Data Dictionary (Tables)

Table: Parcels

Tax parcels as identified by the Skagit County Assessor's Office.

Field Name Type Length Description

ParcelID Text 7 Primary key. Skagit County Assessor's Office

parcel ID number. Unique to each parcel or tax


OwnerName Text 75 Text name of the owner. For convenience only --

contact Skagit County Assessors Office for official


OwnerTypeID Long Foreign key to Owner Types table. Identifies the category of ownership

Table: Organization Programs

Conservation programs that are internal to Organizations.

Field Name Type Length Description

OrgProgID Long Abstract primary key.

OrgID Long Foreign key to Organization table. Specifies the

organization this program is part of.

OrgProgName Text 25 The text name of the program.

Table: Organizations

Organizations and agencies involved in Skagit County conservation projects.

Field Name Type Length Description

OrgID Long Abstract primary key.

OrgName Text 50 Text name of the organization.

OrgContactInfo Memo Free-format contact information for the organization.

OrgShortName Text 10 Short text name (usually an abbreviaton) for the


OrgNotes Memo Notes regarding the organization.

Table: Owner Types

Lookup table for categories of ownership.

Field Name Type Length Description

OwnerTypeID Long Abstract primary key.

OwnerTypeName Text 25 Text name of the owner type.

OwnerTypeDescription Text 50 Description of the owner type.

Table: Project - Organization Links

Table linking projects to the organizations working on them.

Field Name Type Length Description

ProjID Long Compound primary key element. Foreign key to the

Projects table.

OrgID Long Compound primary key element. Foreign key to the

Organizations table.

OrgProgID Long Foreign key to the Organization Programs table.

Identifies the program within this organization

responsible for this organizations part in the project.

OrgInternalID Text 20 Foreign key to the lead organization's internal


Table: Project - Parcel Links

Linking table connecting Projects records to Parcels records.

Field Name Type Length Description

ProjID Long Compound primary key element. Foreign key to the

Projects table.

ParcelID Text 7 Compound primary key element. Foreign key to the

Parcels table. Skagit County Assessor's Office

Property ID number.

Table: Project - Resource Target Links

Linking table connecting Projects and Resources Targets records.

Field Name Type Length Description

ProjID Long Compound primary key element. Foreign key to the

Projects table.

ResTargID Long Compound primary key element. Foreign key to the

Resource Targets table.

Table: Projects

Information about all conservation projects, regardless of project type. A project is a

completed contract or physical alteration. Parcels involved in the project should be

physically contiguous and under single ownership.

Field Name Type Length Description

ProjID Long Abstract primary key identifying the project.

ProjLeadOrgID Long Foreign key to Organizations table. Specifies the

organization responsible for project completion.

ProjName Text 50 Agreed name of project. Established by the project

lead organization.

ProjCostToPublic Currency Total project-specific funds provided by public


ProjTotalCost Currency Total value of project-specific costs including

"in-kind" match money but excluding indirect costs.

ProjNotes Memo Notes regarding the project.

Table: Protection Projects

Projects subset table. Contains information regarding land protection projects.

Field Name Type Length Description

ProjID Long Primary key. Foreign key to Projects table.

ProtStartDate Date/Time Date that protection under agreement starts.

ProtEndDate Date/Time Date that protection under agreement ends. (Null if

no end date. ProtTypeID should reflect permanent


ProtTypeID Long Foreign key to Protection Types table.

ProtDonorName Text 50 Name of land owner at ProjStartDate. Contact Skagit County Assessors Office for current owner


Table: Protection Types

Lookup table for classes of protection projects. These are legally binding documents or

policies providing for resource conservation.

Field Name Type Length Description

ProtTypeID Long Abstract primary key.

ProtTypeName Text 30 Text name of resource to be protected.

Table: Resource Targets

Lookup table of resources which may be enhanced by conservation projects.

Field Name Type Length Description

ResTargID Long Abstract primary key.

ResTargName Text 25 Text name of target resource.

File: Datadic_tables.doc

Rev. 4/21/00