Darwin Pistol Club Inc.

PO Box 755

Karama NT 0813



Sunday 15October 2017

1. Meeting Opened:0841hrs by President Greg Gibbs. A quorum was declared.

2. Present, Apologies and Proxies:As per the Attendance Register held by the Secretary.

Apologies received from: Bill Grimster, Brett Campbell, Dean Shaw, Libby Shaw, Ken Chambers, Scott Sekulich, Jenny Sekulich and Simon Newton.

3. Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Annual General Meeting:

Copies of the minutes of the AGM held on Sunday 16October 2016 were distributed for the examination of members and were tabled.

Moved: (Chris Veal/Tye Kirwin) “That the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held 16October 2016 be accepted as a true record of the proceedings.”

The Motion was carried.

4. President’s Report:

The President’s Report was tabled and is attached to the minutes as Annexure A.

The President thanked the other members of the outgoing committee for their efforts during the year.

Moved: (Greg Gibbs/Phil Downey) “That the President’s Report as tabled be accepted.”

The Motion was carried.

5. Treasurer’s Report:

The Treasurer tabled the Auditor’s Report and Financial Statements which are attached to the minutes as Annexure B.

Moved: (Ross Houston/Pat Dolan) “That the Treasurer’s Report, Auditor’s Report and Financial Statements as tabled be accepted.”

The Motion was carried.

6. Election of Returning Officer and Committee Positions

The President vacated the Chair and invited Ross Finocchiaro to act as Returning Officer for the Election of Committee Positions. There being no other nominations, Ross took the Chair and declared all committee positions vacant.

Nominations have been received for the following positions:

President: One nomination was received from Greg Gibbs, who was declared elected.

Vice-President: One nomination was received from Mike Fawcett, who was declared elected.

Secretary: One nomination was received from Nick Barnard, who was declared elected.

Treasurer: One nomination was received from Ross Houston, who was declared elected.

Membership Secretary: One nomination was received from Gail Laughton-Gibbs, who was declared elected.

IPSC Representative: One nomination was received from Reggie Davis, who was declared elected.

ISSF Representative: One nomination was received from Errol Holmes, who was declared elected.

Action Pistol Representative: No nominations have been received. Dennis Millar was nominated from the floor. No other nominations were made and Dennis was declared elected.

Metallic Silhouette Representative: No nominations have been received. Bill Grimster was nominated from the floor. No other nominations were made and Bill was declared elected.

Service Pistol Representative: No nominations have been received. Andrew Hall was nominated from the floor. No other nominations were made and Andrew was declared elected.

ICORE Representative: No nominations have been received and there were no nominations made from the floor. The position now converts to a General Committee position in accordance with the Schedule to the Constitution, Part 3 Section 1 (1A).

General Committee Member: Four nominations have been received from Peter Butler, Andrew Hall, Chris Veal and Brett Campbell. Andrew withdrew his nomination. A ballot was held by a show of hands (including proxies) and Peter and Chris were declared elected.

Club Licensed Dealer: One nomination was received from Mark Walklin, who was declared elected.

Ross declared the election completed and handed the Chair to the President.

7. General Business - Notices of Motion

There were no notices of motion for consideration.

Item 1 - Continuation of ICORE Rep as a Committee Position

Dennis advised the meeting that NT Police did not recognise ICORE as a discipline and members could not have their Attendance Card signed for this match. The match is popular in Victoria and South-East Queensland, but has not taken off as anticipated in the rest of the country. It has not been shot at Darwin Pistol Club for several years. Nick indicated a Special Resolution may be moved at the next AGM to revert the ICORE Rep position back to a General Committee position.

Item 2 - Pest Treatment Around Ranges

Nick asked members to be on the lookout for any meat ant activity on, or near, the ranges. Regular pest treatments over the last few years had dramatically reduced the number of insects around the clubhouse and ranges. If anyone sees ants, spiders or other beasts please let Nick know so they can be treated (i.e. killed).

Item 3 - Smoking on Ranges and Around the Clubhouse

Nick complained about the number of members still smoking on the walkways between ranges and in close proximity of the ranges. The club rules clearly request that smokers move a considerable distance from the ranges if they wish to smoke. The concrete area around the clubhouse, which is the licensed area under the club’s liquor license, is also supposed to be a smoke-free zone. Nick foreshadowed a gradual restriction of smoking policies at the club with the long-term goal of making the club a totally smoke free environment. This policy would be in line with most other sporting clubs in the country. He challenged members that if they didn’t like this policy then they should vote him out of office at the next AGM.

