1 / PROFORMA FOR Faculty Profile
KANPUR – 208002 (U.P.)
2 / Name / Prof. MAHAK SINGH
3 / Date of Birth / 08 .01.1965
4 / Designation & Pay Scale / Professor, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding
Rs. 37400-10000-67000/.
Basic Pay- 67080/.
5 / College
Department / College of Agriculture, C S A U A & T, Kanpur (U.P.)
Genetics & Plant Breeding, Section of Oilseeds
6 / Contact info / Office Details / Personal Details
Fax: 02533808
Mobile: 9451873875
/ Phone: 0512-2548186
Mobile: 9451873875
Residence-Bungalow No. 4, C S A campus Nawabganj, Kanpur-208002 (U.P.)
7 / Year of joining at
CSAUA&T / 17. 10. 1992
8 / Date of last promotion / 17.10.2009
From: Associate Professor To: Professor
9 / Responsibilities assigned / Teaching - From 17.10.1992 to till date
Research - - do -
Extension - - do -
AICRP - - do -
Others (specify) –
1. Economic Botanist, Oilseeds
From 01.07.2014 to till date
2. Incharge AICRP, Linseed
From 03.05.2012 to 21.07.2012
3. Incharge AICRP, Groundnut
From 03.05.2012 to 12.08.2012
4. Incharge AICRP, Rapeseed and mustard
From 16.03.2015 to 10.10.2015
10 / Awards received / National
Name Agency Year
1.Chancellor Gold Medal Award – Government of U.P. - 1983
2.Young Scientist award - Society for recent development 2007
In Agriculture, Meerut (U.P.)
3.Fellowship Award – Research linked management 2008
Of publication, Indore (M.P.)
4.Scientist of the Year Award – Hi-tech horticultural 2009
Society, Meerut (U.P.)
5.Distinguished Scientist Award - Society for Scientific 2009
Development in agriculture and technology,
Jhansi (U.P)
6.Scientist of the Year Award- Society for Scientific 2009
Development in agriculture and technology,
Jhansi (U.P)
7.SARC young Scientist Award- Scientific and applied 2010
Research centre, Meerut (U.P.)
8.Innovations in Science and- Building Bright generation2011
Technology Award Social Welfare Society
Muzaffarnagar (U.P.)
9.Best Poster Presentation Award - Society for 2012
Rape seed-mustard Research, ICAR
DRMR, Bharatpur (Rajsthan)
10.Fellowship Award- Society for Rape seed-mustard 2012
Research, ICAR DRMR,
Bharatpur (Rajsthan)
11.Fellowship Award – Indian society of Agricultural 2013
Biochemists, New Delhi
12.Distinguished scientist Award- Society for Scientific 2014
Development in agriculture and technology,
13.Dr. ManglaRaiVishisht–Uttar Pradesh Academy of 2016
Akrishivaigyanikapuraskar Sciences, Lucknow (U.P.)
Name Agency Year
1.Fellowship Award – Hi-tech Horticultural 2016
Society Meerut (U.P.)
11 / Publications since joining
(give numbers only) / Books: 5
Technical Bulletins: 13
Review Articles: 5
Research Papers: 54
National: 52
International: 2
Popular articles: 18
Others (specify): Radio Talk:36And TV Talk: 62
12 / Books published / 1.Handbook of Science and Agriculture
S.P. Singh and Mahak Singh
Progressive Publications, Jhanshi (U.P.)
2.Seed Production Technology of Oilseed Crops
Mahaksingh and H.P. Choudhury
C. S. Azad University of
Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur (UP)
3. Production technology of oilseed crop
Mahak Singh And Others
C. S. Azad University of Agriculture
and Technology, Kanpur (UP)
4. Atlas of Economic Botanist- Oilseeds, Cereals, Legumes and
Mahak Singh and Others
Publishers & Distributors of Scientific Books, Dehradun (U.K.)
