DD Division Minutes: J Wilcox Page 1 of 4

Developmental Disabilities Division

Division Meeting Minutes: March 15, 2012

Providers In Attendance: Margaret Beglinger, Network, Inc.; Nicole Cadovious, Ability Beyond Disability (ABD); Janice Chamberlain, Horizon, Inc.; Mary Pat DeCarlo, Institute for Professional Practice, Inc. (IPP); Stacey Didato, Ability Beyond Disability (ABD); Chet Fischer, New England Residential Services (NERS); Susan Jackson, Volunteers of America; Cheryl Kennen, STAR, Inc.; Heather LaTorra, Marrakech, Inc.; Keith Lavalette, New Seasons; Sherri Mallinson, Community Residences, Inc. (CRI); Joseph Marafito, Justice Resource Institute (JRI); Mari Midlin, Windsor Independent Living Association, Inc. (WILA); Jim Morrison, MARC Community Resources; Kim Oliver, Resources for Human Development (RHD); Mary Beth O’Neill, Key Human Services, Inc.; Susan Pearson, Network, Inc.; Pam Reid, Sunrise Northeast / United Cerebral Palsy, Hartford; Paul Rosin, Community Residences, Inc. (CRI); Jordan Scheff, MARCH, Inc.; Jim Traester, Anquillare, Ruocco, Traester & Co.; Elisa Velardo, Vinfen – CT and Michael Verrett, Residential. Management Services, Inc. (RMS.)

Guest Presenter: James McGaughey, Executive Director, OPA

CT Association of Nonprofits: Ron Cretaro, Julia Wilcox

Introductions & Announcements:

Jim Morrison, DD Division Co-Chair and Julia Wilcox, CT Nonprofits, initiated introductions, and discussed the following announcements:

CT Nonprofits’ Weeks at the Capitol: April 16-20, 2012, State Capitol, Hartford

CT Nonprofits’ Legislative Reception: 4.26.12, 5 PM, Old Judiciary, (East Side of the Capitol, 3rd floor)

“Elder Ready Communities and Aging in Place” 5.04.12; 8:30AM -2:30PM, KeeneyCenter, Wethersfield

DDS-sponsored ‘Creative Housing Series’: 1st Forum Series: 4.19 Norwich & 4.26 New Haven; Second Forum Series: 5.17 Norwich & 5.24 New Haven (Held at DDS Offices, 5:30 to 8:30 PM. Lisa Rogers: 860.859.5468

Recent DDS Appointments: Two Regional Directors:

DDS has announced the appointment of two Regional Directors: Thomas Dailey, Incoming DDS South Regional Director, and Jordan Scheff, Executive Director, MARCH, Inc., DDS North Regional Director.

Providers are extremely please with and encouraged by these appointments. Attendees discussed the fact that overall, the present DDS administration provides a very strong representation of the private / nonprofit sector, including Commissioner Macy and Deputy Commissioner Drexler, Acting Operations Center Director Mason, and now, Mr. Scheff.

Providers agree that Mr. Dailey has done an exceptional job as interim Regional Director for the North Region. Providers noted that he remains the first and only Regional Director to receive a ‘round of applause’ during a DDS Trades Meeting, for his efforts and dedication.

Providers expressed their congratulations to Mr. Scheff on his appointment. Ms. Wilcox expressed appreciation on behalf of the DD Division, for his commitment to CT Nonprofits, as a former Co-Chair and long-term, active member of the Steering Committee, representing the Division in many capacities over the years. Mr. Scheff expressed appreciation to all for their support and well-wishes.

DDS / Provider Trades Meetings: (Julia Wilcox, Attendees)

Attendees reviewed highlights of the previous Trades Meeting: 3.07.12: MARCH, Inc., Manchester (coordinated by CT Nonprofits.) CT Nonprofits’ Representatives to the Trades 3.07:

Mary Beth O’Neill, Key Human Services, Jordan Scheff, MARCH, Inc. (Host); Elisa Velardo, Vinfen-CT and Tracey Walker, May Institute.

