SEMI Publication Improvement Proposal Form

Submitted by: Murray Bullis / Document Number: SEMI MF1535-0707
Company: Materials & Metrology / Document Title Test Method for Carrier Recombination Lifetime in Silicon Wafers by Non-contact Measurement of Photoconductivity by Microwave Reflectance
Address: 9033 Craydon Circle
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Date: April 15, 2013
Nature of Change / Location / Proposed Change
Editorial / ¶4.1 / SEMI C28 — Specifications and Guidelines for Hydrofluoric Acid
Editorial / ¶4.1 / SEMI M1 — Specifications for Polished Monocrystalline Single Crystal Silicon Wafers
Editorial / ¶5.1 / Terms. acronyms, and symbols associated with silicon wafers and silicon technology are listed and defined Definitions of terms used in silicon technology may be found in SEMI M59.
Editorial / Footnote 9 / This standard is no longer aAvailable in both either a German and or an English editions from Deutches Institut für Normung e.V., Beuth Verlag GmbH, Burggrafenstrasse 4-10, D10787 Berlin, Germany; The reference to this standard is included for historical reasons only.
Editorial / ¶6.1.2 / The primary mode lifetime (τ1) is taken …
Editorial / ¶6.1.3 / The 1/e lifetime (τe) is taken …
Editorial / ¶8.4 / Iodine-Ethanol Passivating Solution — Iodine content 0.02 mol/L - 0.2 mol/L.
Editorial / ¶13.1.6 / Carrier recombination lifetime in ms. It is required to clarify whether the measured lifetime is t1 τ1 or te.
Editorial / ¶14.1 / Precision — The round robin test of this method was conducted from May 1996 to November 1996 to establish JEIDA 53, now JEITA EM3502. The specimens were 150 mm-diameter CZ Cz (100) thermally oxidized wafers of both p- and n-type. Two conductivity levels were set between 3 W・cm and 47 W・cm and three lifetime levels between 2 ms and 1500 ms, and total 12 kinds of wafers were characterized in the round robin test. 19 organizations (17 companies and 2 universities) joined the test. The center value of the standard deviation of errors for each wafer is 9.6% (t1) and 9.4% (te) for an injected photon density of 5 ´ 1013 photons/cm2.
Editorial / ¶R1-1 / (New section heading) Injection Level Adjustment Procedure
Editorial / Fig R1-1a / (y-axis title has been omitted for a number of years)
Editorial / Table R1-1 / Correct Table number from Table 1 to Table R1-1
Editorial / ¶R2-1 / (New section heading) Discussion
Editorial / Fig R2-1 / (y-axis title has been omitted for a number of years)
Editorial / ¶R3-1 / (New section heading) Introduction
Editorial / ¶R3-2 / (New section heading) Discussion
Editorial / Figure R3-1 / (y-axis title has been omitted for a number of years)