Item 4 - Social Committee Business

Gail spoke briefly about the Xmas Party planned for Saturday 2 December from 11am to 4pm. She requested that some members come forward to assist with organising the event. Planning for the 50th Anniversary of the club’s incorporation have begun. The IPSC NT Titles will be held at DPC from 11-13 May and will hopefully attract some interstate interest. Other major competitions are also planned for the month and a celebration dinner is also being considered. Any members who would like to assist, or have suggestions for events, can speak with Gail, Nick or Reggie. Regular progress reports will be circulated to the membership.

Item 3 - Loss of Equipment

Greg advised the meeting that several items of club equipment including holster rigs had gone ‘missing’ during the year. These items are expensive and are supposed to be available for the use of new members undergoing training. The club cannot afford to continually replace such items and requested that items be returned if they had been inadvertently borrowed. He stated that a new recording system would be implemented to better keep track of the movement of club equipment.

There were no other matters of General Business raised.

9. Meeting Closed:The President declared the meeting closed at 0912hrs.


Greg Gibbs


Darwin Pistol Club



I am pleased to report that 2016/17 was yet another successful year for DPC, a year that saw us improve our facilities, go from strength to strength and consolidate both our membership numbers and financial position. Our members competed actively on the Local, State National and International level. Our results varied but the effort and dedication of our members were consistent. All competitors are to be congratulated but two that are worthy of note here are Josh attending the Bianchi Cup and Winky representing the Australia at the IPSC World titles. Well done to all competitors.

At the end of June we had over 200 members! As usual a number of these members did not renew their membership and we expect to again increase our membership numbers throughout the year. The increase in membership numbers has significantly increased the workload for our membership secretary but Gail continues to do a sterling job, keeping the club's records up to date.

Increased membership also brings with an increase in workload for the committee and other volunteers who work to keep your club functioning. Our club simply does not function if we do not have an active and energetic committee and I am sure that all incoming members to the committee will carry on the good work of previous members.

Ross and the members of his financial subcommittee have produced a very good financial result (Ross will provide details of this in his report) and an unqualified auditor’s report. This gives you, as members, confidence that your funds are being well managed and that all the necessary checks and balances are in place to ensure compliance with good management practices and government requirements are met.

We have been fortunate (the harder committee members work the more fortunate we are) to benefit from a number of government grants during the year which have allowed us to repair existing ranges and construct new ranges. This work is nearly completed and we will be using our new ranges for the first time at the IPSC interclub match next week.

Your committee has applied for a range of new grants to continue to improve your facilities, so far we have been approved for over $9,000 to renew the irrigation system and the new committee will be advising you all about how you might be able to help in this endeavour. Other applications are still pending and you will be advised of their outcome as soon as formal advice comes to hand.

Another stream of income for your club comes from volunteers staffing the members bar at the Darwin Show. Thanks to Gavin for again arranging this and to the few intrepid members that volunteered.

We cannot leave discussion of our income without commenting on the continuing success of the club’s bar. Thanks to your patronage and the hard work Nick puts in stocking and restocking (as well as all the other work he does around the club) we continue to generate significant profit from the bar that goes towards the running of your club.

Through the hard work of your committee and in particular the executive members, the club continues to offer a comprehensive calendar of events at the club, State and National level. We are planning some events to mark our 50th anniversary next year. I trust you will find these challenging and fun to shoot and I urge you to join the group of dedicated members who will be working hard to make sure this important milestone for your club is celebrated appropriately.

Finally, I would like to thank the outgoing committee for their efforts throughout the year and wish the new committee all the best as they take over the reins of your club.

Greg Gibbs
Darwin Pistol Club

October 2017


Darwin Pistol Club Inc. Treasurers Report 2017 AGM

The 2016/2017 year has been a strong year financially and we see the club in a healthy position moving forward. The club finished the financial year with a net income (Profit) of nearly $28,000, which allows us the opportunity not only to service the club guns we currently have, but also purchase new firearms as needed. The committee saw completion of the 2 new ranges and repairs to some burns and butts thanks to grants secured by the committee through NT Firearms Council, however these will be acquitted in the current financial year. We also benefited from grants secured through the NT Firearms Council to the value of around $26,667 for the Butts repairs. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank some companies for their continued support of the DPC:

 Tex Gun Supplies

 Coolalinga Guns and Ammo

 Mully’s earthworks

 Ceramics Coatings NT

 Holco Meats

We have 3 accounts with the CBA and as of Saturday 15th October 2017 consists of a high interest account $146,678.84, an operating account $19,979.26 and a Maintenance account $381.97 Just a reminder we now have the benefit of being able to offer our members direct transfer into the DPC account for ease of payment. The financial audit was conducted in September 2017, the Auditor for this financial period was Bob Woodward & Associates and submitted in accordance with the Incorporations Act, and is available for viewing here today.

Are there any questions for the financial of DPC?

Thank you and happy shooting.

Ross Houston

Darwin Pistol Club Inc.

PO Box 755Karama NT 0813