Program Review Committee (PRC): Ms Wilcox presented concerns on behalf of providers, related to the PRC process. She shared examples previously discussed within the DD Division. Although questioned on this matter, Ms. Wilcox assured DDS Staff, that providers who had experienced issues with timing, etc., had followed the protocol in terms of notifying appropriate DDS Regional staff. DDS agreed that improvements to the process would benefit the network.

Elisa Velardo, Vinfen-CT, shared that she has participated on the Program Review Committee, and discussed the Pilot Program. Ms. Velardo commented that there are aspects of the PRC process that do work well. Providers tend to agree that South Region appears to have fewer PRC-related concerns than other Regions.

Wheelchair Lift Policy: There was a brief discussion regarding an undated memo “Risk Management Safety

Alert”(circa 12/2011) which outlined specific policies related to the number of staff necessary for transfers etc.

Implementation of the DDS 5 Year Plan: Commissioner Macy reviewed the Implementation Process to date, including involvement of an extremely intricate stakeholders’ network. During the Trades discussion, Ron Cretaro, CT Nonprofits, stated that that due to the fact that the Plan was so extensive in nature, it would be beneficial to have additional opportunities for the Provider network to be involved in the process to determine where to ‘start’ (i.e.: prioritize specific areas within the Plan.) The Commissioner agreed. Additional information will be forthcoming.

National Core Indicators (NCI) : The Trades Meeting included a brief discussion regarding the National Core Indicators (NCI.) The National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS) and the Human Services Research Institute launched the Core Indicators Project. The name of the data collection collaborative was changed to National Core Indicators (NCI) in 2002. The aim of the initiative is to develop nationally recognized performance and outcome indicators that will enable developmental disabilities policy makers to benchmark the performance of their state against the performance of other states.

Upcoming Trades Meetings:

  • 4.04.12: South Region: Mosaic, Cromwell Office , (coordinated by CCPA)
  • 5.02.12: West Region: Waterbury Arc, (coordinated by Arc of CT)

CT Nonprofits’ representatives for 4.04.12 Trades Meeting: Mary Pat DeCarlo, Institute for Professional Practice; Jim Morrison, MARC Community Resources; Mary Beth O’Neil, Key Human Services and Paul Rosin.

(Refer to Trades Meeting Minutes, by Julia Wilcox, CT Nonprofits, for additional information. Update: April Trades Meeting cancelled due to availability of Commissioner Macy.)

Committee on Rate Transition for Day Programs Administered by DDS:

Providers and committee members reviewed updates regarding the following Committee and sub-committees, with representatives designated as follows:

Rate Transition Steering Committee: Katie Banzhaf , Janice Chamberlain, Elisa Velardo & Julia Wilcox

  • Pending Final Report; Request for OLR Research / Report

Sustainability Sub-Committee: Elisa Velardo, Vinfen - CT

Transition & Implementation Sub-Committee:

  • Noreen Piscatelli, Arc of Greater New Haven, Janice Chamberlain, Horizons, Inc.

Residential Transition Committee: Mary Pat Decarlo, Paul Rosin & Jordan Scheff. (Incoming: Chet Fischer)

State Government / Public Policy Updates:

Ron Cretaro and Julia Wilcox, CT Nonprofits, provided updates regarding the following:

CT Nonprofits' Summary of DDS - Specific Budget Highlights

Legislative Session Updates; CT Nonprofits’ advocacy initiatives including in-district Legislative Breakfast Meetings, Joint Press Conference Hosted By CT Nonprofits and CCPA 2.17.12 and the ‘CT Speaks Up’ Advocacy Campaign.

S.B. No. 30: ‘AN ACT IMPLEMENTING PROVISIONS OF THE BUDGET CONCERNING HUMAN SERVICES.’ To implement the Governor's budget recommendations. S.B. No. 30 defines implementer language pertaining to CLA and ICF / MR Rate Freezes& Reductions, as presented in the Governor’s Budget Adjustments.

