Titanic Passenger Project

For this assignment, you will be given a Titanic ticket with a passenger’s name on it. Your first step will be to research your assigned passenger and complete the blanks on the ticket. Once you have your ticket completed, you will begin the project.

Using a laptop in class or at home, you will research your assigned passenger and complete the following three components of the project.

1. Biography – 40 points

In Microsoft Word, you will type a two-paragraph biography on your assigned passenger. Each biography should include the following:

  • Date of birth and death
  • Hometown
  • Reason for sailing on the Titanic
  • Class on the Titanic
  • Any family or friends they were traveling with on the Titanic
  • Occupation or lifetime accomplishments (before/after Titanic)
  • Whether or not they survived the sinking of the Titanic
  • Any other significant information

2. Creative Artifact – 40 points

You will choose to create one of the Creative Artifact projects listed below on your assigned passenger. See below for specific requirements and the Artifact Rubric for grading details.

a. Journal Entry

For this project, you will write a journal entry from the perspective of your passenger while he/she is on the Titanic, ready to set sail, on a lifeboat, or safely on shore after being rescued. Use appropriate style and paper (no notebook paper and pencil) – consider making the paper look old by crumpling it, dying it or burning the edges (WITH PARENT SUPERVISION). Use proper letter format and headings. The entry should be three paragraphs with at least four sentences in each paragraph. See rubric for additional requirements.

b. Message in a Bottle

For this project, you will write a letter to someone on shore from a lifeboat or the sinking Titanic. Keep in mind who you would be addressing this letter to and under what circumstances. This project should be submitted in a bottle (Smart Water bottles work well). The letter should be three paragraphs with at least four sentences in each paragraph. See rubric for additional requirements.

c. Missing Persons Poster

For this project, you will make a “Missing Persons” poster with a picture of your passenger and a brief two-paragraph description of who he/she is, what they have accomplished and how they went missing. Consider who might be looking for them. Be creative! See rubric for additional requirements.

d. Obituary in the Newspaper

Using obituaries in today’s newspapers, you will write an obituary for your passenger (must be one that died on the Titanic). You will include important information about your passenger as well as a picture. This project should look like a newspaper. The obituary should be three paragraphs with at least four sentences in each paragraph. See rubric for additional requirements.

3. Presentation – 20 points

On a date that will be announced in class, students will “tell their story” to the class from the perspective of their assigned passenger. Presentations should be approximately 90 seconds long. Dressing the part and the use of props is encouraged and will earn extra credit! Have fun with it. See rubric for additional requirements.

Due Date: ______



10 points / 5 points / 0 points
Content / All key questions are answered and only relevant information is included / Main information is provided but key details or answers are missing / Key information is missing and most of the questions are not answered
Mechanics / There are less than 5 grammar, spelling or punctuation errors / There are less than 10 grammar, spelling or punctuation errors / There are more than 10 grammar, spelling or punctuation errors
Followed Directions / Directions were followed completely / Some directions were not followed / The assignment was not completed as directed
Turned in on-time and printed / The assignment was printed prior to class and turned in on time / The assignment was not printed prior to class and was therefore not turned in on time

Total: ______

Creative Artifact

10 points / 0 points
Appropriate medium / Project is presented on the appropriate material and with the proper format (no notebook paper and pencil) / Project is not presented on an appropriate medium or in the appropriate format
Length requirement / The assignment meets the length requirement / The assignment does not meet the length requirement
Visually appealing / The project demonstrates thought, care and creativity / The project is plain and does not demonstrate thought or care
Followed directions / Directions were followed / Key directions were not followed



10 points / 0 Points
Time – 1.5 – 2.5 minutes / Meets minimum time requirement and does not exceed 2.5 minutes / Does not meet minimum or exceeds maximum time requirement
Informative and prepared / Presentation is informative and appears well-prepared / Presentation does not appear prepared or lacks key information

______Bonus 5 points for dress up/props




  1. John Jacob Astor
  2. Bruce Ismay
  3. Margaret “Molly” Brown
  4. Benjamin Guggenheim
  5. Isidor Straus
  6. Edward Smith
  7. Thomas Andrews
  8. George Dennick Wick
  9. George Dunton Widener
  10. John Thayer
  11. Major Archibald Butt
  12. Lawrence Beesley
  13. Laroche Family – Joseph, Simonne and Louise
  14. Frank John William Goldsmith
  15. Captain Edward Smith
  16. Hudson Trevor Allison
  17. Sir Cosmo Edmund Duff-Gordon
  18. Miss Edith Corse Evans
  19. Jacques Heath Futrelle
  20. Henry Sleepy Harper
  21. Francis Davis Millet
  22. Leah Aks
  23. Master Anthony William Sage
  24. Miss Elizabeth Gladys Dean
  25. Miss Eugenie Baclini
  26. Elin Hakkarainen