Academic Year/Sem: B.Tech III-II Sem. Ref: H.S.Kalsi, W.D. Cooper

Subject: Electronic Measurements &InstrumentationSubject code:15A04604

Branch: E.C.E.

Module / Topics covered / Hours / Name of the book / Page No
L / T
Module 1 / Performance characteristics of Instruments- Static characteristics, dynamic characteristics, static and dynamic calibration, Errors in Measurement, and their statistical analysis. / 5 / 1 / H.S.Kalsi,
W.D. Cooper / 1-11,76
Module 2 / DC voltmeters-multi range, range extension/solid state and differential voltmeters, AC voltmeters –multi range, range extension. / 5 / H.S.Kalsi / 80-97
Module 3 / DC Ammeters, Thermocouple type RF ammeter, ohm meters, series type, shunt type, multi meter for voltage current and resistance measurements, Problems. / 4 / H.S.Kalsi
Exercises(Previous papers) / 64-67,71-74
Module 1 / Standard specifications of CRO, CRT features, vertical and horizontal amplifiers, horizontal and vertical deflection systems. / 5 / H.S.Kalsi,
W.D. Cooper / 176-193,
Module 2 / sweep trigger pulse, delay line, sync selector circuits probes for CRO – active, passive, and attenuator type,
triggered sweep, Delayed sweep,
dual trace/beam CRO. / 5 / H.S.Kalsi,
W.D. Cooper / 188-221,
Module 3 / Measurement of amplitude, Frequency and phase (Lissajous method), Principles of sampling oscilloscope, storage oscilloscope, Digital storage oscilloscope, Digital frequency counter, time and period measurement. / 4 / H.S.Kalsi,
W.D. Cooper / 206-216
Module 1 / Signal generator-fixed and variable,
AF oscillators, Function generators. / 4 / H.S.Kalsi,
W.D. Cooper / 233-239
Module 2 / pulse, random noise, sweep, and arbitrary waveform generators-their standards, specifications and principles of working (Block diagram approach). / 6 / H.S.Kalsi,
W.D. Cooper / 240-243
Module 3 / Wave analyzers, Harmonic distortion analyzers,
FFT analyzers, Logic analyzers. / 4 / H.S.Kalsi,
W.D. Cooper / 260-270
Module 1 / DC bridges: Wheatstone bridge, Kelvin Bridge,Wein Bridge. / 5 / H.S.Kalsi / 322-328,
Module 2 / AC bridges: Measurement of inductance- Maxwell’s bridge, Anderson Bridge, Measurement of capacitance- Schering Bridge. / 5 / 1 / H.S.Kalsi,
W.D. Cooper / 345-363,103
Module 3 / Q-meter, EMI and EMC, Interference and noise reduction techniques, errors and precautions in using bridges. / 5 / H.S.Kalsi / 286
Module 1 / Active and passive transducers, Measurement of displacement (Resistance, capacitance, inductance; LVDT) / 5 / H.S.Kalsi,
W.D. Cooper / 406-440
Module 2 / Force (strain gauges), Pressure (piezoelectric transducers), Temperature (resistance thermometers, thermocouples, and thermistors) / 5 / H.S.Kalsi / 413,449
Module 3 / Velocity, Acceleration, Vibration, pH measurement, Signal Conditioning Circuits. / 3 / H.S.Kalsi / 165,493
TOTAL / 70 / 2
S.No / Name of the book / Author
Electronic instrumentation, second edition / H.S.Kalsi, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004.
Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques / A.D. Helfrick and W.D. Cooper, PHI, 5th Edition. 2002.
Electronic Measurements & Instrumentations / K. Lal Kishore, Pearson Education – 2005.




1. a) Differentiate static and dynamic characteristics.
b) Explain the process of calibration.
2. What is precision .what are the Two characteristics of precision .Differentiate accuracy & precision.
3. a) What are the essential requirements of multipliers.
b) Define the terms i) Accuracy ii) Precision.
4. a) Define the following terms
i) Error ii) Resolution iii) Sensitivity iv) Expected value.
b) Explain different types of errors that occur in measurements.
5. a) Explain the fundamental principle on which DC meter is constructed.
b) Mention the basic requirements of measurement?
6.a) Differentiate between log and dynamic error?
b) Define speed of response and fidelity?
7.a) How are the instrumental errors are different from gross errors?
b) Explain random and systematic errors?
