Activity Monitoring Assessment for [Activity Name]
Activity Manager: Name, Role / Status: Draft / Final
Date: dd mm yyyy
This document records the annual monitoring assessment of the ongoing Activity, [Activity name] by the MFEM Development Programme Manager (or equivalent).Guidance
The assessment should be brief, only a few sentences or bullet points are needed for most sections. It does not repeat information contained in the Activity progress report prepared by the implementing agency, although it should be clear what evidence and analysis is being used.
Note: Please delete the guidance text (i.e. the text in italics) before the final version of the document is published or distributed.
This section of the document is targeted at senior managers and should be concise.
Activity Name: / [???]Activity ID: / [???]
Where is it being implemented / [???]
Sector / [???]
Modality / [???]
Implementing Agency(s) / [???]
Activity Start and End Date / Start Date: [???] Expected End Date: [???]
Assessment period covered by this AMA / From [???] to [???]
Whole-of-life CIG Budget / $ If different/relevant Total budget: $[???]
Total CIG Expenditure to Date / $ If different/relevant Total Expenditure: $[???]
Overall Activity Risk / [Click to select]LowMediumHighExtreme
Cross Cutting Issues / Gender Equality [Click to select]PrincipalSignificantNot TargetedNot Measured
Human Rights [Click to select]PrincipalSignificantNot TargetedNot Measured
Climate Change and Disaster Resilience [Click to select]PrincipalSignificantNot TargetedNot Measured
Actions / The following key actions are planned or underway as a result of issues identified in this assessment: (Include actions relevant to transition/exit).
Complete the following section only if relevant. If not relevant, enter ‘Not applicable’. State whether actions from the previous AMA were completed and comment on the results from those actions.
The results of actions from the previous monitoring assessment were:
Overall Rating for the Activity / [Click to select]5. Excellent4. Very Good3. Good2. Not Adequate1. PoorNo rating
Outcomes achieved during the year / Maximum 2-3 bullet points listing outcomes achieved or commenting on progress towards achievement.
Outputs achieved during the year / Maximum 2-3 bullet points listing NSDP high level indicators and other output results achieved or commenting on progress towards achievement.
Key Conclusions / Maximum 1-2 bullet points on Activity performance and whether the Activity is on track to achieve key short and medium-term outcomes.
Results Framework
Is there a results framework for this Activity? Complete the following sections only if relevant. If not relevant, enter ‘Not applicable’.
Steps that will be taken to develop a results framework (if there is none):
Maximum 1-2 bullet points
· [???]
· or
Steps that will be or are being taken to address the quality of the existing results framework (or monitoring and evaluation framework or log frame) are:
Maximum 1-2 bullet points
· [???]
This Activity Monitoring Assessment is approved by [Name, Deputy Director / Development Counsellor]:Signed:
Date: dd mm yyyy
Assessment of Activity Implementation
NSDP High Level Indicators
High level results indicators are used to aggregate results achieved. The NSDP high level results indicators are defined in the NSDP pages 42 – 47.
Note: One or two indicators in an Activity results measurement table are selected from the NSDP high level indicators, if relevant and appropriate. If not relevant or appropriate, enter ‘Not applicable’.
Non-NSDP results outputs (i.e. outputs which are not covered by the NSDP high level indicator) are not to be included here but should be included in Appendix A and in the Summary.
The table below shows the NSDP high level indicator outputs produced by this Activity over the assessment period.
Headline Results Indicators / Results Achieved (number of units/services produced or provided) /Effectiveness
Give a rating for each aspect of Activity effectiveness (see table below) as per the Activity Quality Rating Scale that is provided in Appendix One of the Activity Quality Policy. You may find it easier to complete the ratings after you have documented your assessments and comments in the rest of the AMA.
