of retired member to be treasurer

  1. GPA Report: no new info to disperse
  1. UD Report: Scales Mound contract is settled; 3 year contract 2% to base each year; West Carroll ES executive board stepping down; more that cannot be spoken about
  1. Go to access information on candidates in your area; support Hillary Clinton
  1. Region 19 locals please update your bylaws, using the model bylaws and videos online (IEA webpage: home/about/bylaws, values, & vision), and then submit it to Region Chair for review, I will then submit to Paul Klenck for final review.
  1. Upcoming Events:
  2. NEA Black Issues Conference, April 14-16, 2016, in Kansas City, MO
  3. IEA RA—April 14-16, 2016 to be held in Rosemont, Hyatt Regency O’Hare at $176.28—includes tax, $17 daily self-parking;
  4. Registration Schedule:
    Wednesday, April 13 – 4:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.
    Thursday, April 14 – 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. (or one-half hour after close of business)
  5. Region lunch 12:15, Thursday, April 14 at the hotel restaurant, reservation is under Kelly Everding
  6. Region dinner 7:30 pm at Fogo de Chao ($49.95 plus bev., dessert, tax, & tip / pkg?)
  7. Region 19 2016 IEA RA Delegates:Cheri Crawford, Jennifer Heilman, Tiffany Kleckler, CaristKoehl, Deb Manninen, Jim Robinson, Sue Ann Bamberg, Cathy Eberle, Rebecca Roethe, John Stone, Jennie Laity, Richard Wilkin, Renee Coleman, R19 Chair Tracy Diestelmeier, R19 V-Chair Kelly Everding, Alternate: Freeport - Jennifer Slaght
  8. Basket for IEA-RA: previously Scholarship Committee, now for IEA Foundation, includes SCORE grant funding and other member incentives—Region Council members each donate cash toward basket to come from local Freeport establishment
  9. Reimbursement Allowance: See form/ mileage =$.54/mile, plus additional $.04/mile/passenger for taking an extra passenger
  10. Reimbursement: $700? First half paid in advance, $350; so moved by Jack Stone; seconded by Rick Wilken; motion passed.
  11. Paper Tigers follow-up training June 14 in Elgin and June 16 in Springfield; Freeport Schools has purchased 3 copies of the movie for viewing at PD;
  12. NEA Hispanic Issues Conference, June 16-20, 2016, in Fort Lee, NJ
  13. NEA RA—July 2-7, 2016 in DC, Room rate $195 single or double occupancy at Washington Hilton, DC; IEA night at the NEA Headquarters
  14. Summer Leadership Academy, July 25-29, 2016 at ISU Bloomington-Normal; Board of Directors: noon Tues. 7/26 through noon Wed. 7/27
  15. Membership mania/financial training at Sterling office Monday, August 1, 2016
  16. IEA Professional Development Conference, December 2-3, Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center Hotel
  17. 2017 IEA-RA, Sheraton-Chicago
  1. Other
  1. Adjournment at 6:13; moved by Kelly Everding; seconded by Deb Manninen; motion passed.

DelegateBriefing called to order at 6:22 pm

IEA RA—April 14-16, 2016 to be held in Rosemont, Hyatt Regency O’Hare at $176.28—includes tax, $17 daily self-parking;

  1. Registration Schedule:
    Wednesday, April 13 – 4:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.
    Thursday, April 14 – 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. (or one-half hour after close of business)
  2. Region lunch 12:15, Thursday, April 14 at the hotel restaurant, reservation is under Kelly Everding
  3. Region dinner 7:30 pm at Fogo de Chao ($49.95 plus beverage, dessert, tax, & tip/pagckage?)
  4. Region 19 2016 IEA RA Delegates:Cheri Crawford, Jennifer Heilman, Tiffany Kleckler, CaristKoehl, Deb Manninen, Jim Robinson, Sue Ann Bamberg, Cathy Eberle, Rebecca Roethe, John Stone, Jennie Laity, Richard Wilkin, Renee Coleman, R19 Chair Tracy Diestelmeier, R19 V-Chair Kelly Everding, Alternate: Freeport - Jennifer Slaght
  5. Basket for IEA-RA: previously Scholarship Committee, now for IEA Foundation, includes SCORE grant funding and other member incentives—Region Council members each donate cash toward basket to come from local Freeport establishment
  6. Reimbursement Allowance: See form/ mileage =$.54/mile, plus additional $.04/mile/passenger for taking an extra passenger
  7. Reimbursement: $700? First half paid in advance?
  8. Bylaw Amendments #1 (governance structure) 41%y/ly, 38%n/ln, 21%undec; #4 (region rebates) 42%y/ly, 31%n/ln, 28%undec; #2,3,5 90+%y/ly
  9. Open Hearings
  10. Bylaws & Resolutions Committee– Jack Stone
  11. CAPE – Jennifer Heilman
  12. Early Career Teachers – Renee Coleman
  13. Early Childhood: Joint Task Force – Jen Laity
  14. Engaging and Empowering Educators through Professional Development – SueAnn Bamberg
  15. Environmental Issues: Joint Task Force – Tiffany Kleckler
  16. Higher Ed Council – Cheri Crawford
  17. IELRB – Deb Manninen
  18. IPACE – Rick Wilkin
  19. Legislative Committee – Becky Roethe
  20. NEA Resolutions – Tracy Diestelmeier
  21. President Support Team – Kelly Everding
  22. Retired – Cathy Eberle
  23. Teacher Leaders and National Board Outreach Committee – CaristKoehl
  24. Motion to adjourn at 6:42 by SueAnn Bamberg; seconded by Jen Laity; motion passed.