Meteors Netball Club Committee 2017
Junior Player Code of Behaviour...... 3
Coach Code of Behaviour...... 4
Parent/Guardian Code of Behaviour...... 5
Introductory Officiating General Principles - Coaching...... 6
Umpires Code of Behaviour...... 7
Certificate of Insurance 2016...... 9
Constitution ...... 10
RNA By-laws...... 18
Meteors Netball Club Committee 2017
President:Liz Heagney0405 328 472
Vice President:Maleta Lemana0403 144 004
Secretary:Sarah McKerrow0448 885 206
Treasurer:Rae Doyle0413 333 083
Registrar:Kylie Brouwer0413 902 132
Coaching:Beth Farry0468 955 350
Umpiring: Di Kakau0477 672 194
Website Manager
Post: The Secretary
Po Box 5513
Alexandra Hills QLD 4161
Junior Player Code of Behaviour
Coach Code of Behaviour
Parent/Guardian Code of Behaviour
Introductory Officiating General Principles - Coaching
The Australian Sports Commissionhas developed the Beginning Coaching General Principles online course for coaches to assist new coaches improve their basic coaching skills, in particular, those coaches working with children.
About the course
The course contains five modules, covering a range of general coaching topics, including the role and responsibilities expected of a coach, planning, safety, working with parents, communication, group management and inclusive coaching practices when working with people with a disability or special population groups.
How to access the course
The Beginning Coaching General Principles course is available from the Australian Sports Commission’s new online learning portal. Coaches can complete the course in their own time, from the comfort of their own home. It is initially being made available free of charge to Australian coaches by the Australian Sports Commission. The course takes approximately 6 hours to complete with assessment included at the end of each module.
How does this affect your Netball Coaching Accreditation
For those coaches who wish to become accredited, the Beginning Coaching General Principles course provides the general principles component of the current Level 1 course (and the new Foundation Coaching Course, plus one module of the Development Coaching Course). The next step is to complete a sports specific coaching course in order to achieve accreditation as a netball coach.
For more information on the course and to enrol, please visit
Umpires Code of Behaviour
Certificate of Insurance 2016
Meteors Netball Club Incorporated Constitution 2014
1. Interpretation:
The following terms shall wherever used in this Constitution and By-Laws bear the meanings respectively referred to in the paragraph unless the same be inconsistent with the context in which they are used -
(1) In these rules – Act means the Associations Incorporation Act 1981.
Present –
(a) At an executive committee/special executive meeting or
(b) At a general/special general/annual general meeting
(2) A word or expression that is not defined in these rules, but is defined in the Act has, if the context permits, the meaning given by the Act.
(3) Club – the Meteors Netball Club Incorporated
(4) Team – a netball team comprising not fewer than seven (7) playing members
2. Name:
The name of the Club is Meteors Netball Club Incorporated.
3. Headquarters:
The Headquarters of the Club shall be located in Redlands City
4. Colours:
The Club colours shall be blue, red and white.
5. Patron:
To be appointed each year at the Annual General Meeting.
6. Affiliations:
The Club shall affiliate with Redlands Netball Association Incorporated and with such bodies as the Association shall from time to time deem fit. The Club shall play in accordance with the official rule book as set down by the All Australian Netball Association Incorporated.
7. Objects:
The objects of the Club shall be:
(1) To encourage, promote, and participate in the game of netball in the Redlands,
(2) To promote competitive sportsmanship, fair play and team spirit between players.
8. Powers:
(1) The Club has the powers of an individual.
(2) The Club may, for example –
(a) Enter into contracts, and
(b) Acquire, hold, deal with and dispose of property, and
(c) Make charges for services and facilities it supplies, and
(d) Do other things necessary or convenient to be done in carrying out its affairs.
(3) The Club may issue secured and unsecured notes, debentures and debenture stock for the association.
9. Classification of Membership:
Applicants may be admitted to membership of the Club within one of the following categories;
(1) Player Member
(2) Non Playing Member
(3) Life Membership
10. Eligibility for Membership:
Eligibility for Membership into the categories of Membership shall be as follows:
Player Member:
(1) Application for player membership shall be on the prescribed form accompanied by the appropriate fee
(2) Be liable for subscriptions, fees and levies as may be fixed in accordance with the bylaws from time to time.
Non Playing Member:
(1) Shall be open to persons who are serving the Club in a capacity (eg: Coach, Umpire, Manager, and administrator).
(2) All applications for non-playing membership should be on the prescribed registration form
(3) Be liable to pay capitation fees to be fixed in accordance with the Bylaws.
(4) Agree to be bound by the constitution and bylaws of the Club.
(5) The period of membership for insurance purposes shall be until January 1st in the following year.
Life Member:
Each year the Executive of the Meteors Netball Club will call for nominations for persons to be considered for Life membership of the Club. The Executive may recommend to the Annual General Meeting that one or more persons nominated, who have rendered outstanding and exceptional services to Meteors Netball Club have Life Membership conferred on them.
