Faculty: Engineering / Academic Year
2012-2013 / 06.08.2012
Electrical And Electronics Engineering
EEM-436 / Name of the course
High Voltage Cables / Semester/Year
8/4 / ECTS
Course language / Turkish
Category / Required
Prerequisite / Not applicable
Course Webpage
Local Credit / Theoretical / Practical / Laboratory / Presentation / Project/Field study
2 / 2 / - / 0 / - / -
Instructor(s) / Prof. Dr. Mehmet CEBECİ
Assistant / -
Content of the course / Conductors and insulators of cables. Electric field distribution, electrical spark and partial discharges on the cables. LV, MV, HV and UHV-EHV cables.
Course Plan
Week / Theoretical Subjects / Practical subjects
1 / Cable kinds and definitions. Cable conductors and insulators.
2 / Cable designing: Determination of cable parameters.
3 / Electric field distribution and being forced behaviours.
4 / Agieng in cables, electrical spark and partial discharges.
5 / Thermal characterisitcs of the cables and current transmission capacity.
6 / Short time operating of the cables and short circuit behaviour.
7 / Cooling the cables. Cable losses. Crosswising the cables.
8 / Cable-environment interaction and screening.
9 / Mid Term / Mid Term
10 / Corrosion and protection of the cables.
11 / Cable production. Cable accessories. Caps and extras. Cable inspections and tests.
12 / Fixing cable faults and its places.
13 / Cable economy, selecting cable.
14 / Special cables (DC cables, super conductor cables, gas insulated cables, sodium conductor cables)
15 / Special cables (extra high voltage cables, sea cables)
16 / Instructions and standards of the cables.
Text book(s) / Lecture Notes.
Reference books / Güç Dağıtımı (Enerji Dağıtımı), Yetkin Saner, Birsen Yayınevi, 1998.
Yüksek Gerilim Tekniği, Sefa Akpınar, KTÜ Yayını, Trabzon, 1997. Birsen Yayınevi, 2005. Electrical Power Cable Engineering, Marcel DEKKER Inc., New York, 1999.
Power Cables and Their Applications, L. Heinhold, Siemens, Berlin, 1990
Assessment / Number / Contributionto GPA (%)
Mid term / 1 / 40
Pop-quiz / - / -
Homework / - / -
Projects / - / -
Term project / - / -
Laboratory / - / -
Others / - / -
Final exam / 1 / 60
About assessment criteria
Contribution of the contents (%) / Medical Sciences / -
Engineering / 100
General Sciences / -
Social sciences / -
Learning Outcomes / Knowing physical features of cables, cable selection and cable faults. Dimensioning of cable depending on electric field.
Goals / Designing, manufacturing, selection, layingandoperation ofhigh voltage cables. Due to highvoltagesandcurrents, HV cables are face to facehighelectricalandthermalstresses so they are different fromothercables. In this course, it is proposed toteachHV cables which have richwith content just like modeling, electrical engineering, electricfieldandthermalanalysis, dischargephenomena, knowledge of materials, experimental studies anddesign techniques.
Course Format / Theoretical classroom lectures.
Relation between the learning and program outcomes
Outputs / 0 / 1 / 2
1 / Having sufficient background in basic mathematics and sciences and basic engineering; ability to use conceptual and practical knowledge together in this area for engineering solutions. / X
2 / Ability to identify,formulate,and solve electrical electronics engineeringproblems,to select and apply appropriate methodsandtechniques forthispurpose. / X
3 / Ability to design asystem, componentor process to meet thespecific needsandrequirements,ability to applymodern methodsin thisdirection / X
4 / Ability to choose modern techniques and equipments that are necessary for electrical electronics engineering applications, to have an ability to use package programs effectively. / X
5 / Ability to make an experiment, experiment design, analysis of experiment results and to reach a solution by interpretation in the subjects of electrical electronics engineering and basic engineering. / X
6 / Ability to have access to information and make resource investigation according to this aim, have an ability for using information resources / X
7 / Ability to work effectively as an individual and in multi-disciplinary teams, self-reliance in taking responsibility. / X
8 / Ability to communicate and express himself effectively in TurkishandEnglish,ability to self- confidence and occupational competence to defendtheir ideasin front ofthe communityona givensubject. / X
9 / Awareness ofthe necessity oflifelonglearning, ability to followdevelopments in science and technology and self-renewal ability / X
10 / Professionalandethical awareness in engineering approaches. / X
11 / Awarenessaboutworkplacepractices, ability to produce engineering solutions sensitive tohuman and nature. / X
12 / Having knowledge about education and problems about the age for understanding the effects of engineering solutions and applications on universal and social dimensions / X
Contribution : 0:None 1:Partially 2:Completely

Prepared by: Prof.Dr. Mehmet CEBECİ

Date of preparation: 06.08.2012