Access Policy


RTÉ NL Structures

Date: 27 March 2005 V1 (uncontrolled copy)


The information contained herein particularly in relation to rigging practice is intended as a general guide. Any information provided is not intended to be relied upon except as accompanied by specific expert and /or legal advice.

Table of Contents


1.1Policy Aims

1.2Sites Covered by this Policy

1.3Notification to National Monitoring Centre (NMC)

1.4Works Authorisation

1.5Conditions of Accreditation

1.6Site Sharing Agreement


2.1Safety, Health & Welfare at Work Act

2.2RTÉ NL Standing Instructions on Safety


3Access Policy

3.1Policy Aims

3.2Access Restrictions

4Access Process

4.1Permission to Access an RTÉ NL Structure

4.1.1Accomodation Request (ARF)

4.1.2Site Access Form(SAF)

4.2Criteria Regarding Attendance by RTÉ NL Personnell

4.2.1Nature of the Work

4.2.2Competency of Rigging Personnel

4.2.3Notice Required for Unaccompanied Access

4.2.4Nature of the Structure

4.3Role of RTÉ NL Attendee


6Accessing RTÉ NL Structures

6.1Access Confirmation


6.3RF Hazards

6.4New Hazards

6.5Lifting Operations

6.6Working on Structures

6.6.1RF Hazards on Structures

7Design Approvals and Changes

8General Site Issues

9Audits on Site Access Compliance


Appendix 1


1.1Policy Aims

RTÉ NL’s Structure Access Policy aims to ensure that:

  • All of RTÉ NL’s commercial customers, staff and contractors of RTÉ NL prompt and safe access to its structures.

1.2Sites Covered by this Policy

This policy covers sites directly owned and operated by RTÉ NL and in addition, sites which are operated under license.

A shareable structure is defined as the structure utilised by RTÉ NL commercial customers for transmission of communication signals. These structures include masts, Towers, shared areas within buildings, external equipment cabins and cabinets.

1.3Notification to National Monitoring Centre (NMC)

Access to shareable structures shall be in accordance with this access policy

This policy details the process to be used in order to facilitate prompt but controlled access to RTÉ NL shareable structures. Work practices required to avoid injuries to personnel, damage to property and interruptions to service are outlined within:

  • The appendices to this document.
  • ‘Access to RTÉ NL Structures-Safety Considerations’
  • Appropriate company safety instructions.

All visits to RTÉ NL sites must be notified to the National Monitoring Centre (NMC).

1.4Works Authorisation

Where any form of construction works is involved, this must be authorised in advance through the Site Access Form(SAF) process, managed by the NMCThis enables RTÉ NL to fulfil its legal obligations in ensuring that all sites are safe, that potential hazards are made known and that visiting personnel are suitably trained.

1.5Conditions of Accreditation

It is a condition of accreditation that Accredited Companies abide by this access policy and any future amendments which may be notified to the accredited company by RTÉ NL.

1.6Site Sharing Agreement

Before any new installation or modification to existing installations is committed on a RTÉ NL site, commercial customers must complete and sign a site sharing agreement or license with RTÉ NL. The agreement outlines the terms and conditions of sharing a site. In addition, an Accommodation Request Form must be completed by the customer detailing the proposed location of equipment.

Changes to and variations of this access policy will be at RTÉ NL’s absolute discretion.


2.1Safety, Health & Welfare at Work Act

The activities of RTÉ NL staff and contractors and the installations and activities of RTÉ NL commercial customers staff, contractors and agents at RTÉ NL sites shall all times be consistent with the provisions of the Safety Health and Welfare at Work Act and any other relevant legislation.

2.2RTÉ NL Standing Instructions on Safety

Commercial customers, their contractors and agents are also required to comply with the following:

  • Customer and Contractor Responsibilities(See Appendix 1)
  • Guidelines to Site Access Form(See Appendix 2)

Whenever permission is granted to access a RTÉ NL shareable structure (whether supervised or not) it remains responsibility of commercial customers, their staff, contractors and agents to cater for all hazards associated with accessing high-power broadcasting and telecommunications structures. RTÉ NL reserve the right to take any action required to ensure the safety of others on-site including switching off of equipment.


Commercial customers and their contractors must be accredited via the RTÉ NL internal accreditation system before carrying out works on RTÉ NL sites. It is the RTÉ NL commercial customers responsibility to ensure that all staff and contractors accessing RTÉ NL shareable structures complying with the contents of this access policy.