5. Breeding of Oilseed Crops
Mahak Singh And AmitTomar
Agro india Publications, Allahabad
13 / Technical Bulletins/ Popular Article published / 1.Kam pani me rai/ Sarsonkikaiseadhikpaidabar le
C. S. A. University of Agriculture & Technology, Kanpur (U.P.)
2. RaiSarsonmeinbeejutpadantechniki
ICAR- NRCRM, Bharatpur (Rajasthan)
3. RaikiVigyanikKheti
KrishiMangal, New Delhi
Mahak Singh & R.K. Dixit
4. RaikiPeeli Naveen PrajatiBasanti
Mahak Singh & R.K. Dixit
KrishiJagran, New Delhi
5. ToriakiKheti
Mahak Singh & R.K. Dixit
KrishiJagran, New Delhi
6. PeeliSarson Ki Vaigiyanikkheti
Mahak Singh & Others
C. S. A. University of Agriculture & Technology, Kanpur (U.P.)
7. Safflower kiVaigiyanikKheti
Mahaksingh & Others
C. S. A. University of Agriculture & Technology, Kanpur (U.P.)
8. PeeliSarson Ki Naveen prajati- Pitambari
Mahak Singh & Others
C. S. A. University of Agriculture & Technology, Kanpur (U.P.)
9. Uttar Pradesh meinRai/ SarsonkinaveenPrajatiyon se Kaise
Mahak Singh & Others
C. S. A. University of Agriculture & Technology, Kanpur (U.P.)
10. Uttar Pradesh meinRaiSarsonki Naveen prajatiyonkeVikas
Mahak Singh
ICAR- DRMR, Bharatpur (Rajasthan)
11. TilkiVaigiyanikKheti
Mahak Singh & Others
C. S. A. University of Agriculture & Technology, Kanpur (U.P.)
12. SurajMukhikiVaigiyanikKheti
Mahak Singh & Others
C. S. A. University of Agriculture & Technology, Kanpur (U.P.)
13. RaikiUnnatseelPrajatiyon se adhikutpadankividhiyan
Mahak Singh
ICAR-DRMR, Bharatpur (Rajasthan)
14 / List of ten best papers published in National journals (> 5 NAAS rating journals) during last 10 Year / 1.Singh, Mahak, Singh, Lokendra and Srivastava, S. B. L. (2010).
Combining ability analysis in indian mustard [brassica juncea(L.)
CzernCoss]. J. oilseed brassica. 1(1) : 23-27.
2. Singh, Mahak(2010) Genetic analysis of yield and its
components in Indian mustard [brassica juncea(L.)
CzernCoss]. J. Prog. Agric., 10(3) : 261-262.
3. Lallu and Singh Mahak(2011) Varietal differences of salinity
tolerance at germination stage in mustard genotypes. J. Prog.
Agric.,11 (2) : 468-471.
4.Singh, Mahak,Tomar, Amit, Mishra, C.N. and Srivastava, S. B. L.
(2011). Heterosis and Combining ability for yield and its
components traits in indian mustard [brassica juncea(L.)
CzernCoss]. J. oilseed brassica. 2(1) : 35-38.
5. Singh, Mahak,Tomar, Amit, Mishra, C.N. and Srivastava, S. B. L.
(2011). Studies on genetic components for seed yield and its
contributing traits in indian mustard [brassica juncea(L.)
CzernCoss]. J. oilseed brassica. 2(2) : 83-86.
6. Shekhar Raj, Singh Mahak, Chauhan M.P. and PratapNarendra
(2012). Genetic variability, Heritability, Genetic advance and
character association in Indian Mustard (Brassica juncea (L.)
CzernCoss). Plant Archives. 12 : 105-107.
7. Rajendra Singh Lohia, Ram Kumar Singh and Mahak Singh
(2013). Studies on genetic variability, heritability and character
association in indian mustard [Brassica juncea (L.)CzernCoss]
Progressive Research Journal. 8 (Special Issue-Part-1): 75-77.
8. R.K. Singh, R.S. Lohia and Mahak Singh (2013). Study of gene
Action oninheritance of seed yield and its contributing traits
inindianmustard [Brassica juncea (L.) CzernCoss].
Progressive Research Journal. 8 (Special Issue-Part-1): 78-81.
9.NaliniTewari, Mahak Singh and Harish Chandra Singh (2013).
Geneticdivergence in Linseed (Linumusitatissimum L.).
Progressive Research Journal. 8 (Special Issue) : 385-387.
10.Pradeep Kumar, AlankarLanba, R.K. Yadav, Lokendra Singh
And Mahak Singh (2013). Analysis of yield and its
components based on heterosis and combining ability in
Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. CzernCoss).
