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/ Author(s) / DateJeffrey Tice
David Kiehl
Tom Nieland / REVISED
Build Number 3
Particle Physics & Astrophysics
Document Title
TTF3 Coupler Assembly Process
Cold Part Serial Numbers / Warm Part Serial Numbers / CPC Assembly Serial Numbers / Operators / Dates
CP3C95 / CP3H93 / NA / TOM/DAVE / 7/22/2014
CP3C96 / CP3H94 / NA / TOM/DAVE / 7/22/2014
- Change History Log
Revision / Effective Date / Description of Changes
1 / 08-04-2009 / Capacitor / Waveguide Install Sequence
2 / 08-06-2009 / Made Cleaning Process A Separate Document
3 / 08-25-2009 / Added Acronym section
4 / 08-27-2009 / Moved Parts List To A Bill Of Materials
5 / 09-08-2009 / Torque Guidelines For Vacuum Components
6 / 09-15-2009 / Data Sheet
7 / 09-01-2010 / Added 14.5 Run ion pumps a minimum of 24 hours
- Contents
1.Change History Log...... 1
2.Contents...... 1
3. Scope………………………………………………………………………………………………………6
4.Applicable Documents...... 6
6.Receiving TTF3 Couplers……………………………………………………………………..…7
7.TTF3 Coupler Cleaning Process…………………………………………………………………7
8. Coupler Processing Cavity Assembly SA-390-006-58…………………………………………….8
9. Cleaning of Cold Parts & Cold Transitions………………………………………………………9
10. Assembly of Cold Parts to CPC…………………………………………………………………..9
11. Cold Pumping Group Assembly to CPC Assembly……………………………………………..11
12. Cleaning of Warm Part………………………………………………………………………….12
13. Assembly of Warm Parts………………………………………………………………………...12
14. Leak Test of Couplers……………………………………………………………………………15
15. Moving Couplers from Cleanroom to ESB……………………………………………………15
16. End Station B Oven Bake Out………………………………………………………….……….17
17. Assembly of Wave Guide Housing to Coupler Assembly……………………………………..18
18. R.F. Cold Test / Test Results……………………………………………………………………21
19. Install R.F. Blankets, fiber optic sensor and TC's……………………………………………..22
20.. R.F. Test………………………………………………………………………………………...23
21. Post Test Inspection For Arcing……………………………….……………………………….24
22. Disassembly and inspection of the couplers for shipping………………………………………25
/ Author(s) / DateJeffrey Tice
David Kiehl
Tom Nieland / REVISED
Build Number
Particle Physics & Astrophysics
Document Title
TTF3 Coupler Data Sheet
CPC P/N:CPC Upper Weldment S/N:
CPC Lower Weldment S/N:
CPC Assembly Date: / 7-31-2014
WARM PART Assembly Date: / 8-12-2014
Helium Leak Test: / 1.0 x 10-10
Ion Pump Vacuum Reading PRE-BAKE OUT:
Ion Pump Vacuum Reading POST-BAKE OUT:
Ion Pump Vacuum Reading Post R.F. Test
COLD PART Assembly Date: / 7-31-2014
Helium Leak Test: / 2.5 x 10-10
Ion Pump Vacuum Reading PRE-BAKE OUT:
Ion Pump Vacuum Reading POST-BAKE OUT:
Ion Pump Vacuum Reading Post R.F. Test
COLD PART Assembly Date: / 7-31-2014
Helium Leak Test: / 2.5 x 10-10
Ion Pump Vacuum Reading PRE-BAKE OUT:
Ion Pump Vacuum Reading POST-BAKE OUT:
Ion Pump Vacuum Reading Post R.F. Test
WARM PART Assembly Date: / 8-12-2014
Helium Leak Test: / 1.0 x 10-10
Ion Pump Vacuum Reading PRE-BAKE OUT:
Ion Pump Vacuum Reading POST-BAKE OUT:
Ion Pump Vacuum Reading Post R.F. Test
NITROGEN PURGE FOR 18 HOURS AT 40 SCFH: / 8-14-2014 @ 09:00BAKE OUT STARTED @ 100C (212F)
This document describes the assembly of the TTF3 Coupler and its assemblies. It captures all assembly requirements associated with assembly of the TTF3 Coupler.