3Access Policy

3.1Policy Aims

  • To advise workers of all permanent and temporary hazards present on the site.
  • To minimise the risk of injury to persons by limiting access to those qualified to access RTÉ NL structures.
  • to ensure that the integrity of the structure is not compromised in any way through either flaws in support system design or construction work on site.
  • To minimise the risk of damage to equipment or interruption to services belonging to any other RTÉ NL commercial customer on-site.

3.2Access Restrictions

While this access policy allows unsupervised access for commercial customers, their contractors and agents to RTÉ NL sites, access restrictions will apply for safety and operational reasons depending on the particular circumstances.

Unaccompanied access for commercial customers staff, their contractors and agents will only be granted to registered persons working for accredited companies under this access policy. RTÉ NL will only allow unaccompanied access to those workers on the registered persons list.

At all times it shall remain the responsibility of the commercial customers to arrange access for their staff, contractors and agents. Access requests directly from contractors, with whom RTENL has no commercial relationship, shall be denied.

4Access Process

4.1Permission to Access an RTÉ NL Structure

All requests to access an RTÉ NL site must be processed through the National Monitoring Centre (NMC) irrespective of the nature of site works. Where there is no construction work involved and the nature of the work is ground-based then there is no requirement to submit a Site Access Form, however RTENLs NMC must be notified in advance of the site visit.

4.1.1Accomodation Request (ARF)

The installation of any new equipment on RTÉ NL structures and sites must be approved in advance. The accommodation request form, submitted by the commercial customer shall detail the proposed antenna systems to be installed on the structure. In certain circumstances, site attendance by RTENL may be required (e.g. installation of equipment in or adjacent to an area of high RF radiation) and sufficiently detail should accompany the ARF and subsequent site access forms to allow a decision on the need for attendance. RTÉ NL will not permit access until the ARF approval process has been completed.

4.1.2Site Access Form(SAF)

All construction work on RTÉ NL sites requires the completion of a site access form (SAF). This form includes details of:

  • The site name
  • Nature of the work involved
  • Name of supervising rigger
  • Start and end date of the SAF. Where the work extends beyond the end date of the current SAF, then a new SAF must be completed to cover the extended period.
  • Details of potential hazards on site
  • Details of RF hazards (including outline sketch of the structure).
  • Maximum working height permitted.

4.2Criteria Regarding Attendance by RTÉ NL PersonnellPersonnel

Unaccompanied access will only be granted subject to appropriate controls based on the following criteria:

  • The nature of the work
  • The competence of the personnel
  • The notice given for access
  • The nature of the structure and site

4.2.1Nature of the Work

Site attendance is mandatory for the following work:

  • Work in an area of high RF power, which requires antennae systems to be powered down.

Depending on circumstances site attendance may be required in the following circumstances:

  • Excavation works
  • Heavy and/or personnel lifting
  • Burning or hot work

Under no circumstances is any RTÉ NL structure to be drilled without first obtaining written consent from RTÉ NL. Note also that this work will be supervised by RTÉ NL personnel.

4.2.2Competency of Rigging Personnel

RTÉ NL has a duty to ensure that anyone working on it sites is competent to carry out the required task. It is the responsibility of RTÉ NL commercial customers to ensure that their staff, contractors or agents have the required competency and training to carry out the required site works. As part of this access policy, RTÉ NL commercial customers are required to assess the competency of workers under their control by inspection of training records including climbing certificates for riggers. RTÉ NL will occasionally audit compliance to this competency requirement, which may involve:

  • On-site inspection of climbing certificates for each worker
  • Inspection of certificates for lifting equipment
  • Ensuring that the team leader or foreman nominated on the site access form (SAF) is present on-site throughout the work in hand.

4.2.3Notice Required for Unaccompanied Access

In the event that a commercial customer has a major fault on the site, RTÉ NL will take all reasonable steps to facilitate emergency access.

4.2.4Nature of the Structure

A number of RTÉ NL sites have significant residual risks e.g.

  • High levels of nonionising radiation
  • Other works in progress (replacement/installation of large broadcast antennas)
  • Other hazards or abnormalities

The status of these sites is subject to change and an updated list is maintained by the National Monitoring Centre.

4.3Role of RTÉ NL Attendee

Where unaccompanied access is not appropriate, RTÉ NL will require a representative to be present when the work is carried out on the site. The role of the representative will be limited to ensuring that:

  • The work is carried out safely
  • The working area is made RF safe by reducing the power output of transmitter systems
  • Installation work is completed as approved and in accordance with the ARF.
  • Other services are not compromised.

For legal and insurance reasons, RTÉ NL supervisors are specifically instructed not to assist directly with the work.


