Oct. 14, 2008 Volume 6

Dates to Remember

*Oct. 17 is GOALS Shirt day!

*Oct. 29- Book Orders Due!

Parent Letter

Thanks for your continuing support! Please remember to sign the agenda each night after your child has completed his/her homework. Reading for 15 minutes and having a parent signature to prove it is how the students earn Book It! pizzas from Pizza Hut!

Unit 5-6 Spelling tests are in the yellow folder this week. We did Unit 6, but we skipped Unit 5. Don’t be alarmed- no child was tested on this unit.

If you see blue pen tally marks on your child’s tests: he/she improved since last time and has earned points for his/her team! P’s and AP’s always get points as well J

Cleanest Desk Winners

Noah Hogan

Cassidy Wilhelm

Congratulations! It’s worth 3 tickets J


Look in the yellow folders for an opportunity from Highlights. Even if you’re not interested, please sign and return the form. Thanks!

**Missing Homework results in the clip being lowered. It’s super important to BE PREPARED!


Excellent Eagles begin this week! A review of our classroom policies:

-Bad choices (continuing after a warning), incomplete homework or class work, not being prepared for class result in a child moving his/her clip down the Ladder of Success.

-If a student reaches the 50% level, he/she will receive a GOALS referral that will come home. If you see one, please discuss with your child and sign and return the form.

-A student can demonstrate improved behavior in the area of the referral and earn a ticket to wipe-out the referral. They will move back up the ladder. They will still be eligible for the monthly reward.

-If a student does not need to earn back a referral, his/her earned tickets will go into a can for a classroom and office weekly prize drawing.

-If a student goes down to 25% on the Ladder of Success, they cannot earn their way back up. A red office referral slip will be issued and they will not be considered for participation in the Excellent Eagle Reward.

-A student must have his/her clip on 100% by the end of the month to be an Excellent Eagle.

-If a student has come down to 75%

5 times in the month or received a GOALS Referral without wiping it out, he/she will not be eligible for Excellent Eagle rewards.

-Daily percentages will be in the agenda. Look for them there!