- Applicable Documents
[1] TESLA-COU-TTF3-ASSEM, “List of Preparation and Assembly Operations for Two TTF3 Couplers on their Test Bench” 16-05-2005
SLAC TTF3 Coupler Cleaning Process
Bill Of Materials
Torque Guidelines For Vacuum Components
- Acronyms
B.O.M. Bill Of Materials
C. Centigrade / Celsius
C.P.C. Coupler Processing Cavity
E.S.B. End Station B (R.F. Test Facility)
F. Fahrenheit
MM. Millimeter
O.D. Outer Diameter
O.F.H.C. Oxygen Free H----- Copper
N.C. Non Conformance
NPT National Pipe Thread
Continued Next Page
P/N. Part Number
P.S. Power Supply
P.S.A. Pressure Sensitive Adhesive
P.T.F.E. Polytetrafluoroethylene, (Pipe Thread Teflon Tape)
R.F. Radio Frequency
R.T.V. Room Temperature Vulcanizing
S/N. Serial Number
- Stainless Steel
T/C Thermo Couple
T.B.D. To Be Determined
U.H.V. Ultra High Vacuum
U.P.W. Ultra Pure Water
- Receiving TTF3 Couplers
Use cleanroom gloves when handling all parts. Parts are received at Bldg. 33. Move crates to a clean area to inventory against the Bill Of Materials. Note any missing parts and any additional parts required for build up. Visually inspect parts for any damage and cleanliness. Put all parts that do not go through the metrology inspection into clean room bins and move to Bldg. 6 cleanroom for cleaning. Any parts that will not be cleaned immediately will be stored in the nitrogen purge cabinets at bldg. 6. The warm parts and cold parts will remain at bldg. 33 clean room for additional metrology inspection. After metrology inspection is complete, place parts in clean room bins and transport to bldg. 6 for cleaning.
7.0TTF3 Coupler Cleaning Process
Refer to TTF3 Coupler Cleaning Process Document.
8.0Coupler Processing Cavity Assembly SA-390-006-58
8.1Assembly of CPC is done by placing bottom flange (PF-390-006-65) on CPC assembly stand with cavity facing up.
8.2Visually inspect knife edges for a clean and sharp interface. Edge should be free of nicks and deformities.
8.3Using class 10 alcohol wipe, clean and visually inspect copper gasket (part # MDC 191022) for any nicks and deformities. Place gasket onto gland of CPC
8.4This part of the assembly requires (30) 3/8-24 x 3” Electro-Polished Stainless Steel, bolts and (30) 3/8-24 Electro-Polished Nitronic 60 nuts
8.5Install cleaned dust covers caps over 3 flanges and install nitrogen purge blank off to Vacuum Port II of item 1 top flange weldment.
8.6Connect nitrogen purge and start flowing, mate top flange weldment item 1 (SA-390-006-59)onto bottom flange (PF-390-006-65) making sure copper gasket does not move during mating process.
8.7With nitrogen purge flowing,assemble finger tight in mounting ear locations per SA-390-006-58, using hardware the two hole dog ears go to CouplerPort II end. See figure 1 for reference.
Figure 1 (CPC assembly SA-390-006-58)
8.8With nitrogen purge flowing, install remaining fasteners into CPC assembly per SA-390-006-58
8.9With nitrogen purge flowing, torque fasteners in a star pattern to 5 ft-lbs.
8.10With nitrogen purge flowing, install CPC into the coupler integration standusing (3) ¼-20 x ½” 12 point Electro-Polished Nitronic 60bolts with washers and (2) ¼-20 x 1” 12 point Electro-Polished Nitronic 60bolts with washers
8.11With nitrogen purge flowing,torque brackethardware to 12 ft/lbs.
8.12With nitrogen purge flowing,Invertcoupler integration stand. Torque all CPC hardware as needed to final torque at this time. 3/8 hardware to 26 ft/lbs.
8.13If you are not installing the cold part of the coupler at this time then cover all open ports on the CPC. Then remove the nitrogen purge and cap the purge port.
9Cleaning of Cold Parts & Cold Transitions
See SLAC TTF3 Cleaning Process
10.0Assembly of Cold Parts to CPC
10.1Blow with filtered ionized nitrogen (P= 4 bars or 60 psi) on each cold parts:
Note: In each position of each part, the count must be below 10 particlesof 0.3 microns per cubic foot (i.e. per minute) If, after 5 minutes ofblowing, there are still greater then 10 particles, the parts goesback tocleaning process.
10.2Place CPC (SA-390-006-58) from class 100 storage area into the class 10 work bench area. Carefully remove dust covers from cold coupler ports (8 holed ports viewed at 12 and 6 clocked).
10.3Place CPC (SA-390-006-58) from class 100 storage area into the class 10 work bench area. Carefully remove dust covers from cold coupler ports I & II Do a particle count at each port.
10.4Install 6mm X 40mm nitronic 60 studs & nuts into Coupler Ports I & II.
10.5 Invert stand to normal configuration
10.6Install aluminum vacuum gasket onto cold part assembly. Make sure gasket it is free of nicks & scratches for a proper vacuum seal.