All work on, or access to a RTÉ NL structure must be approved in advance through the ARF process. No structure is to be accessed until the ARF is approved through the Business Development Unit (BDU).

As part of the site sharing agreement, commercial customers are required to provide full details of how they propose to mount their equipment on the structure. RTÉ NL checks that these proposals will not compromise its structures or introduce new hazards. Installation may not take place until approval has been granted in writing. Any subsequent changes must be confirmed in writing by RTÉ NL prior to commencement of work.

Failure to install equipment in accordance with the approved accommodation request(ARF) will result in commercial customers being requested to revisit site and modify (at their own expense) the installation to ensure that it is compliant with the approval.

6Accessing RTÉ NL Structures

6.1Access Confirmation

Work shall not start until the site access form (SAF) has been issued through the National Monitoring Centre. For construction works, the approved accommodation request form (ARF) must be in the physical possession of those actually carrying out the work on site. This is to ensure that the installation matches the approval issued by RTÉ NL.

The team leader or named supervisor on the SAF must be on-site continuously during the work. If both named persons have to leave the site, all others must stop work and vacate the site until one or other of the team leaders returns or until a revised SAF is issued with a different nominated team leader.


Any relevant additional hazard information will be supplied with the site access form (SAF). For accompanied access, RTÉ NL’s representative will pass on this information and will hold a site safety meeting before commencement of the works. All parties will be required to complete and sign a RTÉ NL Job Registration Form, which is a record that such a meeting has taken place and that all the relevant safety subjects have been discussed and agreed. Each signatory will receive a copy.

Method statements and risk assessments are required for all forms of construction work. Where equipment is being replaced on a like for like basis or for general maintenance, generic method statements may be appropriate. In the case of high-power broadcast RTÉ NL sites, it is a requirement that site-specific risk assessments are produced. Method statements, risk assessment and chemical control data sheets etc must be available on site for inspection upon request.

6.3RF Hazards

RF hazard assessments accompanying site access forms(SAF) are based on RTÉ NL's RF policy which uses IRPA guidelines as working limits.

6.4New Hazards

Installations are not to proceed if, as a result, safe access to the structure is compromised.

6.5Lifting Operations

Commercial customers, near contractors or agents wishing to use a crane or mobile elevating work platform on RTÉ NL sites, must obtain specific permission in advance through the NMC.

6.6Working on Structures

Work on structures must be carried out in accordance with relevant health and safety legislation and RTÉ NL’s policies & procedures. All activities must be adequately planned to ensure appropriate systems of work are implemented in order to protect the safety of those conducting the works and others who may be affected by the works.

6.6.1RF Hazards on Structures

In addition to radio telephones, a suitable RF hazard meter or monitor is to be used at all times while working on RTÉ NL structures.

Staff ascending the structure must ensure that they do not stray outside the area specified on the site access form(SAF). This form includes a maximum height restriction above which significant RF hazards may be present.

7Design Approvals and Changes

It is a record of this access policy that all installation work will require prior approval to any works being undertaken on-site. Any variation from the approved plan must be authorised by RTÉ NL in writing prior to commencement of the works. As built drawings and supporting documentation must be copied to the RTÉ NL business development unit within 12 working days of completion of any installation.

8General Site Issues


All litter, waste materials etc must be collected at the end of the site works.

Speed Restrictions

All local speed restrictions must be observed at all times and consideration and courtesy must be shown to hill walkers who frequently use RTÉ NL access roads.

9Audits on Site Access Compliance

RTÉ NL will occasionally carry out audits in order to ensure compliance with this access policy. Audits may address any aspect of this policy including the following:

  • Ensuring that installations are completed in accordance with the approval or as built drawings.
  • Checks to ensure that no damage has resulted to other installations on the structure as a result of the site works.
  • Checks to ensure that litter has not been left on-site as a result of the works.
  • Ensuring that the site has been left safe and secure.
  • Viewing climbing and safe pass certificates of workers on site.


All persons accessing RTÉ NL sites are required to comply with this access policy. Breaches of the policy will be handled in accordance with the following process:

C:\Documents and Settings\donohom\My Documents\Work\operations\commercial\site access documentation\access to structures\access policy for RTÉ NL structures 27 Mar 05 v1.doc

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Frequency MHz / E – Field(V/m) / H – Field(A/m) / Power Density(W/m2)
500 / 67 / 12.5
600 / 73 / 15
700 / 79 / 17.5
800 / 85 / 20
860 / 88 / 21.5

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Appendix 1

Appendix 2

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