Minutes of an ordinary meeting of Holme Parish Council on Monday 27th November 2017

Present: Cllr Medwin Sherriff (Chairman), Cllr's; Andrew Hancock, Vic Brown, Sue Wragg, Joan Hodkinson, Ruth Taylor, Alyson Churnside, Brian Cooper and Roger Bingham.

58.0 Apologies: None

59.0 Requests for Dispensations/Declarations of Interest: None

60.0 The minutes of the ordinary meeting held on Monday 30th October 2017 having been circulated to all Cllr’s; these were accepted as a true record and signed as such by the Chairman.

61.0 Chairman’s Remarks:

·  New Development on Milnthorpe Road – The documents for this will be open for public comments from 14/12/17 for 6 weeks. In early January 2018 there will be a public meeting.

62.0 Cllr Bingham – CCC

·  Floods – Cllr Bingham has spoken to a Highways representative who acknowledged the floods around the Holme area were worse than during Storm Desmond. The impact of the recent floods has been realised by Highways.

63.0 Public Session

·  A representative from the Red Cross in the N.Lancs/S.Cumbria area is looking to locate people affected by the recent flooding. The Red Cross would like to offer practical and emotional support to those in need. They have good contacts with the Environment Agency.

·  A number of residents attended to raise flooding issues they experienced recently. Residents made a number of points;

o  5 homes were flooded by one culvert

o  1 home now has subsidence due to the flooding

o  Blocked culverts have been reported twice. Highways have blown them out but couldn’t find a problem. Highways are supposed to be returning on the 28/11/17.

o  Who is responsible for cleaning/clearing of culverts

o  1 resident has found a map showing drainage coming down Hillside into one culvert.

o  Maps are needed to show the location and exits of all culverts within the village.

Cllr Sherriff told the meeting he had spoken at length with Cllr Bingham. Cllr Bingham has been round and spoken to residents personally. Cllr Sherriff has also seen comments on Facebook and taken note.

Cllr Sherriff has spoken to Cumbria County Council (CCC) 3 times today as they are the organisation responsible for resolving these problems. There will be a representative from CCC in the village tomorrow (28/11/17). CCC will speak with those affected; they are looking for details from individuals. At this point details were passed to the Clerk of those residents who wished to be contacted by CCC. Cllr Sherriff asked the residents to contact the Parish Council if nothing happens.

Cllr Sherriff is prepared to organise an open meeting with CCC and residents if that is required.

Cllr Brown informed the meeting that LAP were asked by Highways to gather information on culverts, this was completed and sent to Highways.

Cllr Bingham informed the council he had attended a meeting in Burton recently which was with Highways and residents. It was a very productive meeting.

64.0 Finance

It was resolved to pay the following:

o  Holme Parish Hall - £17.50

o  Clerk’s Expenses - £8.00 (mileage to Clerk’s Forum)

o  Playground repairs - £400.00 (work to be carried out in the spring)

64.1 Bank reconciliation and statements were viewed by the council and signed by Cllr Hancock. No budget queries.

64.2 Precept – It was resolved that the precept be set at £21,720.30. Proposed by Cllr Hodkinson and seconded by Cllr Taylor. All in favour.

As part of the precept discussion the council resolved to consider S137 expenditure for B4RN should a request be made. This decision was proposed by Cllr Hancock and seconded by Cllr Wragg. All in favour.

At the beginning of the discussion regarding B4RN Cllr Brown declared an interest and left the room.

64.3 It was decided not to subscribe to Parish Online at this time but to reconsider should the need for mapping arise.

65.0 Other Items

·  The current police report was read out and is available on the council website and noticeboard.

·  The council resolved the new planning procedure should be accepted.

66.0 Community Issues

66.1 WW1 Tribute – deferred to the next meeting.

66.2 Location of Estate agent signage – deferred to the next meeting.

66.3 PSPO Consultation (Dog Control Orders replacement). – deferred as above.

66.4 Cllr Brown confirmed he has been advised that the full length of the pavements on North Road will be resurfaced. Clerk to email Highways for a written confirmation.

66.5 Update on B4RN – this was received during the precept discussion.

66.6 Update on Health Visitor – no further information has been received.

66.7 Update on Speedwatch – No update as the co-ordinator has been unwell.

67.0 Reports on Meetings

·  The Clerk and Chairman met with an SLDC representative regarding the siting of bins. SLDC are going to remove the bin from next to the stone built bus shelter down to Sheernest Lane. The bin in the playpark on Mayfield Avenue will be moved outside of the railings. Reminders will be posted around the village regarding dog owner’s responsibility to clean up after their dogs.

Date of next meeting: Monday 29th January 2018 at 7.30pm

Meeting closed 21.30