10.7 Delicately place cold part into position on CouplerPort I flange. Make sure the e pick-up port of the cold part is facing toward the outside edge of the CPC per photo above.
10.8 Install all (8) Nitronic 60 6mm nuts onto cold part and tighten in a torque pattern
Note cold part serial number here:______CP3C95______
10.9Install aluminum gasket onto coupler port II flange. Make sure gasket it is free of nicks & scratches for a proper vacuum seal.
10.11 Delicately place cold part from support stand onto CouplerPort II flange. Make sure the e pick-up port of the cold part is facing towards the outer edge of CPC per photo above.
10.12Install all (8) Nitronic 60 6mm nuts onto cold part and tighten in a torque pattern
Note cold part serial number here:____CP3C96______
10.13Examine the knife edge on the E-PickupPort of each cold part. Verify gasket surface is free of nicks & scratches for a proper vacuum seal.
10.14Examine the knife edge on the E-Pickup to be installed on each cold part. Verify gasket surface is free of nicks & scratches for a proper vacuum seal.
10.15Examine the copper seal for each E – Pickup. Verify gasket surface is free of nicks & scratches for a proper vacuum seal.
10.16While maintaining a nitrogen purge place a clean copper gasket on one of the ports and install E- Pickup on cold part with Hexagonal Bolt w/ Duo-Nut fastener kits. Then repeat the same process for the second E-Pickup port.
10.17Inspect knife edge of VACPort I. Inspect and install VAT gate Valve in the open position. If pump assembly is not going to be installed at this time, then inspect knife edges and install a blank off.
11.0Cold Pumping Group Assembly to CPC Assembly
11.1Connect nitrogen purge to VCR fitting on Vac Port II. (Remove blank off if installed) Do a particle count @ VacPort I.
11.2Inspect the knife edges on VAT Valve and the copper gasket for scratches on the sealing surfaces.
11.2Connect a nitrogen purge to the cold section Ion Pump assembly. remove blank off from assembly, the end that will be mating to the CPC and inspect knife edge for nicks or scratches.
11.3Do a particle count on the pump assembly. If assembly meets particle requirements, then disconnect nitrogen purge from the Ion Pump and install assembly onto vacuum port I while a nitrogen purge is connected and flowing @Vac Port II.
12.0Cleaning of Warm Part
Refer to TTF3 Coupler Cleaning Process Document.
13.0Assembly of Warm Parts
Install purge port on the vacuum CF16 window
flanged. Set purge at 3 psi
CouplerPort I ___CP3H93___ CouplerPort II CP3H94
Install Nitronic 60 antenna screw in to warm part center coax.
13.1Place CF100 copper gasket onto Cold part CF flange.
13.2Do a particle count on the ceramic and copper areas of the cold part and the copper cavity of the warm part.
13.3After acceptable particle count is achieved. One person to hold and position warm partover the cold part, while the other person inserts the antenna screw allen wrench. Verify alignment is correct with respect to CF16 port alignment. (per diagram on page 11) Thread antenna screw into hole of the cold part until flush, then back off half a turn.
13.2 Install all 8 mm bolts to hand tight only. Then tighten antenna screw.
13.3Mountsupport plates to warm part and to the coupler stand.
13.4Verify the cold part bellows protectors are tight, Use torque support tool when tightening the 8 mm to counter act the torque force when tightening hardware. With torque support tool in the proper position, tightenthe 8mm Nitronic 60 bolts (CF100 Flange) on Warm part. See Photo of torque tool below.
13.6Install springs to RF Antenna. Mount the RF springs on tuning rods (bend last spring end 90 from existing configuration on both ends then place one end into the other for fastening). Test of inserting the rods into warm parts to make sure that the springs don’t move.
13.7Install copper gaskets to top of warm part, then install tuning rod. Be sure to turn tuning rod 90 degrees for insertion of tuning pin at coax end. Hole alignment is done by pushing down on tuning rod and moving slowly to align through holes. Torque to just over hand tight using 10mm socket.
13.8Before Proceeding Verify Proper Antenna Rod Engagement
13.9Install e-pickups on warm parts (one blank-offs on the top port opposite of bottom e-pickup) e-pickup on the top and bottom ports of warms parts are inline vertically with each other.
Note: All CF16 ports may not be mated at a metal to metal. (copper gasket may be visible).
13.8Do a particle count on both Ion Pump Assemblies for the warm Parts
13.9With a nitrogen purge flowing Install Ion Pump Assemblies to both warm parts per orientation in sketch below.
13.10 Install Ion Pump Support Rods to the coupler stand
CouplerPort # I Pump Assembly CouplerPort # II Pump Assembly
Coupler Configuration:
14.0Leak Test of Couplers
Set up the leak detecter at building 006 cleanroom class 100 outside wall at feed-through vacuum port.