1. The true value of quantity change with time is known as------
2. Which of the following is not a static characteristics ------
3. -----is defined as the nearness of the indicated value to the true value of the quantity being measured
4. A meter reads 127.50V and the true value of voltage is 127.43. What is static error------
5. What type of errors are due to largely human errors like misreading of instruments------
6. A D’Arsonval Movement is------
7. A measure of the consistency or repeatability of measurement is known as-----
8. Variance =------
9. ------is defined as the degree to which the instrument indicates the changes in the measured without dynamic error
10. A set of readings has a wide range and therefore it has------
11. Which of the characteristic is not a dynamic characteristic------
12.------is the rapidity with which a measuring device responds to the change in the measured
13. ------is the difference between the true value of quantity and the value indicated by instrument
14. ------is defined as the ability of the instrument to reproduce a certain set of readings within a given accuracy
1. Explain how a multi-meter can be used as DC voltmeter & AC volt meter.
2.a)Explain the fundamental principle on which DC meter is constructed.
b) Describe the construction of multi-range voltmeter.
3. a) What are the essential requirements of multipliers.
b) Define sensitivity. Express sensitivity mathematically. What is deflection factor?
4. A moving coil instrument gives a full scale deflection of 10mA when the potential difference across its terminals is 100mV.Calculate: i) the series resistance for a full scale deflection corresponding to100A.ii) the series resistance for a full scale deflection with 1000V.calculate the power dissipation in each case.
5. Compare the sensitivity of AC voltmeter with DC voltmeter?
6. What is loading effect in volt-meters?
7. A 500V volts volt-meter is accurate within +/-1% at full scale. Calculate the limiting error when the instrument is used to measure a voltage of 200V.
1.The AC voltmeter using PMMC measures------
2.The true RMS voltmeter measures ------
3. The instrument required to measure voltage is ------
4. The addition of a ------, converts the basic d'Arsonval movement into a DC voltmeter
5. Static errors occurs due to------
6. In measurement system, which of following are undesirable static characteristics------
7. Gross errors occur due to------
8. A digital voltmeter has a readout range from 0 to 9,999 counts. Determine the resolution------
9. A 1mA D'Arsonval Multimeter movement has a resistance of 100 Ω. I is to be converted to 10V voltmeter. The value of multiplier resistance is given by ------
10.------is the time for the instrument not reach and stay within a specified tolerance band around its final value
11. The addition of a ------, converts the basic d'Arsonval movement into a DC voltmeter
1. a) Describe with the help of circuit diagram the construction and working of a shunt-type ohm meter.
b) Explain how a multi-meter can be used as DC ammeter & ohmmeter.
2. a) List the salient features of voltage ohmmeter.
b) A shunt type ohmmeter uses a5 mA basis D’Arsonval movement with an internal resistance of 50Ω. The battery voltage is 3V.It is desired to modify the circuits by adding appropriate shunt resistance across the that the instrument indicates 5Ω at the midpoint scale. Calculate: i)The value of shunt resistance. ii) Value of current limiting resistance R1.
3. a) Explain the principle used in ohmmeters.
b) Explain with the help of circuit diagram the construction & working of a series type ohm meter.
4. a) A particular ammeter requires a change of 1A in its coil in order to produce a change in deflection of the pointer by 3mm.Determine its sensitivity and deflection factor.
b) List the salient features of voltage ohm meter
5.a) What are the limitations of thermos couples used in RF ammeter?
b)State the limitations of thermocouples?
1. A 1mA meter movement with an internal resistance of 100Ω is to be converted in to 0-100mA ammeter. Calculate the value of shunt current IS= ------
2. A. 1mA ammeter has a resistance of 100 Ω. It is to be converted to a 1A ammeter. The value of shunt resistance is ------
3. ------is the delay in the response of the instrument to the change in the measured quantity
4. A D' Arsonval movement is rated at 50 μA, its sensitivity is given by ------
5.------is defined as the ability of the instrument to reproduce a certain set of readings within a given accuracy
1. Draw the neat diagrams of both vertical & horizontal deflection systems and explain briefly about their working.
2. a) Discuss about important CRT features.
b) Draw the block diagram of a general purpose oscilloscope and explain function of each block
3.a )With a neat block diagram , Explain the major parts of CRT.
b) State the standard specifications of a sample CRO.
4.a) What is CRO. What is the use of CRO in the development of electronic circuits& the systems?
b) Explain how a two dimensional display is produced in a CRO.
5.a)Draw the block diagram of Delay line circuit and explain its working.
b)Explain the principle of secondary emission.
6. a) Define astigmatism, focus & intensity.
b) State the various applications of an oscilloscope.
7.a)write an account on X-shift & Y-shift functions.
b) State the need of a timebase generator?
8.a) What does the term phosphorescencefluorescence?
b) Why delay line used in CRO?
