Patient Participation GroupMeeting / Date / Thursday 23 October 2014
Chair / Judith Smithard / Time / 6.45pm – 8.30pm
Secretary/Minute Taker / Jenny Rice / Location / Quorn Medical Centre
Rachel Bazire (RB), Do Berry (DB), Jacqui Gardner (JG), Geoff Hearn (GH), Derick Horsfall (DH),Pauline Knowles (PK), Paul Lock (PL), Jenny Rice (JR), Janis Sarsfield (JS), Geoff Smith (GS), Judith Smithard (JS), Jill Widdowson (JW)
Virtual PPG Representatives: Mike Stead (MS), Tony Weller (TW)
Practice Representative: Liz Wells, Practice Manager (LW)
Apologies: Dr Barlow, Dr Frost, Lil Folkes, David Cawdell, Avaon Davies, Ray Grocock, Tristan Harvey, Paul Russ
No / Actions
1 / Welcome new members of the PPG and VPPG:
JS welcomed everyone and especially the new members to the PPG. As there were several new members everyone introduced themselves.
JS went over the ground rules and constitution.
2 / Apologies for Absence:
JS gave out apologies for absence. Not all non-attendees had sent their apologies.
3 / Matters Arising:
Telephone System:
LW informed the group that the new telephone system would be going ahead on 30th/31st October and that the new number will become effective on 31st October. The new number is 01509 410800.
Friends and Family Test:
Following attendance at a FFT meeting, LW said she was disappointed that she had not learned anything new to share with them. Also the comment forms that were given to Practices were faulty in that they did not all have a consent box for patients to tick, giving the Practice consent to use their comments. Therefore, they could not be used unless patients write on the form that they gave their consent. The test goes live on 1 December 2014. There is a cost to order extra supplies; therefore the Practice will create their own forms when our supplies run out. Originally, NHS England expected a 20% response rate per month, but this is no longer a requirement.
This test will run in the same way as the patient survey. We will have an online version as well as a paper version and once again we require volunteers to input the data.
Patient Survey:
Thanks were given to PL, who is inputting the survey on the computer.
The Future of General Practice
At the meetingthe prospect of opening 7 days a week/age of GP’s/looking after patients in the community were discussed. Although PPG members could contribute to the discussion, it was felt that it wasn’t really geared towards them.
CCG has to propose a new primary care category. NHS is going to change over thenext few years. Quorn Medical Practice is a member of South Charnwood and is already federated there is a 5 year plan. Quorn Medical Practice has signed up to all community based services.
5 / Speaker: Tony Weller on VISTA Befriending Presentation and Q&A’s
Tony Weller a member of the Virtual PPG, gave a very interesting and enthusiastic talk on his work with VISTA, which helps people who suddenly become blind/partially sighted. He was introduced to two ladies through the Rotary and became a befriender to them; they have very different needs. He set up KIT (keep in touch), which entails meeting up and going out for meals. He is also an inventor and has overcome several obstacles to make life easier for these ladies. The Lottery funded VISTA for 3 years. He is leaving some application forms in the surgery for people who would like to become a ’befriender’. LW said she would be interested in using VISTA as a training tool for the staff at their next protected learning time (PLT) session on 17 November. JS thanked TW very much indeed for his talk.
6 / Panel Numbers:
There are currently 21 members on the panel with 3 on the waiting list. Nearly 60 on the VPPG. Shirley Godber, who has been a member of the PPG since its inception and has been an integral part of our group, has decided to stand down and transfer to the VPPG. GH is also going to stand down after the next meeting, as he has also been a member since its inception and said it would be a good idea to bring in ‘fresh blood’. It was agreed to keep the panel to 20 members.
7 / Constitution:
Suggested changes to our constitution were discussed e.g. it was stated that failure to attend three meetings would mean that members automatically transferred to the VPPG. Apologies should be sent to the chair 48 hours before a meeting.
8 / CCG Network Meeting:
JS has attended several meetings and asked if anyone would like to accompany her to future ones. The next meeting will be held on 13 November at the Quorn Country Hotel in Quorn. These meetings are crucial when updates are given. There were 3 workshops, but JS could only attend 2. One was on the Rapid Response Unit for up to 10 very frail patients. This unit is now bedding in and Sue Venables said it is very successful. A specialist geriatric doctor can be contacted by Skype and the patients receive treatment and go home the same day. The Leicester Mercury is going to do an article on it.
The Network newsletter will inform you what is happening. JS suggests that everyne signs up as a member to receive it. LW is going to send a link via an email to everyone.
The second session led by Sue Venables ‘More Money for Dementia Services’. Transport issues were discussed. SSAFA (Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen’s Family Association) started in August and took over the Acute Visiting Service (AVS). LW spoke from personal experience of SSAFA and said the service they provide is excellent.
JS also attended the AGM at Loughborough Town Hall. Dr Barlow was also present.
9 / Health Awareness:
There are three websites. JW said events were spread over the year. Suggest e.mailto all members regarding the Awareness weeks/month, so that members can access information. Action: PL/LW
RB said she would do board on ovarian cancer.
10 / NAPP:
  • Point 6 - already covered.
  • Point 5 – CQC independently assess Practices, Care Homes and Hospitals. If found to be wanting they can close you down. LW will let group know when they are visiting Quorn; they will up to 48 hours-notice and will interview Practice staff and patients.
  • Point 7 - Self Care Week 17–21 November 2014. Self care for life, stay healthy this Winter. JS will put up this display, DB offered to help.

11 / Any Other Business:
LLR Alliance Letter
LW forwarded the LLR Alliance letter via an e-mail to the PPG and VPPG on the 8th October. This is made up of a group of GP’s, Loughborough Community Hospital, strong patient participation group. Nominations should be from localities. How we can all we help. Suggest to Sue Venables that this should be an item on the next agenda. Share good ideas. Strong groups should support weaker ones.
Next Meeting
Our next meeting will be held on 4th December 2014. It was decided that we would hold part of this meeting as an open evening event, to encourage VPPG members to attend and other patients so that they can meet the group and gain an understanding of the aim of our group. The first hour will be a normal meeting albeit a shorter one.
Nuffield Health has offered to sponsor the event and will provide refreshments. It will be advertised in the Village New Section of the Loughborough Echo and we will ask patients to book a place. If the numbers are large we will look into hiring the Village Hall. Action: LW/JS

Date of Next Meeting: Thursday 4 December 2014