CT Nonprofits' Testimony Re: Human Services / DSS Bills Re: DDS as follows:

S.B. No. 30: ‘AN ACT IMPLEMENTING PROVISIONS OF THE BUDGET CONCERNING HUMAN SERVICES.’ To implement the Governor's budget recommendations. (Implementer language pertaining to CLA and ICF / MR Rate Freezes& Reductions) (IN OPPOSITION – Sections 4 - Section 6.)

S.B. No. 231: ‘AN ACT MODIFYING THE KATIE BECKETT HOME CARE WAIVER PROGRAM.’ To make technical modifications to a Medicaid waiver program for persons with disabilities to expand access and better define the population served. (IN SUPPORT)

S.B. No. 232: ‘AN ACT EXTENDING A MORATORIUM ON NURSING HOME BEDS.’ To extend a moratorium on nursing home beds in keeping with a state plan to move more residents to community care settings. (IN SUPPORT)

DD-Specific Testimony Template: Ms. Wilcox reviewed additional DD Specific & Cross-Sector Legislation. CT Nonprofits previously developed and distributed a Testimony Template Regarding S.B. No. 30 & Various DD-Related Bills. The ‘Testimony Template’ provided a streamlined process / opportunity for members to easily submit testimony. Providers were encouraged to continue to submit testimony and/or correspond with their legislators regarding these matters.

A brief discussion ensued regarding the Labor and Public Employees Committee Public Hearing on H.B. No. 5433 - AN ACT CREATING A PROCEDURE FOR PERSONAL CARE ATTENDANTS TO COLLECTIVELY BARGAIN WITH THE STATE.

Guest Presenter: James McGaughey, Executive Director, OPA:

Mr. McGaughey provided an overview and updates regarding the Office of Protection & Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities. The mission of the Office of Protection and Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities is to advance the cause of equal rights for persons with disabilities and their families by:

  • Increasing the ability of individuals, groups and systems to safeguard rights
  • Exposing instances and patterns of discrimination and abuse
  • Seeking individual and systemic remediation when rights are violated
  • Increasing public awareness of unjust situations and of means to address them; and
  • Empowering people with disabilities and their families to advocate effectively.

Status of OPA response to the OPA/CHRO "consolidation" Proposal:Mr. McGaughey reviewed the Public Hearing which took place on 3.08.12, regarding H.B. 5016, which proposes to consolidate a number of agencies, including, in Sections 74 through 82, the consolidation of OPA with the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities. He reviewed OPA Department Testimony on H.B. No. 5016.

The Bill proposes formation of a new agency to be called the Department of Human Rights, Protection and Advocacy. For a number of reasons, Mr. McGaughey – as well as Julia Wilcox and members of CT Nonprofits, believe this proposal is ill considered, and that it will significantly weaken safeguarding protections for people with disabilities in Connecticut.

Mr. McGaughey also discussed efforts of the OPA related to legislation pertaining to the so-called “Scream Rooms.’ Amid growing concerns about "scream rooms," lawmakers held a public hearing on 3.06.12, on a measure to require schools and other institutions to report how often seclusion and restraints are used and, in each case, why. So-called "scream rooms" or seclusion rooms made headlines early this year after upset parents and students at Farm Hill School in Middletown spoke up about their widespread and troubling use

Mr. McGaughey reviewed additional legislative issues related to Disability Rights, and answered questions from the membership.

For clarification on any of the enclosed information, Providers should feel free to contact:

Julia Wilcox, Senior Pubic Policy Specialist, CT Nonprofits:; 860-525-5080 ext.25

Next monthly meeting of the Developmental Disabilities Division: April 19, 2012

90 Brainard Road♦ Hartford, CT06114♦ Tel:860.525.5080 ♦ Fax: 860.525.5088 ♦