Youth Support Service Group Work Programme/Project Evaluation
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Programme Details
About the Programme
Programme DurationProgramme Dates
Staff Lead
Non YSS Support
Locality Team
Facts and statistics relating to Click here to insert programme subject and Young People (evidence need for work/Rationale)
About the Group
No. of referrals to the programme / No. of young people at start of programme / No. of young people completing the programmeWhere did the referrals come from? / Schools ☐ / Locality ☐ / Prioritisation List ☐
Partner Agency ☐ / Community ☐
Age Ranges
Under 11 / 11-12 / 13-19 / 20+
M ☐ / F ☐ / M ☐ / F ☐ / M ☐ / F ☐ / M ☐ / F ☐
Specify Age Group / Specify Age Group / Specify Age Group / Specify Age Group
M ☐ / F ☐ / M ☐ / F ☐ / M ☐ / F ☐ / M ☐ / F ☐
Description of Programme
Overall Aim:Programme Objectives:
Intended Learning Outcomes:
Session 1 / Example: Introduction and ice-breaker, support network, gender stereotypes and expectations, and how these are maintained.Session 2 / Example: Gender and history. Recognising their strengths and personal qualities. Exploring aspirations and self-belief.
Session 3 / Example: Qualities and attributes you value in others. Expressing feelings and how to be assertive.
Session 4 / Example: Devising a theoretical ‘Mr Right’/’Mr Wrong’. Different ways to show affection. Media messages.
Session 5 / Example: Different types of abuse. Supportive and abusive behaviours.
Session 6 / Example: Introduction to ‘Spiralling’ DVD – escalation of abusive behaviour. Giving advice to others.
Session 7 / Example: Sexual pressurising and how to manage it. ‘Spiralling’ DVD continued. Rape in a relationship.
Session 8 / Example: Criminal aspect of Domestic Abuse. Coping strategies. Overcoming barriers. Safety planning. Lifting my spirits.
Programme Outcomes
Include information under the following headings:Did you achieve your rationale?
What did the programme support young people to achieve?
Were there any unintended or unexpected changes (positive or negative) as a result of the programme? If so, what were they?
What did the DTT tell us about young people’s learning and development through the programme?
DTT Sections / Rating / Start Score / Finish Score / No. of Participants with Improved ScoreBeing Part of Group Work
Learning About Myself
Making a Positive Contribution
Skills Development
Comments from Young People
Feedback from referrers, parents, teachers etc.Case Study
Where possible please provide one personal ‘story of change’ to demonstrate how the programme has made a significant difference to the life of a young personIntended Follow up and review processes/Next Steps
Will the work of the programme continue anyway? / Yes / NoHow will young people continue to address the issues?
Opportunities for self-management and self-service to access information, support and guidance in the future
Referrals to positive activities and other services
Recommendations and Future Planning
Learning from the programme
Was the venue suitable? / Yes / NoWere the resources adequate? / Yes / No
Was the planning sufficient? / Yes / No
Was there adequate follow-up support for the young person between sessions? / Yes / No
Considerations for the programme in the future