TheBioscan. 8 (4) : 1497-1502.
15 / List of ten best papers published in National journals (> 3 NAAS rating journals) during last 10 year / 1.Singh, Mahak, Satendra, Singh H.L. and Dixit, R.K. (2006).
Combining ability analysis of agronomic traits in Indian mustard
(Brassica juncea (L.) Czern and Coss.). J. Prog. Agric.6 (1): 69 - 72.
2.Srivastava, R.L, Srivastava, S.K., Singh, MahakandDubey, S.D
andHussain, Karam (2007). Heterosis and combining ability
estimates in Linseed under salt affected soil. J. Plant Archives.
7(2): 905-908.
3.Singh, Mahak, Singh, Geeta, Kumar, Vijendra and Dhaka, Anshu
(2008). Combining ability analysis for some metric traits related
to seed yield in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea (L.) Czern and
Coss.). J. Prog. Agric.8 (1): 57-60.
4.SinghBrahm, Singh, Mahak and Singh, K.P. (2008). Studies on
combining ability for oil content, seed yield and its related traits
in Linseed. J. Prog. Agric.8 (2): 205-212.
5. Singh, Mahak (2008). Present status and future challenges in
Rapeseed – mustard. J. Prog. Agric. 8(2): 252-255.
6. Singh, Mahak, Bashrat, A.B., Singh, Lokendra, Singh , Braham
and Dixit, R.K. (2008). Studies on combining ability for oil
content, seed yield and its contributing characters in Indian
mustard. (Brassica juncea (L.) Czern and Coss.). J. Prog. Res.
3(2): 147-150.
7. Singh, Mahak, Rao, Mahesh, Rajshekhar and Dixit, R.K. (2009).
Genetic variability and character association in Indian mustard.
J. Oilseeds Research. 26: 56-57.
8.Singh, Mahak, Ranjeet and Srivastava S.B. L. (2009). Heterosis
and combining ability estimates in Indian mustard. J. Oilseeds
Research. 26: 61-63.
9.Srivastava S.B. L., Rajshekhar, Singh, Mahakand Rao Mahesh
(2009).Combining ability analysis for yield and yield
contributing characters in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea (L.)
Czern and Coss.). J. Oilseeds Research. 26: 58-61.
10.Narain, Ved, Srivastava R.L., Tiwari, P.K, Singh, P.K. and Singh,
Mahak (2009). Genetics of yield and its attributes in Linseed. J.
Oilseeds Research. 26: 159-161.
16 / List of ten best publications in International journals during last 10 years (ISI Impact factor) / 1.Singh, Mahakand TomarAmit (2016). Post harvest Technology and utilization of Rapeseed- Mustard in International Congress on Post- harvest technologies of agricultural Produce for Sustainable food and Nutritional Security, held at Integral University, Lucknow on 10-12 Nov. 2016. ICPASN-2016. 70-80.
2.Singh Mahak and TomarAmit (2016). Studies on Quality Improvement Parameters in Rapeseed- Mustard. International conference on global agriculture & Innovation Conference (GAIC- 2016), Held at Noida international University, Noida (U.P.) on 27-29 Nov. 2016. 65-67.
17 / Membership of the Professional Societies / 1.Indian Society of Genetics & Plant Breeding, New Delhi.
2.Indian Society of oilseeds Research, Hyderabad (A.P.).
3.Indian Society of Plant Bio-chemistry, Kanpur (U.P.)
4.Society for Recent Development in Agriculture, Meerut (U.P.).
5. Society for Scientific development in Agriculture & Technology, Jhansi (U.P.)
6. The society of Agricultural professionals, Kanpur (U.P.)
7. Society for Rapeseed-Mustard Research, Sewar, Bharatpur
8. Society for Hi-Tech Horticulture, Meerut (U.P.)
9. Society for applied research, Meerut (U.P.)
18 / Conference/Seminar/Symposium attended in the last 10 years (Name/Place/Year) / 1.National seminar on Forestry – Ecological Security and
sustainable development held at C.S.A.U.A.& T. Kanpur on
March 30-31, 2006.
2.National symposium on Tree Improvement for sustainable
Forestry held at J.N.K.V.V. Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh) on
Nov. 04-06, 2006.
