Statement of Requirements

Sender / Recipient
NAME: / Orange Event Solutions
Address: / 33 rue Poncelet - 75017 Paris
COUNTRY: / Landline: +33 (0)1 55 56 10 00 Fax: +33 (0)1 55 56 10 02
Landline: Fax: / Email:
Email: /
Company name:
SIRET no.:
Customer number: CL ______

Name of event: ......

Date of installation*: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _ Date of termination: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

*additional cost applicable if express service requested

Installation address: ......

Post Code: ……………………………………….. Town:……………………………… COUNTRY: ......

On-site contact: ......

Mobile phone:……………………….... Landline:…………………….. email: …………………………...... Fax:......

Billing address: ......

Post Code: ...... Town:……………………………… COUNTRY: ......

Fixed telephone lines / Quantity / Unit price (excl. tax)
(< or = 1 month)
Analogue line connection fee (< or = 1 month) / 150 €
Technician’s travel expenses (for analogue lines only) / 57.50 €
Optional telephone rental (contact us) / 10 €
Numéris (ISDN) line connection fee (< or = 1 month) / 360 €
Technician cover (working hours, Monday through Saturday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.) / 65.39 € / hour
Technician cover (outside working hours, Sundays and Bank Holidays 6 p.m. - 8 a.m.) / 102.62 € / hour
Standard delivery time > 48 hours from receipt of statement of requirements.
Express delivery option subject to technical feasibility:
2 working days - surcharge of 50% of order,
1 working day - 100% surcharge
same day - 200% surcharge
Internet access (bandwidth not guaranteed) - ADSL / Quantity / Unit price (excl. tax)
(< or = 1 month)
Package: 1 Mb max. ADSL + ISP + LiveBox / 530 €
Package: ADSL HD (2 to 20 Mb depending on eligibility) + ISP + LiveBox / 980 €
Package: ADSL TV + ISP + LiveBox + TV decoder (depending on eligibility) / 1,500 €
Package: VDSL (up to 50Mb / 12Mb) + ISP + LiveBox (depending on eligibility) / 1,200 €
Optional static IP (for all bandwidths) / 50 €
Additional antenna (up to 50 simultaneous connections) / 350 €
Technical expert cover (working hours, Monday to Saturday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.) / 89.12 € / hour
Technical expert cover (outside working hours, Sundays and Bank Holidays 6 p.m. - 8 a.m.) / 140.75 € / hour
Wi-Fi activation on the LiveBox for ADSL HD only(limited to 20 simultaneous connections):  yes  no
If yes, name of network (SSID) required: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Wi-Fi security:  WEP key  WPA key If WPA, name of key: ………………………………………………………………………………………
Wi-Fi packages / Quantity / Guide price (< or = 1 month)
Up to 100 simultaneous connections / 2,560 €
Up to 250 simultaneous connections / 3,920 €
Up to 500 simultaneous connections / 5,630€
Up to 1000 simultaneous connections / 9,218 €
Technical expert cover (working hours, Monday to Saturday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.) / 89.12 € / hour
Technical expert cover (outside working hours, Sundays and Bank Holidays 6 p.m. - 8 a.m.) / 140.75 € / hour
Subject to technical feasibility and availability of equipment.
Access to Business Internet with symmetrical bandwidth / Unit price (excl. tax) (< or = 1 month)
Subject to eligibility –contact usfor conditions of sale
Access + router package / Option to provide several public IP addresses on request / Quantity / Activation lead time greater than 4 weeks / Activation lead time
2 and 4 weeks
Yes / Number of IP addresses
2 Mb /  / 1,100 € / 1,595 €
4 Mb /  / 2,130 € / 3,140 €
6 Mb /  / 2,620 € / 3,875 €
8 Mb /  / 4,511.12 €
10 Mb /  / 5,500.00 €
15 Mb /  / 6,111.12 €
8 Mb to 80 Mb fibre optic OSM /  / Rates on request, contact us
Technical expert cover (working hours, Monday to Saturday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.) / 89.12 € / hour
Technical expert cover (outside working hours, Sundays and Bank Holidays 6 p.m. - 8 a.m.) / 140.75 € / hour
Standard delivery time > 10 working days from receipt of statement of requirements.
Express delivery option subject to technical feasibility (10 working days): surcharge of 50% of set-up fees.
For details of rates contact us.

Additional information about the event(number of participants, event location, surface area, miscellaneous comments, etc.):

Please attach to this statement of requirements any documents that may give our service a clearer understanding of your requirements (plans, etc.)

All the fees indicated above include the installation and technical activation of the line, the subscription and the S1 Guaranteed Time To Repair (GTR) of less than 4 hours, and are valid for 2 months from the date this document is sent.

For complex circumstances, an on-site study may be invoiced at up to €325.05 (excl. tax). This sum will be deducted from the final invoice if we carry out the overall service.

A deposit of 50% of the total fee for the order incl. VAT will be required when your order is registered.

Orange also reserves the right to invoice any additional cost arising from implementation problems not detectable at the time of the study.

For all other requests, please contact our service

(duo Numéris lines, primary access, line grouping, digital solutions, etc.)

The customer (date and signature):

Orange - Société anonyme, with a share capital of €10 640 226396- 78 Rue Olivier de Serres 75015 PARIS - Paris Trade and Companies register No. 3801298661/3