The Romanian National Probation Directorate within Ministry of Justice - Project Promoter, as Contracting Authority,is launching a call for selection of a team of two expertsto submit an offer together in order to deliver the following, under the pre-defined project “Strengthening the capacity of the Romanian probation system for delivering effective alternative to prison interventions”,part of the RO 23 Programme“Correctional Services, including Non-custodial Sanctions”, funded byNorwegian Financial Mechanisms 2009 - 2014:
- to design a civic education programme to be used by the probation services in working with minors sentenced by the court to non-custodial educational measures;
- to write guidelines in order to facilitate the practical usage of the civic education programme;
- to deliver two training sessions for probation staff for the implementation of the programme.
To participate in the selection procedure, please submit all the documents required for selection till23rd of February 2015 at17.00(please refer to point 6 “Procedural aspects” of the attached Terms of reference).
- E-mail address:
- The Registracy of the Romanian Ministry of Justice - National Probation Directorate, 17 Apolodor Street, district 5, postal code 050741, Bucharest, Romania.
The deadline to requestclarificationsis: 18.02.2015 at 10.00.
Note:The request for clarification will be sent by email to the address , and the answer of the Contracting Authority, without identifying the economic operator that requested clarification, will be posted on the website at the address originally attached to the notice of selection.
The applicants must comply with the following minimal requirements:
Minimal qualifications and abilities:
- University degree (or equivalent) in the field of education / psychology.
- Very good knowledge of the English language, for the foreign experts.
- Proven experience as a trainer.
Required professional experience for performing the assignment:
- Minimum 10 years professional experience in the field of education / psychology.
For minimum 10 years professional experience in the field of education / psychology, the expert will receive 15 points.
For each additional year of experience in the field of education / psychology, the expert will receive 1 point up to a maximum of 5 points.
- At least 2 years of experience in delivering intervention programmes for offenders.
For at least 2 years of experience in delivering intervention programmes for offenders, the expert will receive 20 points.
For each additional year of experience in delivering intervention programmes for offenders, the expert will receive 1 point up to a maximum 5 points.
- Development of at least 1 intervention programmes for offenders.
For at least 1 intervention programme for offenders developed, the expert will receive 15 points.
For additional intervention programmes developed for minors which committed offences, the expert will receive 2 points for each up to a maximum 10 points.
In order to prove the compliance with the requirements, the experts will also submit supporting documents such as:
-Letter of intent;
-Curriculum vitae (Europass, .pdf format);
-Copy of the identity card;
-Copy/copies of the diploma/s attesting the required university degree (or equivalent);
-For the foreign experts: documents proving the very good knowledge of English or, in case of absence of such documents, declarations stating that the expert has a very good command of the English language;
-Other support documents: certifications, references/letters of recommendation from the employer or other beneficiary, employment certificates etc.;
-Financial offer regarding the requested fee/working day.
In case of foreign experts, all the submitted documents will be in English (in case of supporting documents issued in another language, only authorized translations will be accepted).
The evaluation committee reserves the right to require, during the evaluation of the candidates, relevant documents proving the fulfilment of the requirements concerning professional experience or references.
In case all the candidates meet the minimal qualification requirements, the final selection of the candidates will be done also considering the financial offer, according to the evaluation system presented below.
General aspects:
The evaluation points of each candidate shall be divided, on one hand, according to the minimum technical criteria and, on the other hand, according to the financial criteria, each one having a percentage of 70%, respectively 30%;
The final evaluation of each candidate is the sum of the evaluation points for the fulfilment of the technical criteria (minimum requirements) and the evaluation points for the fulfilment of the financial criteria (based on the financial offer submitted by the candidate).
- Technical evaluation:
The minimum requirements represent 70% of the total evaluation points – technical evaluation (P. technical (n)), is awarded as follows:
P. technical (n) = P. technical 1 (n) + P. technical 2 (n)+ P. technical 3 (n) where:
- P. technical (n)is the score awarded to that candidate according to the degree of fulfilment of the above mentioned criteria - maximum70 points.
- P. technical 1 (n) is the score for the number of years of professional experience - maximum 20 points.
For minimum 10 years professional experience in the field of education / psychology, the expert will receive 15 points.
For each additional year of experience in the field of education / psychology, the expert will receive 1 point up to a maximum of 5 points,
- P. technical 2 (n)is the score for the number of years of experience in delivering intervention programmes for offenders - maximum 25 points.
For at least 2 years of experience in delivering intervention programmes for offenders, the expert will receive 20 points.
For each additional year of experience in delivering intervention programmes for offenders, the expert will receive 1 point up to a maximum 5 points.
- P. technical 3 (n) is the score for the number of intervention programmes for offenders elaborated – maximum 25 points.
For at least 1 intervention programme for offenders developed, the expert will receive 15 points.
For additional intervention programmes developed for minors which committed offences, the expert will receive 2 points for each up to a maximum 10 points.
- Financial evaluation:
The price of the offer shall represent 30% of the total score, the financial score (P. financial (n)), shall be granted as follows:
a)For the lowest tender price (the amount in Euro) shall be awarded 30 points = P.min
b)For any other tender price than the one mentioned at the letter a), the score shall be calculated as it follows:
P. financial (n) = P. min/ P. fin (n) (other tender price) x 30 points, where:
- P. financial (n) is the financial score of the offer to be evaluated;
- P. min is the lowest tender price (the amount in Euro) of the submitted offers;
- P. fin (n) is the price of the offer to be evaluated (the amount in Euro)
In case of equality between the submitted offers by the team, the most advantageous financial offer will be selected.The financial offers will be submitted in EURO.
Thus, the experts will indicate in the notice of intent that will be sent to the Romanian Probation Directorate within the Ministry of Justice their financial offer for the requested fee/working day.
Mention must be made that only the applications fulfilling the minimum requirements at technical level, as well as the financial offers observing the budgetary limits mentioned in the terms of reference will be considered.
The period of validity of offers is up to 31.03.2015, inclusive.
The terms of reference are attached to the present notice of selection of experts.
Forfurther informationand correspondence, please address to: Mrs. Cristina Felicia CĂLIN, counsellor-psychologist, e-mail: , phone +4/0371.05.05.05 and Mrs. Ramona BALAIȚĂ, probation inspector, e-mail:, phone +4/0371.05.06.06, Romanian National Probation Directorate - Ministry of Justice, 17 Apolodor Street, district 5, Bucharest, Romania.
Romanian National Probation Directorate
17 Apolodor Street, district 5, postal code 050741 Bucharest, Romania/ Page1of5