9. a)What is the principle of CRO?
b)Define deflection sensitivity & deflection factor of CRT?
1.The Heart of the oscilloscope ------
2. It is not a part of CRT ------
3. If the distance of screen from a CRT to centre of deflection plates is 15cm. The length of deflection plates is 2cm, The distance between plates is 1cm and the accelerating voltage is 500V, The deflection sensitivity ------
4. The pre-accelerating anode and accelerating anode are connected to a common positive high voltage of about -----
5. CROS operates on ------
6. The relation between sensitivity of oscilloscope and gain of th vertical amplifier ------
7. The attenuation factor of the voltage divider used in CRO is ------
8. CRT stands for ------
9. Which material has fluorescence characteristic ------
10. The focused beam of electrons strikes the ------screen
11. In modern oscilloscopes ------is an additional focusing control
12. The secondary emission electrons are collected by an aqueous solution of graphite called ------
13. Which meter is suitable for the measurement of 10mV at 50mHz ------
14. Vertical deflection plates also called ------
15. Sensitivity expressed in terms of ------
1. a)What is the function of trigger circuit?
b) Differentiate between dual beam and dual trace CRO?
2. a)State the function of attenuators in CRO?
b) List the advantages of using probes?
3.a) State the advantages of using delayed sweep CRO?
b) Explain the operation of delayed sweep CRO.
4.a) Describe in details the construction and working of an analog type storage oscilloscope.
b) What are the advantages of dual trace oscilloscopes over dual beam CRO.
5. Draw the block diagram of a dual beam oscilloscope & explain its working.
1.Synchronization can be accomplished by------
2. It is not a source of synchronization ------
3. The common operating modes of dual trace oscilloscope are ------
4. At a high frequency of the order of 100kHz to 500kHz , the dual trace oscilloscope operate in ------
5. ------CRO has two separate electron beams
6. If the bandwidth of an oscilloscope is given as direct current to 10MHz, what is the fastest rise time a sine wave can have to be accurately reproduced by the instrument? ------
7. An Isolation probe is used more compared to shielded probe because ------
8. The type of the probe used for analysing the response to modulated signals used in communication is ------
9. The controlling torque in single phase power factor meters is provided by ------
10. To measure the power in AC circuits , the following meter is used ------
11. The measured value of power in AC circuits is equal to ------
1.a) Discuss in detail, the construction and working of a digital sampling oscilloscope.
b) Explain with a diagram how frequency can be measured using a gear wheel
2. a) Describe in details the construction and working of an analog type storage oscilloscope.
b) State the various applications of special oscilloscope.
3.a) What is the specialty of storage oscilloscope?
b) What is meant by special Oscilloscope?
4. a) List the types of special oscilloscopes?
b) Distinguish between analog and digital storage oscilloscope?
5. a) Explain with a diagram how frequency can be measured using a Lissajous method
b) What are the advantages of digital storage oscilloscope?
1.when sinusoidal voltages are simultaneously applied to horizontal and vertical plates of CRT, the resultant pattern is called ------
2.When two sinusoidal voltages of equal frequency which 900 phase displacement rare applied to the horizontal and vertical deflection plates, the pattern appearing on the screen is a ------
3.When two equal voltages of equal frequency but with a phase shift are applied to a CRO, the pattern appearing on the screen is a ------
4. A sampling oscilloscope is used to examine ------
5. Lissajous patterns are used to measure ------
6. The following oscilloscope is used for the capture and storage of transients and the steady display of a very low frequency signals ------
7. The bi-stable storage oscilloscopes depend for their operation, on the principle of ------
8. The advantage of storage oscilloscope over digital oscilloscope is ------
9. when sinusoidal voltages are simultaneously applied to horizontal and vertical plates of CRT, the resultant pattern is called ------
1. a) With the help of block diagram explain the functioning of a conventional standard signal generator.
b) Write about fixed AF oscillator and variable AF oscillator.
2. a) Draw the block diagram of a function generator and explain its operation.
b) Define the basic operating principle of signal generator?
3. a)Mention the applications of function generator.
b) List the standard specifications of a signal generator.
4. State the principle of basic sine wave generator? Explain
5. Discuss in detail about RF signal generator operation.
1. A wein bridge oscillator is suitable for….………..
2. A wein bridge oscillator operates in ______range
3. Duty cycle of a square wave=------
4. Expansion for B.F.O ------
5. A triangular wave shape is obtained------
6. The range of AF oscillators------
7. Modulation in modern signal generator is done internally by signal of frequency-----
8. AF sine & square wave generator has an output impedance of------
9. A frequency divider used in a modern signal generator------
10. Internal calibration in modern signal generators is obtained by using------
11. Frequency dividers are obtained by the use of ------
12. The simple sine wave generator consists of ------
1. With a neat diagram discuss the operation of a pulse generator.
2. a) Explain the method of generate random noise.
b) List the applications of random noise generator
3. a) Explain the working of a standard sweep generator with diagram.
b) Sketch the basic characteristics of pulse waveform?
