DDA Meeting Minutes
April 13, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.
Call to Order: Chair Bristol called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was given by all.
Roll Call: Member French, Member Pifer, Member Haigh, Member Ross, Member Kirvan and Member Bristol.
Absent: Member Vaive and Potterville Public Schools Representative
Staff: City Manager Wanda Darrow and Secretary Amy Summers
Approval of Agenda: Member Bristol asked to put the Directors Report on agenda under public input. Member Ross moved to approve the amended agenda. Member Haigh seconded. Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes:Member Ross moved to approve the minutes as presented for the March 9, 2015 meeting. Member Kirvan seconded. Motion supported.
Approval of Bills: None
Public Comment: None
Public Input/Directors Report: The Director informed the Board she has some items to report. The M-100 bridge project is moving along and the tunnel is in place. The Potterville Schools sent in a design for the City to review and met with the engineers for the school project. The school is doing improvements to the football field and track. There will be bleachers on both sides. There was discussion on the bleachers on the left side by the railroad track and the retention pond. The Director stated she also met with the Malkins (former Colleens Cuisine business)and they have worked a deal with the property owner and purchasing building on a land contract.They will be making improvements to the outside and are still interested in opening the soup/sandwich shop yet this year. They really want to make this work. Member French asked is they are still trying to get funds from the City. The Director stated they were and will be meeting with me again to review the changes and submit a permit. They would like to be up and running by Gizzard Fest. The Director stated she does not think the Health Department will betoostringent with family members only working there. Member French asked are the renovations if they were just for the outside of the building. The Director stated it was and the roof would be included unless the Board changes anything. Member Kirvan addressed her concern with the construction vehicles in the parking lot. The Director stated this will be drive up or walk through onlyand/or telephone calls.
The Director stated Mr. Bristol informed her that Mr. Dustin Twitchell may be asking for funds for a new roof. He has not submitted anything to the office as of yet. She also stated she received tax information on the farmers market and is now assessed at $37,900 and originally it was $16,800. The DDA pays for the taxes unless we turn over to the city. She stated she emailed Phil Berkompas on the status of the gates for the farmers market and the final inspection through the County.
She added she would like to purchase new banners for spring/summer for the City and would like to purchase by May 2015.
Member Bristol suggested having one person to make the decision rather than the committee. Easier with one person who dictates this is what we want. The Director stated they will range from $3,500 to $4,000 for the banners. Member Ross made a motion to accept the purchase of new banners. Member Haigh seconded. Motion carried (6-0).
Old Business:
- The City Council will be looking at the amended by-laws at a Public Hearing on April 16, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.
New Business: None
Next Meeting: May 11, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.
Excuse absent Members: Member Rossmoved to excuse absent members. Member French supported. Motion carried.
Adjournment: Member French moved to adjourn the meeting. MemberRoss supported. Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 7:18 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Amy Summers