3. International conference on Post Harvest Technology and Value
Addition in Cereals, Pulses and Oilseeds held at C.S.A.U.A. & T.
Kanpur on Nov 27-30, 2006.
4.National seminar on Changing Global Vegetable Oils Scenario :
Issues and Challenges Before India held at DOR, Hyderabad on
Jan 29-31,2007.
5. National seminar on Management of Medicinal and Aromatic
Plants in Farming System Perspective held at C.S.A.U.A.& T.
Kanpur on March 20-22, 2007.
6.Third National symposium on Recent trends and Future
Prospects in agriculture held at S.V.B.P.U.A.& T. Meerut on
Nov. 26-27, 2007.
7. National seminar on Emerging challenges in Harnessing Plant
Biodiversity, Marketing and Export Potential of Medicinal and
Aromatic Plants held at C.S.A.U.A.& T. Kanpur on Jan, 28-30,
8.National symposium on Technological Innovations for Resource
Starved Farmers in Global Perspective held at C.S.A.U.A.& T.
Kanpur on April, 28-30, 2008.
9.Fourth National symposium on Scenario of Agriculture in
Changing Climatic Condition held S.V.B.P.U.A.& T. Meerut on
Oct. 18-19, 2008.
10.National symposium on Vegetable Oils Scenario: Approaches
to meet the Growing Demands held at DOR, Hyderabad on Jan
29-31, 2009.
11.First Indian Agriculture scientist and Farmers Congress on
Technological Innovations for Enhancing Agriculture Production
held at C.C.S. University Meerut on Oct. 03-04, 2009.
12.National symposium on Achieving Millennium Development
Goals: Problems and Prospects held at Bundelkhand University,
Jhansi on Oct 25-26, 2009.
13.National Congress on “Emerging trends in Agriculture
research” held at project Directorate of farming System
research Modipuram, Meerut on Sept. 11-12, 2010.
14.National Symposium on “Food Security in Context of Changing
Climate” held at Chandra Shelhar Azad university of
Agriculture & Technology, Kanpur on Oct. 30 to Nov. 01, 2010.
15.International Conference on Issues for Climate Change, Land
Use Diversification and Biotechnological Tools for Livelihood
Security (ICLDBT-2011), held at SardarVallabhbhai Patel
University of Agriculture and Technology, Meerut on
Oct. 08 -10, 2011.
16.1st National Brassica Conference On Production Barriers and
Technological Options in Oil seed Brassica held at CCS
Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar (Haryana) on
March 02-03, 2012.
17. International Conference on Impact of Technological Tools on
Food Security under Global Warming Scenario (IITFS-2012),
held at Shobhit University Modipuaram, Meerut (U.P.) on
May 11-12, 2013.
18.National Conference on Emerging Problems and Recent
Advances in Applied Sciences : Basic to Molecular Approaches
held at Ch. Charan Singh University , Meerut (U.P.) on
Feb 8-9, 2014.
19.2nd National Brassica Conference on Brassicas for Addressing
edible oil and nutritional security held at PAU, Ludhiana
(Punjab) on Feb 14-18, 2014.
20.International conference on Global Agriculture & Innovation
Conference (GAIC-2016), held at Noida International
University, Noida (U.P.) on Nov. 27-29, 2016.
19 / Conference/Seminar/Symposium organised as president/Co-ordinator/Secretary (Name/Place/Year) / Nil
20 / Foreign countries visited / Country Year Purpose
1.Nepal - 2014 - Personal & Visit to
Nepal ecology
2.United State of America - 2016 - Personal & Visit to
University Washington
21 / Training Organized in the last 5 years / Nil
22 / Training attended in the last 5 years / Nil
23 / Externally funded projects handled (Title/Agency/Duration/Amount) / 1. AICRP Rapeseed mustard- As per ICAR Allotment
2.AICRP Linseed - As per ICAR Allotment
3.AICRP Groundnut - As per ICAR Allotment
24 / List of current research projects / AICRP Rapeseed mustard
25 / Patents held / Five varieties of Indian Mustard namely, Urvashi, Kanti, Basanti, Maya andAshirwad have been registered in the 2013-14, under PPV&FR, Govt. of India, opp. Todapur Village, NASC complex, New Delhi.
