- Use the template provided below.
- Please type or write legibly
- Ensure all of the basic details are completed correctly and accurately
- Make sure your report is objective (don’t include personal opinions and keep it factual)
- Give some context to the incident;
- Where were you on the court when it happened?
- Where was the other umpire when the suspension was made
- Where was the ball and who had possession of the ball?
- Where was the incident on the court?
- What happened in the run up to the incident?
- Had the player been formally warned prior to the suspension?
- What happened in the incident?
- Report only what you saw and heard - these must be linked!
- What were the outcomes you came to?
- How did you reach these outcomes?
- How was the game restarted?
- Were there any repercussions from the incident - only comment if there were!
- The report must be e-mailed or posted to the relevant Region/County/league within 48 hours.
League / Division
Match / Home Team / Visiting Team
Quarter / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / OT / Match Time at the time of Suspension
Circle or delete as appropriate
Team / Playing Position of
Suspended Player
Player’s Name
Length of Suspension /
- A given number of minutes
as appropriate
- A given number of goals
as appropriate
- Until The Next Interval
as appropriate
- For the Remainder of the match
as appropriate
Reason for the Suspension / The breaking of the rule / rulesthat were breached
Had the player been warned prior to this suspension?
(Circle or delete as appropriate) /
- by yourself
- by the other Umpire
If your answer to (b) is YES, were you aware of this at the time of the suspension / Yes / No
Did this suspension result following communication with your co-umpire about this incident / Yes / No
Please write a short report outlining the nature of the incident. (use a separate page if required)
Controlling Umpire
Name / Signature / Date
Non-Controlling Umpire
Name / Signature / Date
Through the completion and submission of this report, I consent that further action may be taken against the player noted above, pursuant to the England Netball Code of Conduct.
Player Suspension Form