These ratings use the Activity Quality Rating Scale:
Item / RatingProgress delivering the Activity’s Outputs / [Click to select]5. Excellent4. Very good3. Good2. Not Adequate1. PoorNo Rating
Progress against short-term Outcomes / [Click to select]5. Excellent4. Very good3. Good2. Not Adequate1. PoorNo Rating
Progress towards achieving medium-term Outcomes / [Click to select]5. Excellent4. Very good3. Good2. Not Adequate1. PoorNo Rating
Maximum 2-3 sentences explaining your ratings for the Activity as outlined in the table above. Include comment on any unintended consequences.
Maximum 2-3 sentences on any changes to the context or development need(s).
Maximum 2-3 sentences on value for money offered by the Activity and how efficiently resources (e.g. funds, expertise, time, etc.) are being converted to results. (Note: Value for Money, and referring to the Value for Money Guideline may help.)
Maximum 2-3 sentences on how any benefits from Activity outcomes are continuing.
Transition/Exit Planning
Is there transition or exit planning for this Activity?
If Yes, how is progress being made towards preparations for transition or exit?
Maximum 1-2 sentences.
If No, how is the long term sustainability of outcomes being addressed?
Maximum 1-2 sentences.
If applicable, record below any approval by a HOM of exit or transition to a new, follow-up Activity. If not relevant or appropriate, delete.
Cross Cutting Issues
Maximum 2-3 sentences on how the Activity is tracking against what was expected with regard to cross-cutting issues, any risks or opportunities relating to the integration of cross-cutting issues and any action underway/planned.
The risk management framework has been updated to show how previously identified risks have been managed during the assessment period and to record newly identified risks. The following amendments have been made to the Activity Risk Register:
· [???]
· [???]
Activity Management
Implementing Agency Management and Reporting
Activity and Budget Reporting
Maximum 1-2 sentences on any significant issues with financial and non-financial reporting.
Governance and Management
Activity Governance and Contract Management if relevant
Drawing on feedback from internal or external stakeholders if appropriate, maximum 2-3 sentences on the implementing agency’s role and performance in Activity governance, comments on the overall effectiveness of governance arrangements and any issues relating to contracts or contract management that have arisen during the assessment period.
Activity Co-ordination
Maximum 2-3 sentences on coordination efforts by the implementing agency and any issues that have arisen during the assessment period.
Information and Consultation
Information Sources
Briefly record the sources of information used in preparing this assessment (e.g. progress report, monitoring visit reports, independent evaluation, etc.).
The sources of information used in this assessment were:
· [???]
· [???]
Consultation Undertaken
In preparing this assessment, the following people have been consulted:
· [???]
· [???]
Significant divergent views were expressed about:
· [???]
· [???]
F4 - Te Tarai Vaka Cook Islands Activity Monitoring Assessment Template / 1Appendix A: Activity Outputs and Outcomes
Note: Instead of filling in the tables below, you may choose to attach the progress report, Appendix B: Progress against Results Framework.
Outputs are the products, capital goods and services which result directly from the inputs and activities of a development intervention. Outputs should be based on the results framework or, in the absence of a results framework on the monitoring and evaluation framework, or work plan.
The table below records the key Activity outputs achieved during this assessment period, including those relating to relevant cross cutting issues.
Intended Outputs / Indicators / Targets / Results Achieved/Progress Made (against indicators towards targets from baseline) / Variance Explanation/Commentary (incl. information sources)Outcomes
Outcomes are the short, medium or long-term effect(s) of an Activity that contribute to other outcomes and/or a development goal. Outcomes should be based on the results framework or, in the absence of one a log frame.
The table below records progress towards the achievement of short, medium and long term outcomes over the assessment period, including those relating to relevant cross-cutting issues.
Note: during the implementation phase of an Activity, most progress towards the achievement of outcomes will be focused on the short and medium-term. Where available include evidence of progress towards the achievement of long-term outcomes.
From agreed Results Measurement Table in the Activity Design Document / Data up to and including this reporting periodResults / Indicators / Baseline for Activity’s indicator / Targets / Results achieved/progress made (against indicators towards targets from baseline) / Variance explanation/commentary (incl. information sources)
Long-term Outcomes
Medium-term Outcomes
Short-term Outcomes
F4 - Te Tarai Vaka Cook Islands Activity Monitoring Assessment Template / 1