26 / Varieties/ technologies developed in the last 10 years / 1.Ashirwad – 2006
2.Pitambari - 2010
3.Tapeshwari- 2014
27 / Significant contributions in the area of specialization (not more than 5) / I have contributed four varieties of Indian Mustard
1.Urvashi - 1999
2.Basanti - 2001
3.Maya- 2002
4.Kanti - 2002
5.Production of Breeder seed of 13 different Rapeseed-Mustard
Varieties namely: Varuna, Rohini,Vardan, Vaibhav, Ashirwad,
Basanti, Kanti, Maya, Urvashi,Type-9, Bhawani, Tapeshwariand
Pitambari as per ICAR Indent every Year.
28 / Participation in the college/ university building activities / 1.
3. NIL
29 / Resource generated during last 5 years / Breeder Seed Production of Rape seed & Mustard
Year Quantity of seed in kg Amount (inlakh) Scheme
2011-12 5036 Kg @ 100 /kg 5.03600 AICRP (R&M)
2012-13 3926 Kg @ 100 /kg 3.92600 AICRP (R&M)
2013-14 3722 Kg @ 100 /kg 3.72200 AICRP (R&M)
2014-15 5002 Kg @ 112.50/kg 5.62500 AICRP (R&M)
2015-16 3120 Kg @ 112.50/kg 3.51000 AICRP (R&M)
30 / Any other significant academic/research achievement / 1.Thesis guided (M.Sc.) 20
2.Thesis guided (Ph.D.) 4
3.Thesis guiding (M.Sc.) in year 2015-16- 1
4.Thesis guiding (M.Sc.) in year 2016-17- 2
5.Thesis guiding (Ph. D) in year 2016-17 - 1
Practical manual/ Course Designed
1.Breeding field crop GPB (301) – B.Sc. (Ag.) Vth semester
2.Principle of Tree Breeding and Improvement methods FRS-108
B.Sc. (Forestry) IInd Semester
3.Principles of cytology and genetics BSH (102) – B. Sc. (Ag) Ist
Course taught /being taught
I am course leader of the following courses :
a.Principles of Cytology and Genetics AGS-106 B.Sc. (Forestry)
Ist Semester.
b.Principle of Tree Breeding and Improvement methods FRS-108
B.Sc. (Forestry) IInd Semester
c.Bio technology AGS-208 B.Sc. Forestry IIIrd semester
d.Tree breeding FOR 504 M.Sc.(Forestry) IInd Semester
I am course instructor of the following courses :
e.Principles of plant breeding GPB (201)-B.Sc.(Ag.) IIIrdsemester
f.Breeding field crop GPB (301) – B.Sc. (Ag.) Vth semester
g.Breeding of fruit and plantation crops GPB-203 B.Sc.
(Horticulture) IVth Semester
h.Improvement of Field crops II. GPB-511 M.Sc. (Ag.) IVth
i.Improvement of Field crops I. GPB-510 M.Sc. (Ag.) IInd
j.Principles of plant Breeding GPB-503 M.Sc (Ag) IInd Semester
k.Plant Genetic Resourses GPB-605 Ph.DIIIrd Semester
l.Heterosis Breeding GPB-603 Ph.DIIndSemester
Transfer of technology -I am actively involved in the training programme of state Agriculture officers/Staff and Farmers for production technologies on Oilseed crops which were organized by section of oilseeds, Directorate of Extension and State Agriculture Department of U.P.
Monitoring of Research programme- I have monitored All India Coordinated Research programme on Rapeseed–mustard as Team leader / Team member of Zone Vth in Feb., 2007, Zone IIndIIIrdin Feb., 2008 and zone IstIInd in Feb., 2009 and Zone IVth and Zone Vth in Jan. Feb., 2010 and Zone IInd, IIIrdIVth in Feb. 2014 and Zone Ist and IInd in 27th Feb. to 3rd March, 2015.
I have been appointed as subject specialist in Board of Studies from 2008 to till date at Dr. Ram ManoharLohiaAwadh University , Faizabad (U.P.)
I have been appointed as subject specialist in Board of Studies from 2008 to till date at ChaudharyCharan Singh University, Meerut(U.P.)