Note: Be sure that during vacuum hook-up a positive pressure of Nitrogen is on the system at all times to keep particle count low.
14.1Start with Cold vacuum section first.
14.2 Open the value on the detector and pump down until a base pressure of TBD Torr is obtained from the detector to the CPC Cold valve.
14.3Slowly open the CPC Cold valve in the class 10 area. Pump down until a base pressure of TBD Torr on Cold Assembly pumping system is reached.
14.4Start the helium leak detection using the helium gas blower set at a minimum flow rate and start at CPC Con Flat flange to Cold parts. Blow helium around the Con Flat flange in a slow circular motion at each gasket and joint area. If no leak is detected, then apply power to that sections Ion Pump. Close gate valve to isolate the couplers from the leak detector. Vent leak detector disconnect and cap the VCR fitting.
14.5Ion pumps are to run for a minimum of 24 hours before moving couplers to End Station B.
14.6Repeat the same process for each section that will be under vacuum.
15.0 Moving Couplers from Cleanroom to ESB
15.1Prepare oven box and hydraulic lifting platform to receive pumped down coupler pair.
15.2 Do a visual inspection of the lift platform and oven box. Look for damage to the gasket Galled hardware, the wheels on the oven box. Fluid leaks, missing hardware, control mechanisms function smoothly, that the lift platform operates properly etc. no surprises.
15.3 Do an alcohol wipe down on the hydraulic lifting platform and move it into the gowning area.
15.4 Take the lid off of the oven box and do an alcohol wipe down on the rolling base. Position the base on the lift platform in the correct orientation. Then clamp it to the platform.
15.5 Do a complete alcohol wipe down inside and outside of the lid of the oven box.
15.6 Verify that there is no damage to the ion pump bulkheads or panel.
15.7 Review: thermocouple locations are identified and correctly labeled.
15.8 Turn off ion pump power supplies. Disconnect cables at the power supply.
15.9 Route cables for the oven box.
15.10 Remove all non bake able materials from coupler stand and coupler assemblies ( protective covers for ceramic windows etc.)
15.11Move coupler assembly test frame onto the base of the oven box. In the correct test orientation. Bolt the frame to the base.
Vacuum System / CPC Location / Power Supply at ESB / T/C Location & NumberRF In / CouplerPort I / B / #1- CouplerPort I Flange
Cold / CouplerPort I & II / C / #2- CouplerPort I, Warm Part, Upper E- Pickup
RF Out / Coupler Port II / D / #3- Mid Air Between the Ceramic Windows of the Warm Parts
#4- Outside Purge Box Inside Oven
15.12Attach thermocouples to the designated locations
15.13Connect ion pump cables to there designated locations on the bulkhead.
15.14 Install the lid of the oven box and secure all fasteners.
15.15Move the box and platform to the transport vehicle. Raise the platform to match the height, of the bed, of the transport vehicle. Position platform to transfer the box, lock the wheels, remove the clamps that secure the box to the platform, then gently roll the box on to the transport vehicle.
15.16Secure oven box with moving straps, and transport couplers to End Station B.
15.17 At End Station B position lift platform, apply the brakes, and raise platform to receive the oven box.
16.0 End Station B Oven Bake Out
16.1 Roll the oven box onto the lift platform, install hardware in pre-drilled holes to secure the box. (Note the wheel locations on the box in relation to the platform.) Lower the platform and move couplers to the oven location.
16.2 Do an alcohol wipe down on the inside of the oven, inspect ion pump cables, thermocouples, and nitrogen purge lines. Route cables, TC’s, and purge lines so the box can be installed into the oven.
16.3 Raise the lift platform to match the height of the oven. Remove the hardware that is securing the box to the platform. Move the box into the oven. Connect Ion Pumps and Thermocouples per information on page 11.
16.4Connect nitrogen purge lines and start the nitrogen purge
16.5 Turn on the ion pump power supplies.
16.6 Purge couplers until the oxygen is evacuated ( 5 – 24 hrs depending on flow rate)
16.7 Verify the oven monitoring systems are on and functioning properly.
16.8 Turn on the oven and oven blower. Set the initial temperature @ 100C / 212F
16.9 The Test Conductor will determine when to change the oven temp. from 100c to 150C (305F). When the temp stabilizes, bake couplers for 24 hours.
16.10After 24 hours turn the oven off, leave the blower and the purge on and let the couplers cool to ambient temperature.
17.0Assembly of Wave Guide Housing to Coupler Assembly
Using clean room gloves pull all parts for assembly of Waveguide parts from storage lockers. Note all quantities pulled. Visually inspect for any non-UHV cleanliness on all parts (i.e. oil, grease, non-lint free paper, metallic dust). Have any parts re-cleaned ?