Westwood Gun Club

P O Box 109

Medfield, MA 02052

End of Trailside Rd., off Rt 109 Medfield, MA

Website - http://www.westwoodgunclub.us

E-Mail -

Westwood Gun Club urges all of its members to take the time to join GOAL and the NRA. For the price of two boxes of ammunition, you can help to support your rights at both the state and federal level. Please sign up today if you are not already a member. You will also help defray the cost of mailing the GOAL Outdoor Message as it is included in your GOAL membership, and the Club will not be charged to mail you a paper. Westwood Gun Club is currently open for membership. If interested, please stop by our Club on any Sunday afternoon, or visit our Website for dues information and to download an application to mail in.

February Meeting

The February meeting was held at the clubhouse on February 4th at 8 PM. Thank you to the members who made the meeting.

1.  Due to a lack of a Quorum, the February meeting was cancelled.

2.  The Club Website is now up and running and all members are encouraged to stop by and take a look. The 2009 Schedule of Events will be put up as soon as available. There is a Member’s only section available for comments, suggestions and any other info you would like to put up on the Message Board. The login info was sent out with the 2009 Key Release form.

3.  Until further notice the lower Chain Link gate will remain open so that the road can be plowed.

4.  We will be making up our 2009 Club Schedule soon, so if you have any event or match you would like to see happen, please let the Secretary know so that we can get it scheduled.

5.  I would like to remind the members that plinking at cans or plastic bottles is only permitted when placed at the base of the berm on the wooden beam. All trash must be disposed of when you are done. No glass may be used for plinking targets. There has been a lot of trash left out by the berm, and if this continues, plinking will no longer be permitted.

6.  A Motion was made by the Governor, discussed, seconded and passed to ban the use of any Incendiary/Tracer ammunition at the Club. This will be added to the new Range Rules and Procedures effective immediately.

7.  We will be putting together some Range Safety Officer Courses toward the Spring to help staff our scheduled events this year. Help will be needed to have RSO’s run the Long Range Shooting Saturdays and to help out with our Matches and any special events that come up.

Club News

All club members are reminded to sign in and out, and wear their ID badges while using the range.

If you should see a club member or guest who may not be familiar with the club and range safety rules, please assist them in a polite manner. We must take this upon ourselves to be sure that all people using our facility do so in a proper manner. Safety is the first priority at Westwood Gun Club. All brass and trash must be disposed of properly, and if you see a full barrel, please empty it into the dumpster. Help keep your Club clean.

Match Results


Lord Roberts Match None

John C. Garand Match None

Club Schedule


The March meeting will take place on Wednesday the 4th at 8 PM. Please stop by a little earlier and get to know other members.

Work Party

None scheduled in March.

Long Range Shooting

Long range shooting takes place on scheduled days only. The range is closed to all other shooting on those days, and can only take place with a Range Safety Officer present. None scheduled for March.

Wobbly Trap Tower

The Trap Tower is open every Sunday at 11 AM. The cost is $3.00 for members per round and $4.00 for non-members and guests. Our trap tower is unique to the area and open to the public. We invite any and all to come by and try it out.


The rules and formats for all matches will be posted in the Clubhouse, Website, or the Range bulletin board. Hope to see you on the line! None scheduled for March.

All Matches are open to any current GOAL or NRA member; please check the Club Website for information.