KisanMela and KisanGosthi attended: 204
Details of Examinership of Universities/Academic bodies and recruiting agencies
Name of Examinations / Subjects / Year / Practical,
Theory & Paper Setter / Thesis evaluation & Viva -voice / Paper setter
Ph.D. / Genetics & Plant Breeding / 2002 / - / From 2002 to till date / From 2002 to till date
M.Sc.(Ag.) & B.Sc. (Ag.)

M.Sc. & B.Sc.

M.Sc. (Ag.) & B.Sc. (Ag.) / Genetics & Plant Breeding
Seed Science and Seed technology / 1998
1998 / From 1998
to till date
From 2003 to till date
From 1998
to till date / -
- / From 1998
to till date
From 2003 to till date
From 1998
to till date
M.Sc. (Ag.) & B.Sc. (Ag.) / Plant Physiology / 1998 / From 1998 to till date / - / From 1998 to till date
B.Sc. / Environmental Science / 2007 / From 2007 to till date / - / From 2007 to till date
Paper setter in Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission, Indore from 2008 to till date.
Paper moderator in Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission, Indore from 2009 to till date.
Paper setter in Chattisgarh Public Service Commision, Raipur from 2012 to till date.
Experiences of conducting Interviews :
(A)1. Name of Institutions :GorakhpurUniversity, Gorakhpur
2. Name of the Post : Reader in Agriculture Botany
3. date & Year : 24th December 2008
4. Level of Interviews : Senior Positions
(B)1. Name of Institutions : MPCS , Indore
2. Name of the Post: :Forest officer / Asstt. Forest
3. date & Year :22-27th June 2009
4. Level of Interviews : Senior Positions
(C)1. Name of Institutions : M.J.P. RohilkhandUniv.,Bareilly
2. Name of the Post : Lecturer in Agriculture botany
3. date & Year : 21st Dec. 2009
4. Level of Interviews : Senior Positions
(D)1. Name of Institutions : MPCS, Indore
2. Name of the Post : Assistant director Agriculture
3. date & Year : 19-23rd April 2010
4. Level of Interviews : Senior Positions
(E)1. Name of Institutions: U.P. Higher Education Commission Allahabad
2. Name of the Post: Lecturer in Botany
3. date & Year : 5th May, 2010
4. Level of Interviews : Senior Positions
(F)1. Name of Institutions: UKPCS, Haridwar (U.K.)
2. Name of the Post: Lecturer in Agriculture.
3. date & Year: 30th Nov. 2010
4. Level of Interviews : Senior Positions
(G)1. Name of Institutions: MPCS, Indore
2. Name of the Post: Assistant Conservator of Forest
3. date & Year: 17-21th Jan, 2011
4. Level of Interviews : Senior Positions
(H)1. Name of Institutions: M.J.P. Rohilkhand University,
2. Name of the Post: Lecturer in Agriculture botany
3. date & Year: 13th August 2013
4. Level of Interviews : Senior Positions
(I)1. Name of Institutions : MPCS, Indore
2. Name of the Post : Medical Officer Non-medical
3. date & Year : 28th Dec. 2013
4. Level of Interviews : Senior Positions
(J)1. Name of Institutions : Chhattisgarh Public Service
Commission, Raipur
2. Name of the Post : Assistant Director Agriculture
3. date & Year : 20-24, May 2014
4. Level of Interviews : Senior Positions
(K)1. Name of Institution : MPPSC, Indore
2. Name of the Post : Scientist Officer (Biology)
3. date & Year : 26-30 Sep., 2014
4. Level of Interviews : Senior Positions
(L)1. Name of Institutions :M.J.P. Rohilkhand University,
2. Name of the Post : Lecturer in Agriculture botany
3. date & Year : 11th Sep. 2015
4. Level of Intervie : Senior Positions
(M)1. Name of Institution : ICAR, DRMR Bharatpur,
2. Name of the Post : Sr. Research Fellow
3. date & Year : 29th June 2015
4. Level of Interviews : Senior Positions
(N)1. Name of Institutions : M.J.P. Rohilkhand University,
2. Name of the Post : Lecturer in Agriculture botany
3. date & Year : 28th Aug. 2016
4. Level of Interview : Senior Positions

DATE:14-01-2017 (MAHAK SINGH)