(1) Nominations will be called for in July each year
(2) All recommendations for Life Membership must be submitted in writing and provided to the club secretary not less than two (2) months prior to the Annual General meeting.
(3) Nominations must be signed by president and secretary of the club and detailing the years of service to the club.
(4) Nominees must have attained the following:
Served for a minimum of ten (10) years on any of the following
Committee member
(5) The Executive shall, on approving the recommendation propose the nominee for Life Membership at the Annual General Meeting.
(6) Nomination must be accepted by two thirds of the delegates in attendance at the Annual General Meeting and entitled to vote.
(7) Life members shall be entitled to attend Special General Meetings, General Meetings and Annual General Meetings.
(8) Life members will not be required to pay any fees, subscriptions or levies.
(9) Life members shall have the same privileges as other full members of the club.
(10) There is no limit to the number of Life Memberships awarded.
11. Register of Member:
(1) The committee must keep a register of members of the club.
(2) The register must include the following particulars for each member –
(a) The full name of the member
(b) The postal and residential address of the member
(c) the date of admission as a member
(d) details about the termination or reinstatement of membership
(e) any other particulars the executive committee decide.
(3) The register must be open for inspection by members of the club at all reasonable times.
(4) A member must contact the secretary to arrange an inspection of the register
(5) However, the executive committee may on the application of the member of the association withhold information about the members (other than the members full name) from the register available for inspection if the executive committee has reasonable grounds for believing the disclosure of the information would put the
member at risk of harm.
12. Prohibition on use of information on register of members:
(1) A member of the club must not –
(a) Use information obtained from the register of members of the club to contact or send material to another member of the association for the purpose of advertising for political, religious, charitable or commercial purposes, or
(b) Disclose information obtained from the register to someone else knowing that the information is likely to be used to contact or send material to another member of the club for the purpose of advertising for political, religious, charitable or commercial purposes.
13. Registration of players:
Registration of players will be permitted only in accordance with the conditions prescribed by the bylaws.
14. Executive Committee:
(1) The executive committee of the club shall consist of
(a) President
(b) Vice President
(c) Secretary
(d) Treasurer
(e) Registrar
(f) Umpiring Convenor
(g) Coaching Convenor
(2) Duties of the Executive shall be as prescribed in the By-laws
(3) No person shall fill more than one (1) position on the Executive at any one time.
(4) At each annual general meeting of the association the members of the executive committee must retire from office, but are eligible, on nomination, for re-election.
(5) Up to but not exceeding 25% of the executive committee may be “independent”; neither financial members nor office bearers of an affiliated member. Once elected to the executive those persons shall not become either financial members or office bearers of any affiliated member during their term of office.
15. Electing Executive Committee:
A member of the executive committee may only be elected as follows –
(1) Any two (2) members of the club may nominate another member to serve as a member of the executive committee,
(2) Nominations must be in writing and signed by the nominee and the members who nominated him or her and given to the secretary at least 14 days before the annual general meeting at which the election is to be held.
(3) The secretary shall forward the names of nominees with nominators to club executive ten (10) days prior to the Annual General Meeting.
(4) If no valid nomination for any position is received the Chairperson shall call for nominations from the floor of the Annual General Meeting and such nominations shall be proposed and seconded as hereinbefore provided.
(5) If there are more than the required number of candidates nominated for any position, an election by ballot shall be held at the Annual General Meeting and the Chairperson shall appoint two (2) members (none of whom shall be persons standing for positions) to conduct the secret ballot in the way the chairperson decides.
(6) A person may be nominated only if the person is an adult (18 years or older).
(7) Each affiliated member of the association may nominate a delegate to vote at the annual general meeting along with life members
16. Resignation, removal, or vacation of office of executive committee member:
(1) A member of the executive committee may resign from the committee by giving written notice of resignation to the secretary.
(2) The resignation takes effect at the time the notice is received by the secretary or if a later time is stated in the notice – the later time.
(3) A member may be removed from office at a general meeting or a special general meeting of the association if a majority of the members present and eligible to vote at the meeting vote in favour of removing the member.
(4) Before a vote of members is taken about removing the member from office, the member must be given a full and fair opportunity to show just cause why he or she should not be removed from office.
(5) A member has no right of appeal against the member’s removal from office under this rule.
17. Vacancy on executive committee:
(1) If a casual vacancy happens on the executive committee, the vacancy can be filled at a general meeting or a special general meeting.
(2) The executive may act even if it has a casual vacancy except of there are fewer than three (3) executive members and then the executive may act only to increase the number of executive committee members to the number required for a quorum or to convene a general meeting of the association.
18. Functions of executive committee:
(1) Subject to these rules or a resolution of the members of the association carried at a general meeting or a special general meeting, the executive committee has the general control of the administration of the affairs, property and funds of the association.