4. a)What is the function of marker generator in sweep generator?
b)State the function of symmetry control in a pulse generator?
5. Explain the function of following
i) duty cycle ii) pulse repetition rate (PRR).
1. A sweep generator is used for------
2. The spectrum of Random noise covers all frequencies and is referred to as
3. A Wobbluscope is used for alignment of ------
4. Random noise can be generated by using------
5. Duty cycle varies from ------
6. The frequency sweeper provides the modulating voltage which varies the ------
7. A sweep generator is used for------
8. The pulse Rise time is defined as the time taken by the pulse
1. a) With help of a neat sketch, explain the working of a frequency selective wave analyser.
b) What is the function of wave analyser?
2. a) Describe with diagram the operation of a digital Fourier analyser.
b) List the application of wave analysers.
3. a) Draw the circuit diagram and explain the working of a heterodyne type wave analyser.
b) What is distortion? What does a distortion analyser measure.
4. a) What is the function of harmonic distortion analyser.
b) Describe the diagram with operation of a harmonic distortion analyser using a bridge T-network
5. Draw the circuit of resonant wave analyzer?
6. a) State the principle of heterodyne wave analyzer?
b) What is spectrum analyzer and write the applications of spectrum analyzer
7. a)With a neat sketch explain the operation of logic analyzer.
b) Explain how wave analyzer can be tuned to a particular frequency with in the audible frequency range
1. Spectrum analyzer operates on the same principle of------
2. Wave analyzer are used in the frequency range of ------
3. A distortion analyzer measure the total------
4. Wave analyzers are used to give the------resolution
5. A distortion is defined as------
6. A spectrum analyzer uses at the output a------
7. Wave analyzers are used to measure the------
8. Basic wave analyzer consists a primary detector & ______
9. The wave to be analyzed is first passes through------
10. Ordinary wave analyzers are useful for measurement in the ______range only
11. Harmonic distortion is due to------
12. Wave analyzer are also called as------
13. A wave analyzer consists of ------
14. The frequency axis in a spectrum analyzer is the ------
15. A heterodyne wave analyzer operates on the principle------
16. A spectrum analyzer is used to display------
17. Basic wave analyzer uses a full wave rectifier, to obtain ______of the input
18. The bandwidth of a wave analyzer is------
19. A spectrum analyzer works in------
1. a) Define the term null as it applies to bridge measurements.
b) Explain the operation of Kelvin Bridge and What is the balance condition for a basic kelvin bridge
2. Describe the operation of the Wheatstone bridge & derive the expression for current when the bridge is unbalanced.
3. a) What are the applications of Wheatstone bridge. And list out its limitations.
b) Describe the operation of the Wheatstone bridge and derive the expression for DC resistance.
4. a) What are the limitations of Wheatstone bridge?
b) Describe how a bridge can be used as an error detector?
5. a) What are the different errors occurred in bridges?
b) If the bridge arms are connected with R1=2.2K, R2=3.9K, R3=10K, Find R4?
6. a) List the precautions to be taken when using a bridge?
b) What is a bridge? State the importance of a bridge?
1.To measure both dc and ac resistances which of the following bridge is used----
2.Kelvin bridge is used to measure the------
3.The Kelvin bridge is also called double bridge because ------
4. In order to satisfy both conditions for balance and for convenience of manipulation, the bridge must contain ------
5. A suspension type galvanometer having a sensitivity 0.5µA per scale division is used to measure ------
6. The Kelvin bridge is also called double bridge because ------
7. Use of high quality components in bridge circuit will normally have the advantages of all except ------
8. To avoid the Eddy current errors in the bridge uses the ------
9. Wagner Earthing devices are used to remove all the ------
10. In X-Y plotters, an emf is plotted as a function of ------
11. LCR meter is used to measure ------
1. What is the function of bridge? Draw the Anderson’s bridge circuit and derive necessary equations& explain it.
2. Explain how a Maxwell bridge can be used for measuring an unknown inductance.
3. a) Which type of bridge circuit is used to determine the dissipated factor of a capacitor? Draw the circuit and derive the expression for the unknown elements.
b) Explain how a Maxwell bridge can be used for measuring an unknown inductance.
4.a) State the 2 balancing conditions of Wein Bridge?
b) Why Wagner ground connection is used in bridges?