Annie Belle Clark Primary

School Governance Team Minutes


8:00 am- 9:00 am

Annie Belle Clark Primary School Governance Team was in special session on

May 15, 2017 at Annie Belle Clark Primary School, 1464 Carpenter Road, Tifton, GA 31793.

School Governance members present: Mandy Alley, Harlie Formes, Joselyn Johnson, Kevin Kilgore, Machelle Baisden, Stephanie Morrow, and Meredith Rutland.

Seven members were present, representing a quorum.

0visitors present

  1. Call meeting to order- Dr. Morrow called the meeting to order at 8:11am
  2. Welcome Visitors- There were 0visitors present.
  3. Approve agenda

Motion:Machelle Baisden

SECONDED:Harley Formes

Yes votes: 6

No votes: 0

Yes Votes: Mandy Alley, Harlie Formes, Joselyn Johnson, Kevin Kilgore, Machelle Baisden, and Meredith Rutland

No Votes: 0

Motion, seconded, and carried that the minutes be approved

  1. PTO Fundraiser proposed

Fundraiser scheduled for August 15, 2017. Company used will be Southern Resources located on 7206 Northgate Dr. E, Tifton, GA 31794.

Motion: Meredith Rutland

SECONDED: Machelle Baisden

Yes votes: 6

Yes Votes: Mandy Alley, HarlieFormes, Joselyn Johnson, Kevin Kilgore, MachelleBaisden, and Meredith Rutland

No votes: 0

  1. School Dress code

Dr. Morrow discussed with the LSGT the dress code survey taken by upcoming 3rd grade students (current 2nd graders). There were 179 responses. 54.2% voted yes and 45.8% voted no for school uniforms. Dr. Morrow discussed the next steps that would take place pertaining to the dress code.

Discussions included:

Concerns about the dress codedecision.

One member reached out to other schools outside the state about their uniform policies.

Uniforms would be helpful for identification purposes.

Concern about marketing and allowing the merchants enough time to purchase.

Will our school eventually have a uniform store where parents can purchase from our schools?

Will there be a progression or will we harshly enforce the rules if the students cannot get them?

The LSGT voted on uniforms.

Yes votes: 4

Yes Votes: Kevin Kilgore, MachelleBaisden, Joselyn Johnson, and Meredith Rutland

No votes: 2

Mandy Alley and HarlieFormes

XIII. General questions/comments/next steps

Dr. Morrow discussed that the Co-Chair position/vacancy will be announced on July 1st to fulfill the parent vacancy.

IX. Meeting adjourned

Motion: Meredith Rutland

SECONDED: MachelleBaisden

Motion, seconded, and carried to adjourn the meeting.