(2) The executive committee has authority to interpret the meaning of these rules and any matter relating to the association on which the rules are silent, but any interpretation must have regard to the act, including any regulation made under the Act. Note: the Act prevails if the association rules are inconsistent with the Act – see section 1B of the Act.
(3) The executive committee may exercise the powers of the association –
(a) To borrow, raise or secure the payment of the amounts in a way the members of the association decide; and
(b) To secure the amounts mentioned in paragraph (a) or the payment or performance of any debt, liability, contract, guarantee or other engagement incurred or to be entered into by the association in any way, including by the issue of debentures (perpetual or otherwise) charged upon the whole or part of the associations property, both present and future, and
(c) To purchase. Redeem or pay off any securities issued, and
(d) To borrow amounts from members and pay interest on the amounts borrowed; and
(e) To mortgage or charge the whole or part of its property and
(f) To issue debentures and other securities, whether outright or as security for any debt, liability or obligation of the association, and
(g) To provide and pay off any securities issued; and
(h) To invest in a way the members of the association may from time to time decide.
(4) For sub-rule 3(d) the rate of interest must not be more than the current rate being charged for overdrawn accounts on money lent (regardless of the term of the loan) by – the financial institution for the association or if there is more than one (1) financial institution for the association – the financial institution nominated by the executive committee.
19. Meetings of Executive Committee:
(1) Subject to this rule the executive committee may meet and conduct its proceedings as it considers appropriate.
(2) The executive committee must meet at least once each calendar month.
(3) No proxy shall be allowed for any executive meeting or for any committee or subcommittee meeting
(4) The executive committee may hold meetings, or permit a committee member to take part in its meetings by using any technology that reasonably allows the member to hear and take part in discussions that happen
(5) A committee member who participates in a meeting as mentioned in sub rule (4) is taken to be present at the meeting.
(6) A question arising at a committee meeting is to be decided by a majority vote of members of the committee present at the meeting and if votes are equal the question is decided in the negative.
(7) A member of the executive committee must not vote on a question about a contract or proposed contract with the association if the member has an interest in the contract or proposed contract and if the member does vote the members vote must not be counted.
(8) The President is to preside as chairperson at an executive committee meeting.
(9) If there is no President or the President is not present within 10 minutes after the time fixed for an executive committee meeting or is unwilling to act the Vice President will be the chairperson. If the Vice President is not present or is unwilling to act then the members present may choose one (1) of their number to preside as chairperson at the meeting.
20. Quorum for, and adjournment of executive committee meeting:
(1) At an executive committee meeting more than 50% of the members elected to the executive committee as at the close of the last general meeting of the members form a quorum.
(2) If there is no quorum within 30 minutes after the fixed time for the executive committee meeting the meeting will be adjourned till such time as the Executive committee determines appropriate.
(3) If at an adjourned meeting there is no quorum within 30 minutes after the fixed time for the meeting, the meeting lapses.
21. Special meeting of Executive committee
(1) If the Secretary receives a written request signed by at least two members of the executive committee the secretary must call a special meeting of the committee by giving each member of the committee notice of the meeting within 7 days after the secretary receives the request.
(2) A request for a special meeting must state
(a) Why the special meeting is called and
(b) The business to be conducted at the meeting
(3) A notice of a special meeting must state
(a) The day, time, and place of the meeting and
(b) The business to be conducted at the meeting and no other business may be discussed at that meeting
(4) A special meeting of the executive committee must be held within 14 days after the notice of the meeting is given to the members of the executive committee.
(5) If the secretary is unable or unwilling to call the special meeting the president must call the meeting.
22. Appointment of subcommittees and convenors:
(1) The executive committee may appoint a subcommittee or convenor consisting of members of the association considered appropriate by the committee to help with the conduct of the association operations and may confer on them such authority as deemed necessary
(2) A subcommittee may elect a chairperson of its meetings
(3) A subcommittee may meet and adjourn at it considers appropriate.
(4) A question arising at a subcommittee meeting is to be decided by a majority vote of the members present at the meeting and if votes are equal the question is decided in the negative.
23. Acts not affected by defects or disqualifications
(1) An act performed by the executive committee, a subcommittee or a person acting as a member of the executive committee is taken to have been validly performed.
(2) Sub-rule (1) applies even if the act was performed when
(a) There was a defect in the appointment of the member of the executive committee, subcommittee or person acting as a member of the executive committee; or (b) A executive committee member, subcommittee member or person acting as a member of the executive committee was disqualified from being a member.
24. Resolutions of executive committee without meeting
(1) A written resolution signed by each member of the executive committee is as valid and effectual as if it had been passed at a committee meeting that was properly called and held
(2) A resolution may be passed using communication technology (email flying minutes) if required in urgent circumstances.